


【作者】 余勤安

【导师】 张岩泉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以湖北作家刘醒龙的小说为具体的研究对象,试图从多个角度考察刘醒龙小说的叙事特征与叙事艺术。第一章从叙事主题方面考察。刘醒龙笔下的苦难叙事既有对苦难的客观书写,又有对苦难根源的反思,还有对苦难的拯救。他笔下的权力叙事,在官本位的传统文化背景下,主要体现为政治权力、家族权力、文化权力和革命权力等。他写出了权力对人性的异化。革命叙事建构了“小历史”,淡化了意识形态,消解了革命的神圣性,质疑了革命的意义。爱情叙事既写到了对古典爱情的追求,也写到在欲望面前对现代爱情的迷惘,并以此表现“传统人性”向“现代人性”的嬗变。第二章从叙事模式方面考察。“离乡—归乡”模式揭示了当代农民的两难困境,也表现了现代人对精神家园的向往。“沉沦与救赎”模式中,沉沦者要么自救,要么等待女性救赎,要么等待神性救赎。“二元对立”模式支撑着故事的结构,存在着城乡的对立、善恶的对立、美丑的对立和刚柔的对立等等。“类才子佳人”模式是对传统“才子佳人”模式的一种延续或改写。女性往往被理想化,“才子”往往得到多位“佳人”的爱情。第三章从叙事策略方面考察。刘醒龙运用多变的叙事视角来减少或增加信息,既有非聚焦型,内聚焦型又有视角的变异。在时序关系的安排上采取“逆时序”,大量运用到“闪回”、“闪前”和“交错”的叙事技巧,使小说呈现史今同构的场景。叙事频率方面,作家大量运用重复叙事,既推动故事情节的发展,又加强了形式的审美和主题的深邃。作家还借人物的对话和心理活动,大量运用非叙事话语,发表隐蔽的评论。

【Abstract】 This paper sets Liu Xinglong as the specific object, who is from Hubei province, aiming to study on narrative characteristics and narrative art of his novels from several aspects. The first part aims at themes. It was from Liu Xinglong’s writing skills that hardship were described subjectively and objectively, origin of hardship were reflected on, and hardship were rescued. Power-narrating of his writing under the background of official-oriented traditional culture were mainly reflected on political power, cultural power and power narration. He described the dissimilation caused by power. Revolutionary narration structured a "small history", desalted ideology, removed sanctity of revolution, and questioned the essence of revolution. Love narration was not only mentioned about chase of classical love, but confusion of modern love after lust was studied, with both of which transmutations of human essence from old times to modern were embodied. The second part aims at narrative model. Away from home-retuning home model showed the dilemma of modern peasants as well the expectation to a certain spiritual home of modern people. In degeneration-redemption model, the degenerating either saved themselves, or were saved by women or God. Dualistic-expositing model structured the story, which contained opposition of town to village, alms deeds to vicious deeds, beauty to ugliness , firmness to softness and so on. Of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies model was a continue or revision of the tradition edition, of which women were idealized and gifted scholars always welcomed several beautiful ladies. The third part aims at strategy. Liu Xinglong applied fickle narrative angle for a add or decrease of information, including fickleness of non-focus, inner-focus and transmitting of angle. Reversed time order were adopted on time arrangement, including "Flashback","pre-flash" and "staggering" of the narrative skills, which were introduced to make sure a scene similar with the historical one. On narrative frequency, narrative repetition were extensively applied to push forward the storyline as well as strengthen aesthetic forms and depth of theme. Besides, author passed on secluded opinion by means of conversation, psychological activity, and plenty of non-narrative dialogue.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】189

