

The Analyse and Research of Airfoil Geometrical Parameter in the Multiphase-pump Impeller

【作者】 邵莲

【导师】 马希金;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 流体机械及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着海洋、边远油田的开发利用,工作方式有效且经济效益好的气液两相混输泵成为研究的热点。由于多相泵输送的是气液两相混合介质,而且其中气或液的含量往往高于常规泵或压缩机的工作范围,所以多相泵应兼备压缩机和泵的性能。由于缺乏对气液两相尤其是高含气率介质流动机理的了解及精确的理论分析指导,使多相泵的设计成为一个难点。目前国内外对于多相泵尚没有成熟的设计方法,还不能象清水泵那样,按给定的流量、扬程、转速等参数进行可靠的设计。在多相泵的设计中,人们关心的主要问题是:泵型选择、总体设计方案的确定、效率分析,本文将对油气混输泵的单压缩级性能进行探讨。本文研究的内容为油气混输泵通流部分关键部件的输送性能,利用Pro/E软件对油气混输泵单压缩级建立一个三维的数值模拟计算模型,对内部流场进行数值模拟,并详细分析内部流场的压力、速度、气液两相分布状态,对影响油气混输泵效率的因素进行详细讨论,提出改进结构设计的建议和方法。对数值模拟分析过程中发现的问题,本文对油气混输泵叶轮的动叶轮的结构设计进行了优化,分析了影响叶轮输送性能的主要因素。使用Pro/E软件对动叶片进行三维造型,划分网格后,在Fluent软件中进行流场模拟。并从翼型型式的选择、翼型包角变化、翼型最大厚度相对弦长位置变化等方面入手,改善动叶的性能,从而提高动叶轮效率。结果表明,对动叶轮性能的改进效果明显,使单级效率提高9个百分点。本文的研究工作在一定程度上为油气混输泵通流部分的内部流场分析和叶片设计提供了有益的意见,所尝试的叶片改进设计方法可以为油气混输泵叶片设计研发缩短研制周期,提高效率,节约成本。

【Abstract】 With the development of the oceans and utilization of remote oil field, the effective work and cost-effective way of a good gas-liquid multiphase-pump has become a hot research. As the multi-phase delivery pump is gas-liquid mixture, and gas level is often higher than conventional pump, so it has both multi-phase pump and compressor performance. In the absence of multiphase flow especially for high gas rate mechanism of understanding and guidance accuracy theoretical analysis, the design of multi-phase pump become into a difficult point. In the multi-phase pump in the design, it is concerned about the main question is: pump-choice program to determine the overall design, efficiency analysis, this article will pump oil and gas on the single-level compression performance to explore.In the paper, the content of the oil and gas to pump some of the flow of key components of the transmission performance, the use of Pro / E software for the oil and gas pump flow section of the establishment of a three-dimensional numerical simulation platform. To the internal flow field of numerical simulation and detailed analysis of the internal flow of pressure, speed, gas-phase distribution, the impact of oil and gas pump efficiency of the factors discussed in detail and put forward recommendations designed to improve the structure and methods.After years of research group, oil and gas pump volute, Francis, the overall structure of the parameters have been set, however, some of the efficiency of the impeller is still not high, leaves a larger impact on the head, a serious loss of efficiency, the need for further analysis, and to propose concrete ways to improve.On the numerical simulation analysis found that oil and gas of impeller pump action cascade of optimized structure design, analysis of the impact of the cascade of transmission performance of the main factors. The use of Pro / E software on the move leaves for three-dimensional shape, divided into grids, in the Fluent software for flow simulation.From the type of airfoil and the choice of thickness of the airfoil, the maximum thickness of the airfoil relative location of the chord changes, and other aspects, to improve the performance of the rotor, so as to enhance the efficiency of the impeller action. The results show that the rotor of the improved results, the efficiency improve 9 percentage .This paper studies to a certain extent, to pump oil and gas flow section of the internal flow field analysis and design of the leaves provides a useful, the attempt to improve the design of the leaves for oil and gas pump blades designed to shorten the development cycle research and development, improve efficiency and cost savings.

【关键词】 油气混输泵数值模拟参数配合翼型
【Key words】 multi-pumpnumerical simulationoptimizeairfoil

