

Study on the Fire-resistance Comprehensive Analysis and Control of Chinese Pine Forest in Beijing

【作者】 郭文霞

【导师】 牛树奎;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 森林的抗火性是指整个群落抵抗和耐受林火的能力,尤其指林分抵抗高强度树冠火的能力。林分抗火性的研究对于林火发生、林火种类及火强度大小有一定的预测作用,为森林火灾的预防提供理论依据;同时,还对制定提高森林抗火性能、降低森林火险的调控措施有直接的指导作用。本文以北京地区具有相同生态功能和相似生态因子的油松林为研究对象,通过对油松林内主要树种的抗火性、可燃物与易燃可燃物的负荷量和燃烧潜在能量、及可燃物的垂直分布进行综合分析,得出油松林对不同种类林火的抵抗能力,并提出了提高其抗火性能的调控措施。树种抗火性研究采用的是主成分分析法,而可燃物与易燃可燃物的负荷量和燃烧潜在能量及空间分布研究采用的是对比分析的方法。通过分析得到以下结论:(1)根据主要树种抗火性强弱顺序可知,油松的抗火性能最弱,所以从林分组成上看,油松作为主要成林树种的油松林的抗火性能较弱。(2)通过分析林内可燃物总负荷量及燃烧潜在能量可知油松林的总体抗火性较弱;进一步分析地被层、林下植被层和林冠层的可燃物负荷量及燃烧潜能发现,林分不易发生树冠火,对树冠火的抵抗能力较强,但易发生大面积的地表火和地下火,抵抗地表火和地下火的能力较弱。(3)根据林内可燃物的垂直分布同样得出,该油松林对地下火的抵抗能力较弱,且易发生地表火,一旦发生还会大面积蔓延,所以其抵抗地表火的能力也较弱;但地表火不易转化为树冠火,即使引燃树冠,火也不易蔓延,所以抵抗树冠火的能力较强。(4)根据林分的抗火性综合分析,应该对主要成林树种油松及地被层和灌木层可燃物采取措施,以提高林分的抗火性。对油松采取的措施主要是修枝和基部保护,对地被层和灌木层可燃物采取的措施主要是杂乱物清理和灌木选择性割除。

【Abstract】 The forest fire-resistance is the ability of resisting and tolerating forest fire for the whole forest community,especially the ability of resisting the high intensity crown fire.The study of forest fire-resistance can forecast of forest fire occurrence,kind,and intensity,which can provide theoretical basis to preventing of forest fire and can guide people to establishing of management measures to improve the fire-resistance and to decrease forest fire danger.This paper did research on the Chinese pine forest which has the same ecological function and factors in Beijing area.Through comprehensive analysis of the main tree species’ fire-resistance,fuel and combustible fuel loading and it’s combustion potential energy,and the vertical distribution of fuel, we conducted the fire-resistance of Chinese pine forest to different kinds of forest fire,and put forward some regulative measures to enhance the forest fire-resistance.Applying the principal components analytic method to research tree species fire-resistance,but comparative analysis method to research fuel and combustible fuel loading,combustion potential energy and vertical distribution.By analyzing we conclude that:(1) Based on the order of main tree species fire-resistance,we can see that the fire-resistance of Pinus tabulaeformis is the weakest,so the fire-resistance of Chinese pine forest mainly make up of Pinus tabulaeformis is weak.(2) Through the analysis of forest fuel load and the potential energy of combustion,we can see the fire-resistance of Chinese pine forest is weak;Further analysis of the fuel load and combustion potential energy of ground layer,herbaceous layer,shrub layer and arborous layer,we can see crown fire occurred is not easy,so the forest has strong fire-resistance to crown fire.But a large area of surface and underground fire are likely to occur,so the forest’s fire-resistance to the surface and underground fire is relatively weak.(3) According to the vertical distribution of fuel,we got the same result that the Chinese pine forest has weak fire-resistance to the underground fire;The surface fire occur easily,and it may spread to large area,so the forest’s fire-resistance to the surface fire is weak;But the surface fire is not easyly convert to crown fire,even if the crown is kindled,spreading is not easy,so the forest’s crown fire resistance is strong.(4) According to the comprehensive analysis of forest fire-resistance,we must take some management measures to Pinus tabulaeformis and the fuel of ground layer and shrub layer to improve the forest fire-resistance.The main measures to Pinus tabulaeformis are pruning and protecting of the basal part of trunk;The main measures to the fuel of ground layer and shrub layer are cleaning of random property and selectively cutting of shrubs.

【关键词】 北京油松林抗火性主成分分析
【Key words】 BeijingChinese pine forestfire resistancemethod of PCA

