

A Study on New Revolutional Historical Novel

【作者】 史万红

【导师】 王又平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以“新革命历史小说”为研究对象,试图通过比较“新革命历史小说”与“十七年”革命历史小说,来探讨“后革命氛围”对1990年代以来革命历史书写的影响,从而为“新革命历史小说”的出现做出解释。全文分为五个部分,具体框架如下:引言:何谓“新革命历史小说”。1990:年代后期出现了一批对革命历史重新书写的小说,在社会上引起很大的反响,它们就是“新革命历史小说”,是“后革命”氛围中对“十七年”革命历史小说的继承与重构。第二部分:重述革命的推动:缝合革命与市场。“新革命历史小说”的出现,是“后革命”氛围中,国家主流意识形态与市场相互妥协和渗透的结果。国家主流意识形态重申革命历史合法性地位的需要,市场操作各方(作家、出版社、影视媒体)在巨大市场前景下的成功运作,是“新革命历史小说”隆重登场必不可少的因素。第三部分:重解革命动机:淡化阶级意识,强化民族意识。阶级观念贯穿“十七年”革命历史小说始终,阶级压迫是革命者走上革命道路并为之奋斗的革命起点。随着阶级斗争的结束,国家将工作重心转移到经济建设上来,市场经济的高速发展,阶级观念逐渐淡出大众的视野。于是,民族意识成为“新革命历史小说”中革命英雄加入革命的另一种解释。第四部分:重塑革命的主体:平民英雄。由于“新革命历史小说”是在中国市场经济高速发展,并且逐步迈向现代化的过程产生,因而不可避免地受到当代社会价值观的影响。由于现代化的过程伴随着世俗化。因而,与“十七年”革命历史小说中的英雄人物相比,“新革命历史小说”中的英雄具有更多的世俗特征,他们是一群是平民英雄,具体体现为:“性感”的男人、美丽的女人、被“同化”的政委。结语:“想象”与“突围”。所有历史文本的写作必然带有一定的意识形态性,这种历史文本,反过来成为“想象”中国的一种方式。“新革命历史小说”也同样承载这样的历史使命,参与着中国的历史进程。此外,“新革命历史小说”,在看似华丽登场的背后,蕴含着权力的交锋、利益的争夺。所以,我们不得不质疑的是,革命与市场如果打破势均力敌的局面,“新革命历史小说”会不会沦为政治文本或者娱乐消遣的对象?

【Abstract】 The introduction part is a definition of new revolutional historical novel,which appeared in the late 1990s and had a great impact in society.It inherits and reconstructs the revolutional historical novels of the seventeen years in the post-revolutional atmosphere.The second part restates the function of revolution:join revolution and market.The emergence of new revolutional historical novel was brought forth by the compromise and infiltration of the main national ideology and the market.The main national ideology restates the necessity of legitimate place of revolutional history and the market manipulates writers,publishers,movie and television to run successfully in the huge potential market.Both factors are indispensable to the appearance of new revolutional historical novel.The third parts reconstructs the motive of revolution:lighten class consciousness and emphasize national consciousness.Class concepts run through the seventeen-year revolutional historical novel.Classs oppression is the starting point where revolutionalists take the revolutionary road and fight for it.When class conflicts came to an end,the country shifted the focus to economical construction.Class concepts faded away from people’s view.So class consciousness became another explanation to the fact that revolutionalists narrating new revolutional historical novel joined in the revolution.The fourth part reshapes the main force of revolution:commoner hero.The new revolutional historical novel is inevitably influenced by the social value of modern China as it came into being with the development of the market economy and the modernization process.Modernization is accompanied by secularization,so compared with the heroes in the seventeen-year revolutional historical novel,the heroes in the new revolutional historical novel are more characteristic of a secular commoner hero.They are embodied by sexy men,beautiful women and absorbed commissar.The conclusion is that new revolutional historical novels which appear when the main national ideology and the market are seeking common ground while reserving differences in pursuit of their respective interests,are marked by national ideology and consumption.Therefore,behind the seemingly flowery debut is a hidden battle for rights and interests.We have to doubt whether revolutional history should become the product of the battle.If not,where is the so-called historical truthfulness supposed to be found?

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】229

