

Study on Public Interest Principle of Anti-dumping System

【作者】 彭捷

【导师】 聂资鲁;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 保护国内产业免受倾销损害是反倾销制度的最直接目的。但随着其使用频率的提高以及使用范围的扩大,反倾销制度的合理性也越来越受到质疑,因为其在保护国内相关产业利益的同时却可能损害了进口国下游产业和消费者的利益。而在反倾销制度中引入公共利益原则,能够有效避免反倾销成为片面保护国内相关产业利益的工具,从而最大限度地维护社会整体利益。鉴于此,一些国家或地区已经或正在考虑将公共利益原则引入反倾销立法当中。目前,我国反倾销法中关于公共利益问题仅仅是原则性规定,缺乏实际可操作性。因此,积极分析和研究公共利益原则在反倾销制度中确立的合理性及其内涵,学习和借鉴欧盟、加拿大、美国等WTO主要成员方国内相关立法和实践中的成功经验,这对于进一步发展和完善我国反倾销法律制度具有非常重要的理论意义和实用价值。对于反倾销制度中公共利益原则的论述主要应用了实证分析、比较分析和历史分析的方法。首先从经济学和法学两个角度对反倾销制度中的公共利益原则进行理论分析,进而得出其内涵及外延。紧接着对WTO及其主要成员方欧盟、加拿大及美国反倾销制度中公共利益原则在立法实体上和立法程序上两个方面进行详细介绍,并对欧盟、加拿大以及美国在具体实践当中利用反倾销制度中公共利益原则的经典案例进行比较分析。最后,从立法实体和立法程序两方面提出我国反倾销制度中关于公共利益原则的不足与缺陷。同时,吸取适合我国国情的先进经验,提出完善我国相关立法和诉讼实践的参考性建议。

【Abstract】 To protect domestic industries from being damaged by dumping activities is the most direct objective of anti-dumping system whose legitimacy. Yet being increasingly frequently resorted to on a much broader range of products, is exposed to more and more questioning, the reason is the paradox of harming the interest of downstream industries and consumers while protecting domestic manufacturers. By introducing into the principle of public interest of anti-dumping system, it could be avoided that anti-dumping degrades to be an umbrella covering solely the interests of certain blocs in the domestic manufacturing industries. Based on such consideration, some countries and regions are planning on introducing or have already introduced the public interest principle into the law-making process of anti-dumping system. The stipulation of public interest principle in China’s current anti-dumping system is more like principle statement and lacks actual practicability. Hence, it is both theoretically meaningful and practically useful for the further development and perfection of China’s anti-dumping system that we actively analyse and research the legitimacy and connotations of the public interest principle’s establishment in it and also study major WTO member countries’successful experience in their domestic legislation and jurisdiction.An expounding approach consisting of examples, comparisons and historical analysis is used for the research of the public interest principle in the anti-dumping system. Firstly, the thesis derives denotations and connotations of the public interest principle in anti-dumping system from an analysis from the economic and judicial points of view. Immediately follows a detailed introduction to the public interest principle in the anti-dumping system of WTO and its major members like EU, Canada and USA. The introduction focuses on the aspects of legislative body and procedures and gives a detailed comparison of cases in which EU, Canada and USA etc successfully use public interest principle in their practice of anti-dumping system. Finally, insufficiencies related to the public interest principle in China’s anti-dumping system and measures to perfect China’s legislation and practice of proceedings are suggested for reference in light of China’s actual situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

