

Study on Legislative Interpretation of Criminal Law

【作者】 孙钰

【导师】 彭辅顺;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 刑法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 刑法立法解释是我国刑法解释体制一个重要的组成部分,它与刑法司法解释、学理解释一起,起着弥补刑事立法不足、指导刑事司法实践的作用。加强刑法立法解释的理论研究,发现这一制度存在的不足,提出解决对策,对于完善刑法解释体制、指导刑事司法实践具有重要意义。刑法立法解释是指全国人大常委会以特定的形式表现出来的对刑法规定含义的阐明。它在解释的主体、对象和表现形式等方面有其自身的特殊性。刑法立法解释本质上是一种带有立法性的刑法解释。由于大陆法系、英美法系要么如今已没有刑法立法解释,要么一直没有刑法立法解释,由此引发了我国国内学者们对刑法立法解释的存废之争。但是,我国的国家权力结构模式、罪刑法定原则以及刑事司法实践都需要刑法立法解释的存在。刑法立法解释应遵循合法性原则、及时性原则和规范性原则;在刑法立法解释方法的运用上,应注意文义解释、体系解释、历史解释和目的解释的先后运用,特别要注意限制扩张解释、禁止有罪类推解释,以保障人权;在刑法立法解释的时间效力方面,法律要有明确规定。我国的刑法立法解释与刑法立法、刑事司法解释还存在着界限不明的问题;对刑法立法解释的制约机制也有不足之处,因此,应进一步明确刑法立法解释与刑法立法、刑事司法解释的界限,防止三者间权力的混淆;并从严格刑法立法解释程序和建立事前防范和事后补救机制等方面完善刑法立法解释的制约机制,以保证刑法立法解释能够得到健康发展。

【Abstract】 Legislative interpretation of Criminal Law is one of the important components of criminal interpretation system, which with judicial interpretation and theoretical interpretation make up for criminal legislation and play the guiding role in the practice of criminal justice. However, the theoretical research of legislative interpretation of Criminal Law is extremely not match to its important position in the practice. Strengthen the theoretical research study of legislative interpretation, found the problems of this system, and propose solutions to these problems, are important to make the criminal interpretation system perfect and guide the practice.Legislative interpretation of Criminal Law is a type of interpretation that interpret the provisions of Criminal Law by NPC Standing Committee ,which performance specific forms. The Interpreter, object and form of the legislative interpretation of Criminal Law have their specificities. The nature of the legislative interpretation of Criminal Law is a type of interpretation of Criminal Law with legislative features. There are either no legislative interpretation in Civil Law and Common Law now, or there are legislative interpretation never.Scholars have different views about its necessity. The political system of our coutry , the principle of legality and the practice all need legislative interpretation of Criminal Law.Legislative interpretation of Criminal Law have to follow these principles , legitimate principle, timely principle and standardized principle. On the interpretate method , Legislative interpretation of Criminal Law have to pay some attention to interpretate order on meaning interpretation,system interpretation,history and purpose interpretation.In order to protect human rights,we extremely have to pay attention to distinctions between expansive interpretation and analogic interpretation. Provise time efficiency clearly is so important.There are some inadequacies of legislative interpretation of Criminal Law, clearing limits between the legislative interpretation of Criminal Law, judicial interpretation and theoretical interpretation,perfecting the control mechanism from strict procedures,prevention and remedial are important to development the legislative interpretation of Criminal Law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

