

Selection and Evaluation for the Fast-growing and Stress-resistance Poplar Variety ’Populus Wutunensis’

【作者】 贾斌英

【导师】 陆秀君; 姜国斌;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以耐盐碱、耐干旱试验初选出的优良杨树无性系吴屯杨(Populus wutunensis)为研究对象,以辽胡耐盐杨(Populus simonii P.euphratica)和群众杨(Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudan a)cv.Poplaris)为对照,通过对新民地区半干旱、盐碱地上多点试验对比林中三个品种杨树的形态、物候期、保存率、冻害、旱害、病虫害等的观测,生长量、生长进程、木材特性等的测定,结合多年盐胁迫、干旱胁迫下三个品种杨树的生理生化分析试验结果,综合评定吴屯杨生长特性和抗逆性,进而筛选出适合在辽宁内陆和沿海干旱盐碱地区栽植的,抗逆性速生杨树——吴屯杨(2008年12月通过辽宁省林木良种审定),并总结出一套完整、实施有效的吴屯杨扦插繁殖栽培技术。本研究的主要研究结论如下:1、吴屯杨与辽胡耐盐杨、群众杨相比,叶片厚,当年生枝条多,载叶量大;枝丫朝上,与树干夹角小(<5°),胸径形数大(>0.03),主干通直圆满,形成长而窄的树冠;侧根多,主根长,根系发达;落叶始期迟7天左右,载叶期长,具有速生丰产杨树的形态特征和物候期特征。2、吴屯杨在总盐含量<0.41%,pH<7.5的土壤上,7年生时胸径、树高与对照树种辽胡耐盐杨和群众杨差异极显著(Sig<0.01),表现出明显的生长优势,并随着生长年龄增加,生长优势更加明显:24年生吴屯杨单株材积可达0.5m~3,比辽胡耐盐杨和群众杨的材积,分别增加100%、138.1%;在沙壤土上,吴屯杨单株材积达1.03m~3,比群众杨增加74%;吴屯杨在盐碱地、沙壤土上速生期开始时间早,相对于辽胡耐盐杨、群众杨材积平均生长量高,能在较短的时间内达到较高的材积生长量,且速生期延续时间长(>3年),24年时仍处于生长旺盛阶段,具有更长的速生期,更强的速生优势。3、吴屯杨病虫害指数、干梢率明显小于辽胡耐盐杨、群众杨;幼龄林可以在年平均气温7℃以上地区,极端最低气温-35℃的气候条件下正常生长;并能抵御春季8级大风;在含盐量0.51%,pH8.4以下的盐碱地,保存率和生长状况明显优于辽胡耐盐杨、群众杨,具有更强的抗逆性。4、吴屯杨在盐胁迫下纤维长度、木材密度、硬度和抗弯弹性模量显著增加;干缩率显著降低。在相同立地条件下(土壤含盐量0.4%),吴屯杨年轮平均宽度、木纤维长度极显著优于辽胡耐盐杨和群众杨,木纤维长度达1.312mm;气干密度极显著大于群众杨,基本密度极显著大于辽胡耐盐杨;干缩率极显著小于辽胡耐盐杨和群众杨;冲击韧性、顺纹抗压强度、弦面硬度均极显著优于辽胡耐盐杨和群众杨。可见,吴屯杨在盐碱地上能保持较高的径向生长量、木材比重和硬度、水分吸收效率和安全性、养分运输效率、木材尺寸稳定性、抵抗外力的能力,具有更高的纸浆产量和木制品的质量,是很好的造纸和纤维板用材树种。5、吴屯杨采条方便、扦插生根能力强、扦插成活率高,繁殖容易;对盐碱、干旱、大风等立地条件抗逆性强,病虫害、冻害、旱害、盐碱危害发生率低;生长性状、木材特性优良,易于成林。是营造速生丰产林、农田防护林和生态防护林的理想品种,可作为辽宁中西部地区及辽宁沿海地区的推广品种。

【Abstract】 A investigation was carried out for Populus wutunensis as the main research object in saline-alkali soil at 4,6,7,14,24-year-old multi-site salt-tolerance poplar contrast experimental plantations in XIN Min county LIAO Ning province,with Populus simonii P.euphratica and Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudan a) cv.Poplaris as the control.This research including morphology,phenophase,preserving rate,freezing injury,diseases and insect pests,drought injury,growth,growth characteristics,wood characteristics and the physiology biochemistry experimental results under salt or drought stress.Populus wutunensis was selected as the suited variety for the drought soil and saline-alkali soil in the inlands and the coastal areas of LIAO Ning province by evaluating its fast-growing and tolerance capacity using membership function.This research also summarize the cultivation technique of Populus wutunensis.The main conclusions were as follow:1、Populus wutunensis’s leaf is thicker,leaf number is more,offshoot is closer to the trunk, f(1.3) is bigger,tree crown is longer and narrower,root is longer and more,leaf-falling date is later for 7 days which results in a longer leaf set than Populus simonii P.euphratica’s and Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudana) cv.Poplaris’s.These characteristics are all the fast-growing and high yield poplar’s.2、Populus wutunensis’s H and DBH are in very significant(P,0.01) advantages comparing with Populus simonii P.euphratica,Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudan a) cv.Poplaris from 7-year-old in the salt content below 0.41%and pH below 7.5 soil.And the growth advantage is bigger with the year going on:24-year-old Populus wutunensis’s stem volume could reach 0.5 m~3 in the saline-alkali land of 0.41%soil salt content comparing with Populus simonii P.euphratica,Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudan a) cv.Poplaris increased by 100%、138.1%,and 1.03 m~3 in the sandy loam comparing with Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudan a) cv.Poplaris increased by 74%. Populus wutunensis is the first variety going into the fast-growing stage and keeping the longest fast-growing period,highest average volume growth in saline-alkali soil and sandy loam of the three varieties which results in a higher volume and better fast-growing advantage.3、Populus wutunensis has stronger resistance to drought,diseases and insect pests than the other two poplars.Its 4-year-old young growth could also grow normally when the average temperature is 7℃,extreme minimum temperature-is -35℃,wind serie is 8 and has a significant growth advantage and salt-tolerance comparing with Populus simonii P.euphratica; Populus simonii×(Populuspyramidalis+Salixmatsudan a) cv.Poplaris in 0.51%soil salt content and 8.4 pH.4、Populus wutunensis’s fiber length,density,hardness,elastic modulus of bending have significant increased in the salt soil,but dry shrinkage decreased.Populus wutunensis,has a very significant superior to the other two poplars in ring width,average fiber length(1.312mm),density,impact toughness,compression strength parallel to grain,hardness in saline-alkali soil.Keeping high girth growth,wood specific gravity,water use efficiency, nutrient transport efficiency,wood dimensional stability,hardness of wood.So,it is an excellent paper fibre and fiberboard plant.5、Populus wutunensis’s cutting rooting ability,multiplication and cutting survival rate are better.And it could keep high resistance to saline-alkali soil,drought,strong wind;cold and plant diseases,insect pests.Its growth characteristics and wood characteristics are excellent. Populus wutunensis is the ideal variety to build the fast-growing and high,yield timber forests, farmland shelterbelt,ecological protective forest.So,it can be extended to the inland and the coastal of LIAO Ning province.


