

【作者】 宋世运

【导师】 王寅;

【作者基本信息】 中国中医科学院 , 针灸推拿学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要包括文献综述和经验总结两个部分。文献综述共三篇。第一篇“中医学对抑郁症的认识”回顾了古代及近、现代中医对抑郁症的认识及临床研究进展,从病名、病因病机、临床表现、辩证治则及临床经验等方面进行了论述。中医治疗抑郁症理论完善,为治疗抑郁症开辟了新的途径和方法。第二篇“针灸治疗抑郁症概况”论述了针灸临床治疗抑郁症的近况。针灸治疗抑郁症方法多样,操作简便,疗效确切。尤其对慢性患者,无西医治疗的副作用,故临床应用较为普遍。第三篇“现代医学对抑郁症研究进展”从抑郁症的发病因素、诊断及西药治疗三个方面,介绍了近年来现代医学对抑郁症的研究进展。正文部分总结了田从豁教授从形、从神、从脾胃论治抑郁症的经验特点,针灸治以通督调神、调理脾胃中焦、醒神开窍为原则,善用大椎齐刺以通调督脉、振奋阳气,百会、人中加电针以醒神开窍,调理脾胃中焦的升降气机以畅通腑气、宁心定志。特别针刺足太阳膀胱一侧线以治疗脏腑阴阳气血之形,足太阳膀胱二侧线以治疗五脏之神是田老治疗抑郁症的独特方法。田老师的方法,根据中医理论的辨证论治的基础下,临床上取得了较好的疗效。

【Abstract】 The paper discusses in two parts:the reviews of the documents and the experience analysis.There are three review articles.The first one named"Chinese medicine theory for depression" is about the treatment for depression in Chinese medicine theory, including the name source,etiology,pathogenesis,differentiation,clinical treatment. The second one named "Acupuncture for depression" The second one named"Acupuncture for depression’is about the acupuncture treatment for depression. Acupuncture have many different ways to treat depression and have many dominances,including its easy way and good effects treat depression and have many ddominances,including its easy way and good effects without side-effect.So it’s very popular in clinic.The third one named"Advance for depression in western medicine" is mainly about the etiology,diagnoses,treatment for depression in mainstream medicine.The experience part is focused on Professor Tian’s special treatment for depression in acupuncture.He using Chinese Medicine theory differentiated it three parts of xing,shen,piweizhongshu to treat depression.Proffesor Tians’ Needling Methods used like Triple puncture at Dazhui(GV14) for recurrent depression,electroacupuncture at Shuigou(GV26) and Baihui(GV20) are introduced. Especially based on Chinese medicine theory,he used the first bladder meridian line to treat "xing" the organ,and used the second bladder meridian line to treat the "shen" the mind.Professor Tian’s Methods have great effects on clinical practice.

  • 【分类号】R249.2;R246;R277.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】949
  • 攻读期成果

