

Selection of Potted Spray Chrysanthemum and Application of B9 in Out-of-season Cultivation

【作者】 樊靖

【导师】 戴思兰;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 世界主要花卉消费国的盆栽菊花人均年消费额正在逐年增长,我国的消费市场及人群也在呈现日益增加的趋势。我国拥有极其丰富的种质资源,但却始终没有具有自主知识产权用于周年生产的品种以及配套的栽培技术。本文作者在充分调查市场消费状况的基础上,筛选适合产业化周年生产的、优秀的中国传统菊盆栽品种,并摸索出与之配套的产业化生产栽培技术。期望真正做到花随人意,周年开放。通过试验主要取得如下成果:1.通过对盆栽多头菊品种的消费市场前景进行问卷调查,了解到消费者对盆栽多头菊观赏性状的要求以及所关心的问题,并制定了国产盆栽菊花的主要品质标准。10元以下花色素雅的白色多头盆菊最受欢迎,而人们多用其于装饰。2.对初选的盆栽多头菊品种进行了栽培实验,最终确定了四个品种,分别是‘汴梁紫玉’,‘小粉菊’,‘麦浪’和‘桃花尖’。通过对盆菊栽培中矮化问题的研究,找到了利用B9控制不同品种生长的相对适合浓度。结合反季节栽培,实现了这些品种在‘五一’期间,‘八一’期间和‘十一’期间开花的目标。3.针对生长调节剂对盆栽多头菊观赏品质的影响进行了研究,得出以下结论:2g/L和4g/B9处理的盆栽多头菊植株株型低矮、紧凑,叶片浓绿、肥厚,花大、饱满,花期提前,在一定程度上提高了植株的观赏品质。4.通过对上述四个品种插穗的冷藏试验,发现:插穗冷藏可对各品种在株高,节间长,叶绿素含量以及开花时间及开花品质等方面效果较好。对插穗冷藏14天是各品种适合的平均冷藏天数,但是对于各个品种又略有差异。5.综合上述研究结果,作者提出了‘五一’期间、‘八一’期间和‘十一’期间的反季节栽培分别在10月中旬,1月初和4月初进行扦插,并在2月中下旬、4月中下旬和7月中下旬进行短日照处理的反季节栽培技术措施。

【Abstract】 The internationally annual consumption of pot pray chrysanthemums increase gradually that is the same as the increase of market and people in China.We have rich plant resources without the patent and technologies by our own.This research expects to find a set of technologies which is suitable to year-round production in the cultivation environment of our country.The main results are summarized as follows:1.Through a questionnaire investigation about the consumption prospect of pot pray Chrysanthemum,the author understood the requirement of characters and were aware of questions of consumers about pot pray chrysanthemum.We have made the primary quality standard of Chinese potted chrysanthemum.2.This research deals with year-round production of four varieties selected before: ’Bianliangziyu’、’Xiaofenju’、’Mailang’and’Taohuajian’.We have already worked out a suit of suitable concentration of B9 on those varieties and the cultivation management methods,and have achieved the goal that those varieties can bloom in three periods in Beijing.3.This research concerns on the effect of B9 on the potted chrysanthemums,and the result is: 2g/L and 4g/L of B9 are the better concentrations on the pot pray chrysanthemums which can improve the watching qualities in some extents.4.Through the cool storage experiment,the result is:Cool storage can improve the watching qualities in some extents.14 days cool-storage is the better time for those varieties,but different varieties have little difference in the time of cool storage.5.Through the research,the author proposes the technigues of out-season cultivation.


