

The Analysis on Running Mechanism and Performance of Water Users’ Association in Jilin Province

【作者】 杨海燕

【导师】 张越杰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水是人类赖以生存和发展不可替代的物质基础,随着人类社会生产的发展和人口的迅速增长,水资源与人类社会的关系组建超出了单一的民族和国家的范畴,而跃居整个人类生存与发展的全球性问题。如何提高水资源尤其是农业灌溉水的利用效率,是整个人类共同面临的问题。传统上解决水资源短缺问题总是求助于工程和技术的手段,而越来越多的研究表明,工程和技术的手段固然十分重要,但水资源管理不善是导致水资源短缺问题的重要原因之一。用水户参与灌区管理,正在成为各国政府采取的提高水资源管理效率的有效措施。用水户协会(简称WUO)是一种新型的农业灌溉管理模式,它通过组建会员代表大会、监视会及执委会等机构,建立符合市场机制要求的供、用水管理制度,实现用水者自主管理灌区水利设施和有偿用水,保证灌区的良性运行。吉林省作为国家重要粮食生产基地,农业灌溉用水占总用水量的70%左右,据有关部门预计,吉林省需水量2010年增长较快。只有节约用水,才能实现水资源的供需平衡。尽管如此,水资源浪费现象普遍存在,农业用水浪费现象尤其严重。因此,要解决吉林省农业灌溉用水浪费问题,必须在灌区成立用水户协会,发挥用水户协会在灌区水资源管理中的作用,是提高灌区水资源利用效率的组织保障。本文研究的核心内容主要以产权理论、交易费用理论和委托代理理论为基础,采用实证分析和规范分析、定量分析和定性分析、比较分析和统计分析相结合的方法,对吉林省用水户协会的运行机制进行分析;并对前郭灌区红旗渠用水户协会的绩效进行分析。最后针对存在的问题提出一些建议,以期为吉林省用水户协会在实际中的运行管理提供相应的理论支撑和一定的科学参考。主要研究内容如下:第一部分:阐明本文选题的背景及意义,对文献综述进行评述,说明本文的研究内容、研究方法和技术路线,阐述本文研究的理论基础以及相关概念界定。第二部分:从用水户协会的相关理论出发,在广泛收集自然、社会经济资料的基础上,对吉林省用水户协会现状和运行机制进行系统分析。第三部分:在对吉林省前郭灌区用水户协会的绩效分析的基础上,提出吉林省用水户协会存在的问题。第四部分:对策和建议

【Abstract】 Water is the unreplaceable material base which the humanity cannot leave.With the development of society and population,water resource has become the world problem about areas where people live.On the premise of the limits about water resource,how to enhance the water resources particularly the water use efficiency of agricultural irrigation,has become the question which the entire humanity faces together.In tradition solves the water resources short problem always seek help from the project and the technical method,but more and more research indicates that,the project and the technical method is no doubt very important.But one cause of the water resources short question is ill management in substantial clauses.The water used household participate irrigation area management,is becoming the effective action on raising the water resources effectiveness to various countries’ government.The Water Users’ Association(i.e.WUO) is one of the new agricultural irrigation management patterns,It through setting up the member Representative assembly,the surveillance to meet and organizations,executive committee and so on,establish the control system to meet the market mechanism requirement for the water using,to realize the water used independent management irrigation area water conservancy facilities and the paid water used, and guarantee the benign movement in irrigation area.Jilin Province as the base of the important food production in our Country,the agricultural irrigation water occupies about 70%of the total water consumption,according to the department concerned estimated that Jilin Province water demand in 2010 grows quickly,Only the economize on water,can realize the supply and demand balance of the water resources.For all this,the water resources waste phenomenon universal existence,the agricultural water waste phenomenon is especially serious.Therefore,we must solve the water waste problem in Jilin Province agriculture irrigation,must establish water uses’ association in the irrigation area,to display the function of the water uses’ association about water resources management in the irrigation area,is the organization safeguard to raise the water resources use efficiency in irrigation area.The central content of this article studies mainly takes the property right theory,the transaction cost theory and the principal-agent theory as a foundation,and mainly adopts the methods of empirical and normal analysis,quantitative and qualitative analysis,comparison and statistics analysis to induce the problem which exist in the process of the water resource.Carries on the analysis on the operational mechanism of the water users’ association in Jilin Province;And carry on the analysis of the achievements about Red Flag ditch water users’ association in QianGuo irrigation area.Finally put forward some proposals to the questions,in order to provide the corresponding theory strut and the certain science reference of the operational guidance of the water users’ association in reality in Jilin Province.Main research contents as follows:The first part:Expounding the important significance and background of the study; summarizing the related research on this aspect;making clear research contents,methods and technical route;introducing the theoretical foundation as well as correlation concepts.The second part:based on the widespread collection of masteries of nature and social economy,embark from the correlation theories of Water Users’ Association.Analyze the present situation and the operational mechanism about the Water Users’ Association in Jilin Province.The third part:Based on the achievements about the Water Users’ Association in QianGuo irrigation area,proposed the exist question on Water Users’ Association.The fourth part:Countermeasures and suggestions


