

Under New Curriculum Background at the Beginning of High School Chemistry Concept Teaching Engagement Research

【作者】 孙建明

【导师】 王后雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中学化学新课程改革中,化学知识采取“三段式”设计,在中学化学的各个阶段,都有化学概念内容的存在,我们需要重新加以认识;在化学新课程标准中,许多化学概念的定义也发生了较大变化,对一些化学概念的要求比以往有所提高,对一些化学概念的要求比以往略有降低,并且增加了许多新化学概念。化学概念从来都是化学学习的重要基础知识,内容较为抽象,是化学学习的重点、难点:化学概念对其他化学知识的学习具有重要的统帅作用,其地位相当重要。调查发现实施新课程的高一学生中,有相当一部分学生进入高中后,化学成绩出现很大的下降,学生认为“高中化学概念多,学习难度大,习题难。”因而对化学学习失去了信心。而高中化学老师也觉得新生难教“有些化学概念己经反复讲了好几遍,还有学生说不懂,感到很模糊。”当然造成这种现象的原因肯定是多方面的,但我们认为其主要的根源还是在于初高中化学教学,特别是化学概念的教学的衔接处理不当初。所以,有必要对化学概念的教学衔接问题进行全面的分析和探究。现代教学理论强调学习个体在教学活动中的主观性、能动性,强调教学的开放性、差异性和发展性。化学概念的课堂衔接教学应体现新课改的基本理念,更多地关注学生在教学活动中的主体地位和作用,提高教学的有效性。以建构主义、“先行组织者”策略作为化学概念教学的理论基础,重视初高中化学概念的教学衔接:控制化学概念教学内容的深度、广度,处理好化学概念教学中必修模块与选修模块的关系;注意克服化学概念抽象、难懂给学习带来的困难。运用多种先进的教学方法,提高化学概念课堂教学的效率,学生在学习的化学概念同时,逐渐养成从事物内在本质来着手探测外在表象的思维习惯。逐步培养学生从事物的联系中总结规律,从规律中预测新知的能力与习惯。为学生以后的科学研究打下坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 New secondary school chemistry curriculum reform, the chemical knowledge to take "three-step" design, in various stages of secondary school chemistry, the concept of the contents of both the existence of chemical, we need to be aware of; new curriculum standards in the chemical, many chemical definition of the concept of major changes have taken place, for some chemicals than the requirements of the concept has increased, the concept of a number of chemical requirements slightly lower than in the past and increase the number of new chemical concepts. Chemical concept of learning has always been an important foundation of chemical knowledge, which is more abstract and chemical study of the major and difficult; chemical concept of other chemical knowledge has an important role of commander in chief, and its important status. Survey found that the implementation of the new high school courses, there are a considerable number of students entering high school, the chemical results are a lot of drop, the students that "the concept of high school chemistry more difficult to learn, difficult exercise." And thus lost confidence in the chemical study . And high school chemistry teacher is also difficult to teach new students feel that "the concept of some chemicals has been repeatedly talked about quite a few times, there are students that do not know, is very vague." Of course, the cause is multi-faceted, but we think its lies the root of the main middle and high school chemistry teaching, especially the concept of teaching chemistry to deal with the convergence of the original. Therefore, it is necessary for teaching the concept of convergence of the chemical to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the problem and exploring.Modern teaching theory stresses individual learning activities in teaching subjective, dynamic, emphasizing the openness of the teaching, and developmental differences. Chemical concept of convergence of the classroom teaching the new curriculum should reflect the basic philosophy, students pay more attention to teaching activities in the main body of the status and role in enhancing the effectiveness of teaching. To constructivism, "to the organizers of strategy as the chemical basis of the concept of teaching the theory, the concept of great importance to the beginning of high school chemistry teaching convergence; control the chemical content of the concept of teaching the depth, breadth, handle the teaching of the chemical concept of compulsory modules and elective modules of the relationship between ; attention to overcome the chemical concept of abstract, difficult to understand the difficulties caused to the study.The use of a wide range of advanced teaching methods, increase the chemical efficiency of the concept of classroom teaching, students learning the concept of the chemical at the same time, gradually develop from the intrinsic nature of things begin to detect the external appearance of the habit of thinking. Students step by step from the summing up of things in the law of contact, from the law’s ability to forecast new knowledge and habits. After students lay a solid foundation for scientific research.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1137

