

The Effect of English Poetry in College English Culture Teaching

【作者】 徐茜

【导师】 章晋新;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 文化教学一直是大学英语教学中不可忽视的一部分。国内外语言学家对外语教学中的文化教学进行过很多研究,《大学英语课程教学要求》也把提高学生综合文化素养作为大学英语教学的教学目标之一。然而,通过笔者的调查发现,虽然师生对文化教学持肯定的态度,但是我国的大学英语文化教学现状不容乐观。为提高大学生的英语学习的兴趣和积极性,加强学生对目的语文化内涵的理解,笔者进行了如何利用英语诗歌来优化并提高文化教学质量的研究。本研究首先对大学英语教学中文化教学的现状进行了了解和分析。对湖南大学共190名非英语专业的大学生(包括4个专业)进行了问卷调查;并对湖南大学20名大学英语教师进行了听课和访谈。通过分析问卷调查和访谈结果发现,虽然很多教师和学生都认识到文化教学的重要性,但是通过诗歌内容来进行文化教学在大学教学中未受到足够的重视。因此,为改革大学英语文化教学,提高学生学习英语兴趣和英语文化的积极性,笔者在教学中进行了“作品集评价法”的教学实验。在实验中,教师首先要求学生根据教师的安排和学生自己的需要,完成一系列作业。然后,教师对学生的学习态度、方法和成绩进行综合评价。通过对实验数据的分析表明:两组经过试验后存在着明显差异,采用诗歌作品集评价法的实验组的文化成绩和英语期末测试明显优于未采用诗歌教学的控制组。在文化测试中,实验组得出的标准方差明显小于控制组得出的标准方差。即实验组在文化学习上的自觉性和目的性比控制组的相对稳定。因此,在文化教学中采取诗歌“作品集评价法”的教学方法是切实可行的。同时通过分析双变量相关性说明虽然文化能力与语言水平没有显著的相关性,但是文化教学确实能提高学生学习英语的兴趣。虽然本研究存在一些不足之处,但肯定了诗歌在文化教学起到的积极作用,并且对诗歌在文化教学中的运用提出了可行的方法和建议。

【Abstract】 Culture teaching as an important part cannot be ignored in the College English teaching, since many domestic and foreign experts and educators have done some research on this subject, and it is one purpose of teaching aims, which is definitely stipulated in the College English Curriculum Requirements to improve students’culture literacy. While the current situation of culture teaching in CET is not satisfying due to the author’s investigation, though both teachers and students have positive attitude to culture teaching. In order to arouse students’interest in learning English as well as to improve their target cultural awareness, the author focuses on the exploration of an effective English poetry teaching to optimize the quality of culture teaching.This research has made a deep study and analysis on the current situations of culture teaching in CET. 190 non-English majors from Hunan University (including 4 majors) have done the questionnaires; 20 English teachers from Hunan University have been interviewed and their classes have been observed. It can be concluded on the results of questionnaires and interview that many teachers and students have realized the importance of culture teaching, but poetry learning in culture teaching has been ignored in CET. Therefore, portfolio assessment as a means of promoting cultural teaching has adopted in the experiment to improve the students’interest in learning English and culture. During the experiment, the students should finish a series of work according to both teachers’demand and their own need, and teachers could assess by documenting the learners’attitudes, methods and achievements in the learning process.The experimental data shows that, Experimental group and Control group have obvious difference after the experiment. The results from Experimental group who adopted poetry teaching with portfolio assessment are higher than those from Control group who didn’t use the poetry teaching. It could be found in Sociocultural Test that the Standard Deviation of Experimental group is quite lower than that in Control group, which implies that the consciousness and motivation in Experimental group are much stable than that in Control group. Thus,it indicates that poetry teaching which joined the portfolio assessment in culture teaching is effective and applicable in CET, and it also proves by the Analysis of Bivariate Correlation that culture teaching can improve students’interest in learning English though the language proficiency and the cultural ability of the students are not closely correlate. This thesis highlights the positive effect on application of English poetry in culture teaching, and it has made some feasible approaches and constructive suggestions for poetry learning as a bridge to target culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

