

The Study of China National Amateur Athletic Federation (1924-1949)

【作者】 柯火炎

【导师】 付海晏;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 1840年鸦片战争后,西方近代体育开始传入我国。到20世纪20年代,它已在我国近代体育中占据了主要地位。20世纪初,随着国内外体育运动会竞技水平的提高,特别是在五四运动的推动下,我国体育界掀起了一场争夺体育自主权的斗争。在此情况下,中华全国体育协进会于1924年8月4日在南京正式宣告成立,标志着外国人控制中国体育的终结和中国人自理体育的开始。中华全国体育协进会是民国时期的全国性体育运动领导组织,对外代表“中国奥林匹克委员会”,同时也是政府联系、沟通、管理和促进我国近代体育发展的桥梁。可以看出,中华全国体育协进会自成立时起,就有意识与国际体育接轨,使其目标、结构、管理等与国际体育组织相吻合。因此,本论文尝试从组织社会学这一研究视角出发,充分利用已有的研究成果,对中华全国体育协进会的组织目标、组织性质、组织结构、组织管理及其与南京国民政府的关系进行分析。中华全国体育协进会的领导者和职员为了推动我国近代体育事业发展和促进我国体育与国际体育接轨,做了大量艰苦的工作,先后协助国民政府举办了四届全国运动会,主办了七届全国分区足球赛,筹备参加了四届远东运动会和三届奥林匹克运动会。当然,其中有成功的经验,也不乏失败的教训。无论如何,他们为之付出的努力是不该被否认的。

【Abstract】 Western modern sports began to be introduced into China after the Opium War in 1840.And it has occupied the dominant position of modern sports in China to the 1920s.At the beginning of the 20th century,with the improvement of competition level of Games at home and abroad,especially as a result of the stimulation of the May 4th Movement,the circle of sports in China launched a struggle of fighting for sports independence rights.Under such a circumstance,China National Amateur Athletic Federation officially claimed its foundation in Nanjing on August 4th,1924,which marks the end of control of sporting in China by the foreigners and the start of self-management of sporting by Chinese people.Externally representing Chinese Olympic Committee,China National Amateur Athletic Federation is the leading organization of nationwide sporting activities during the period of the Republic of China(1912-1949),and the bridge for the contact and communication with the government,its management,and promoting development of Chinese modern sports.It can be discovered that China National Amateur Athletic Federation has made conscious efforts to connect with the international sports since its foundation.So that its objectives,structure,and management can agree with the international sports organizations.Therefore,this paper attempts to analyze the organization goal,organization nature,organization structure,organization management of China National Amateur Athletic Federation and its relationship with the Kuomintang and National Government at that time from the research perspective of organizational sociology by fully exploiting existing research results.The leaders and staffs of China National Amateur Athletic Federation did plentiful strenuous work to promote the development of Chinese modern sports career and the connection of Chinese sports with international sports.They assisted the National Government hold four National Games,hosted seven National Subdivision Football Games,and prepared for and participated in four Far East Games and three Olympic Games.Of course,there are not only successful experiences,but also lessons for failures. In any case,the efforts which they made for those competitions should not be denied.

  • 【分类号】G812.9
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】258

