

Studies on Green Control Technique of Main Pests for Chinese Chestnut in Yanshan Area

【作者】 雷恒久

【导师】 苏淑钗;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 虫害的绿色防治是提高板栗果品质量的关键途径,本研究通过田间调查和试验,研究了燕山地区板栗主要虫害(板栗红蜘蛛和桃蛀螟)的发生规律,当地主栽板栗品种对虫害的抗性,虫害的绿色防治技术,生产措施对虫害危害程度的影响,为板栗主要虫害绿色防治奠定了基础,并得出以下结论:每年的4月27日~5月1日(展叶期)前后,当地的板栗红蜘蛛越冬卵开始孵化,5月7~12日(新稍迅速生长期)进入孵化盛期,阳坡孵化最早,阴坡最晚。5月5日(展叶期)后虫口密度逐渐升高,7月15日(胚发育期)达到高峰,8月15~25日(果实膨大期)消亡。阳坡发生量最大,平地较小。对板栗红蜘蛛有较强抗性的品种有遵达栗和紫珀。叶片角质层和上表皮厚度,叶背绒毛密度和长度,叶片总酚、总黄酮含量和SOD、POD、PPO、PAL活性与抗螨性有密切关系。使用1.8%阿维菌素EC4000~5000倍液和10%阿维菌素·哒螨灵EC2000~2500倍液防治板栗红蜘蛛具有较高的防治效果和效费比。板栗红蜘蛛的3个防治关键期分别为5月25日、6月15日、7月1日前后。栗园自然生草和合理的种植密度能够减轻板栗红蜘蛛的危害,较合适的株行距为:3m×3m,3m×4m,3m×5m,4m×4m。每年的5月10~15日(展叶期)当地出现桃蛀螟成虫,越冬代于5月下旬至6月中下旬(雄花序吐露-雌花盛花期)集中出现,高峰期出现在6月10~15日(雄花始花期和盛花期)前后;第1代集中于6月下旬~7月下旬(雌花盛花期-胚发育期)出现,高峰期出现于7月10~18日(胚发育期)前后;第2代于8月上旬至下旬(栗苞和果实膨大期)出现,高峰期出现在8月5~15日(栗苞第一个膨大期)前后;第3代集中于9月上旬至下旬(果实膨大期和坚果成熟期)出现,高峰期出现在9月6~17日(果实膨大期和坚果成熟期)前后。平地栗园高峰期早于山地栗园。对桃蛀螟有较强抗性的品种有遵达栗和塔丰。栗苞体积和簇生率,栗苞和果皮内总酚和总黄酮含量与抗桃蛀螟的关系密切。桃蛀螟的最佳绿色防治方法为使用杀虫灯和性引诱剂进行防治。拾栗子采收果实和清除栗园栗苞能减轻桃蛀螟的危害。栗苞堆积高度在70cm以下,堆积4~6天以内能控制桃蛀螟虫果率的扩大。

【Abstract】 The pest’s green control is the key way to improve fruit quality,based on field investigation and experiment,studies are carried out on the occurrence pattern of Oligonychus ununguis(Jacobi)(mite for short) and Dichocrocis punctiferalis Guenee(borer for short) which are the main pests in Yanshan Area,and the resistance of main chestnut cultivars to pests,the green control method to pests,the effect of production measure on the harm of pests,it established the foundation for the green control on main pests of chestnut.The main results are as follows:In April 27 to May 1(leaf-expansion period),the overwintering eggs starts to hatch,it enters the peak period in May 7~12(shoot growth period),it start the most earliest in the sunny slope,the latest in the shade slope.From May 5(leaf-expansion period) the population density of mite raises gradually, around July 15(embryonic development period)it comes to the peak,around August 15-25(fruit expanding period) it vanishes in the field.The occurrence quantity of sunny slope is the highest,the foothill belt is the lowest.The cultivars of Zundali and Zipo have high resistance to mite.The leaves’up-epidermis thickness,hair length and density of down-epidermis have significant correlation with mite-resistance;the phenols and flavonoids content,the activity of SOD,POD,PPO,PAL have close relationship with the mite-resistance.The 1.8%Avermectin EC4000~5000 times liquid or 10% Avermectin-Pyridaben EC2000~2500 times liquid have high control effect and high efficiency-cost ratio to mite.The 1st,2nd,3rd key control periods to mite are May 25,June 15,July 1 respectively. Growing grass in chestnut orchard can decrease the harm of mite.The planting space such as 3m×3m, 3m×4m,3m×5m,4m×4m can decrease the harm of mite.In May 10~15(leaf-expansion period),the adult borer appears in Zunhua,the overwintering generation appears mainly in the 3rd ten days of May to 2nd and 3rd ten days of June(male inflores- cene period to male flower full bloom period),the peak appears in June 10~15(initial and full bloom period of male flower);the first generation mainly appears in 3rd ten days of June to 3rd ten days of July(full bloom period of female flower to embryonic development period),the peak appears in July 10~15(embryonic development period);the second generation mainly appears in 1st ten days to 3rd ten days of August(expanding period of shell and fruit),the peak appears in August 5~15(first expanding period of shell);the third generation mainly appears in 1st ten days to 3rd ten days of September (expanding period of fruit and nut mature period),the peak appears in September 6~17(expanding period of fruit and nut mature period).The occurrence quantity of mountain area is higher than flatland.The cultivars of Zundali and Tafeng have high resistance to borer.The rate of clustered shell,shell volume have significant correlation with borer-resistance,the phenols,flavonoids content of shell and peel have close relationship with borer-resistance.Using the pest-killing lamp and sex pheromone to lure and kill adult borer are the best control method to borer.Picking up the fruit for harvest and clear up shells in orchard can decrease harm of borer.The height of shell accumulation lower than 70cm,the period of shell accumulation in 4~6d,the rate of bored fruit can be decreased.

【关键词】 板栗虫害发生规律抗性防治技术
【Key words】 Chinese ChestnutPestsOccurrence patternResistanceControl technique

