

The Research of the Cultural Mood of the Contemporary Antique Commercial Building

【作者】 谢玉红

【导师】 张卫;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 一场争论甲方:仿古的商业建筑是:“假古董”,媚俗!乙方:“存在就有合理性”,中国建筑文化具有悠久的历史,仿古是继承文脉的方式之一!那么,仿古商业建筑该不该存在?它有没有合理性?为什么国内出现了这么多盖着琉璃瓦、挂着大红灯笼的仿古街?争论很多,很久,甚至于现在已经变成了一个老话题,新的课题如数字技术、表皮、生态建筑是现在研究的主流,那么,这个话题现在还有研究意义吗?这许多的问题在脑海里翻腾不止,在对搜集过来的资料不断解读、分析和综合的过程中,笔者找到了能够问答自己的答案:仿古商业建筑伴随20世纪20年代开始的文化回归潮兴起,到21世纪初,仍然在继续。它们出现的背后有着深刻的文化和社会因素,正如欧洲14世纪会出现一次文艺复兴潮,人们的审美和喜好在不断变化,新的事物发展到一定阶段时,传统和经典重又变为时尚。约翰.奈斯比特在《亚洲大趋势》中的这一段话多少也说明了原因“人类越来越强烈地感觉到大家居住在同一个星球上,就越需要各种文化具有各自的特点,品尝别国的美味佳肴,穿穿牛仔裤,享受一些相同的娱乐,这些都是值得向往的。但是,如果那种外在演变开始侵蚀深层的文化价值观,人们就会回过头来强调它们的特色,这是一种文化反弹现象。每个国家的历史、语言和传统都独具特色。有趣的是,我们彼此越相似,就会越强调我们的独特性……当我们按全球生活方式生活时,我们也将坚持自己文化的民族特色。”但是,在地产商和一些人的盲目追寻下,仿古商业建筑正在泛滥,粗制滥造,对城市面貌反而造成了破坏,对期待得到传统文化体验的大众来说,更是一种伤害,因此,笔者希望通过对国内现有典型的仿古商业建筑做一次综合的调研分析,找到出现的问题,同时结合新的经济形式——体验经济的特征,展望未来的发展可能性,以引导将来的设计!

【Abstract】 Controversy: Antique commercial construction is: "fake antique" kitsch!There is rationality of the existence. Chinese architectural culture has long history, antique context inheritance are one of the ways!Then, should antique commercial buildings exist or not? Whether it has rationality? Why are there so many domestic antique street which were covered by glazed tile, hung with red lanterns? Much argument for a long time, and even now it has become an old topic, new issues such as digital technology, epidermal, ecological construction are now the mainstream of research, then is there any significance of the research?A number of issues somersault in my mind, in the collection of information from ongoing interpretation, analysis and synthesis process, I found myself answers:Antique commercial building’s appearance accompanied by the beginning of 20’s cultural regression,then to the early 21st century, it still continues. They have appeared behind the profound cultural and social factors, as the 14th century in Europe there will be a wave of the Renaissance, people’s aesthetic and preferences are constantly changing, new things to a certain stage of development, traditional and classic will be fashion again.John. Naisbitt in the passage---- "general trend in Asia" also explains the reasons for this phenomenon "increasingly strong sense of humanity living in the U.S. with a planet, the greater the need of cultures has its own characteristics, taste delicacies of other countries,wear jeans, enjoy some of the same entertainment, these are worthy of aspiration. If, however, begun to erode the kind of external evolution of deep-seated cultural values, people will come back to emphasize their characteristics, which is a rebound phenomenon of culture. Each country’s history, language and traditions are unique. Interestingly, the more similar to each other we will more emphasis the uniqueness of us ... ... when we live by the world’s way of life, we will adhere to the national characteristics of their own culture. "However, for the real estate developers and some people’s blind pursuit, the antique commercial construction is being in floood, manufactures in a rough way. Damaged the appearance of the city, also is a kind of injury to those people who look forward to experience the traditional culture. therefore, I hope to do a comprehensive analysis of the existing typical antique commercial buildings to find the problems, at the same time looking into the possibility of future development to guide the design of future!

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

