

【作者】 杜鹃

【导师】 吴晓淇;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 环境艺术设计, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 近几年高校的飞速发展,造成了“超”大学与高校园区的批量涌现。在校园建设的过程中,景观设计亦渐成为衡量校园品质的重要标志之一,校园环境的个性塑造更是校园精神的重要组成部分。然而现实却不令人乐观,“千校一面”的景观现状使校园独有的景观特征逐渐消失,在这些新大学校园景观设计中,设计者忽视了人对环境的感知,忽视了环境对人的精神影响。事实上,良好的校园环境对于塑造和熏陶学生优秀的人格品质将起到不可低估的潜移默化的作用。因此,如何设计好校园公共空间环境,为师生提供良好的、人性的精神空间是一个值得思考和探索的问题,它对大学校园精神的延续和传承亦具有重大的意义。本文通过分析校园环境中的景观与建筑的关系,提出在校园景观设计中如何显现校园精神的重要命题。以人性关怀的立场良性协调校园景观环境与建筑的关系,从而充分显现精神“家园”的本质特征,为培养具有远大抱负的新时代人才有所作为。

【Abstract】 In these days, the high school of contemporary university highly develops, but we find a heart-struck fact in the process of campus construction. The core and the campus "spirit" are losing. The landscape of all the campus is similar and machine-made. The present condition is also a sort of loss of the campus "spirit". The landscape of campus should be a kind of positive existence; it is an important part of the campus; it has grand significance to continue and spread the campus "spirit".This text passes to know "spirit" home performance in campus environment, space dimensions, color...etc. Comprehend the importance that combine the "spirit" home and landscape together, mold "spirit" home again. Discuss how to foundry "spirit" home: discover objective existent and actual problem, in the foundation for" make people the center", make the teachers and students to enrich the whole campustogether and practise everywhere ; make the landscape of campus and spatial processing of building, which must consider the needing of the teachers and students, more human and professional.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】322

