

Research on Mechanism Innovation of Wuhan Megalopolis for the Integration of Environmental Protection

【作者】 杨晓丽

【导师】 刘嗣明;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以武汉城市圈为研究对象,在系统地总结了现有城市圈、区域一体化及生态环境理论的基础上,分析了生态环境保护一体化现状,并对当前存在的主要生态环境问题进行深入的研究和剖析,从而得出导致武汉城市圈生态环境问题的深层制度原因,进而以推进武汉城市圈生态环境保护一体化为宗旨,致力于武汉城市圈生态环境保护一体化机制创新,以求更好地解决武汉城市圈生态环境问题,实现武汉城市圈生态环境的健康发展。文中综合运用了多种研究方法和研究手段。全文具体分为六部分:第一部分——绪论。本部分对文章的研究背景和研究对象进行分析和论述,揭示研究的理论意义和实际意义,并在分析国内外研究进展的基础上,提出本文的研究思路和研究方法。第二部分——理论基础。对城市圈、区域一体化、生态环境及机制的概念进行解析和界定,并对相关的城市圈理论、区域一体化理论及生态环境理论进行简述。从而为武汉城市圈生态环境保护一体化的实现寻求理论支持。第三部分——现状分析。本部分对武汉城市圈的地域特点及生态环境现状进行分析,提出生态环境保护一体化的必要,并对武汉城市圈生态环境保护一体化的进展及现状进行研究。第四部分——问题及成因。针对武汉城市圈生态环境保护一体化中出现的水土流失、空气污染、水污染及湿地萎缩等问题,进行制度原因的解析,提出本文观点,即环境保护的行政分割、生态补偿机制不健全和监督考核机制的不合理是造成这些生态环境问题的制度原因。第五部分——对策研究。本部分以寻求具有可操作性的机制创新为目标,提出从环保联席会议制度、环境监测协调机制及环保联合执法机制三方面来建立环境合作协调机制,以解决环境保护机制的行政分割;从政府补偿机制和市场补偿机制两方面来完善生态补偿机制;从干部政绩考核机制和公众参与机制两方面来健全环境监督考核机制。第六部分——总结。本文观点的总结,文中的创新及不足之处,以及对未来研究的展望。

【Abstract】 This article takes Wuhan megalopolis as research object. On the basis of the theories in megalopolis, regional integration and environmental protection, this article analyzes the integration situation of environmental protection in Wuhan megalopolis, and makes a deep study on the problems rising in the process of the integration. Then this article makes a conclusion that the deficiency in the mechanisms is the reason of the problems. Aiming at realize the integration of environmental protection, the author devotes herself to the innovation of mechanism, that is a effective way of solving the problem of environment and promoting healthy development of Wuhan megalopolis.The article is divided into the following six parts:PartⅠ- Preface. This part is the background, object and the significance of the research. On the basis of analysis on domestic and foreign progress of this research, the author puts forward the frame of this article.PartⅡ- Theoretical study. This part is the definition and theories of megalopolis, regional integration, environment and mechanism, this part is the theoretical basis for the realization of the integration of Wuhan megalopolis.PartⅢ- Analysis of the status quo. After analyzing the geographical characteristics and the environmental situation of Wuhan megalopolis, this article point out the need for the integration of environmental protection, and research the situation of the integration.PartⅣ- Problems and causes. As the development of Wuhan megalopolis, a variety of problems appeared, such as soil erosion, air pollution, water pollution and wetland shrinkage. From analyzing, this article makes a conclusion that the deficiency in the mechanisms is the reason of the problems. The deficiency in mechanism include the partition of the Environmental Protection Administration, the distemperedness of ecological compensation mechanism and the irrational mechanisms of supervision and evaluation.PartⅤ- Countermeasures. In order to search the operational approaches of mechanism innovation, this part designs many ways, Set up the environmental cooperation and coordination mechanisms from the joint meeting of environmental protection, the environmental cooperation and coordination mechanism in environmental monitoring and the joint enforcement in law. The mechanism of government and market to improve the ecological compensation, as well as reform the cadres’ evaluation mechanism and the innovation of the public participation mechanism.PartⅥ- Conclusion. The author summed up the opinions, innovations and the defect of the article, as well as the foreground for future research.


