

Scale Cutting Propagation Technology and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Lilium cv. ’Elite’

【作者】 贾子坤

【导师】 孙红梅;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 观赏园艺学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 鳞片扦插繁殖是百合种球商品化生产过程中必不可少的关键环节,国内外学者做了大量研究,但技术仍不完善,尤其是关于百合鳞片扦插繁殖过程中物质代谢研究很少。本试验以亚洲系‘精粹’(Elite)百合为试材,探讨了两种简易培养基质,不同扦插培养方式和植物生长调节剂对鳞片繁殖小鳞茎的影响,以及鳞片扦插繁殖小鳞茎过程中“淀粉—蔗糖”代谢规律及其与小鳞茎形成的关系,为深入研究鳞片繁殖环节的生理代谢机制、完善商品种球繁育体系、实现百合种球的国产化奠定理论基础。主要研究结果如下:1.不同基质和培养方式对百合鳞片繁殖有显著影响,锯木屑埋片处理最有利于提高繁殖系数和生根数量,而锯木屑扦插处理形成的小鳞茎个体较大,萌发率高。2.研究了不同种类以及浓度的植物生长调节剂对鳞片繁殖小鳞茎的影响,结果表明:植物生长调节剂处理各因素的影响效力为:激素种类>处理时间>浓度。IBA显著促进了小鳞茎形成和发根,且根与小鳞茎同时发生;GA3处理有利于获得个体较大、形状周正的健壮鳞茎,但繁殖系数较低,根的数量较少,小鳞茎形成1周后基部开始生根,18℃下GA3显著促进了小鳞茎的萌发。培养过程中母鳞片贮藏物质的消耗进程不同:IBA处理的鳞片20℃培养60d后应及时移栽防止小鳞茎腐烂,GA3处理可延长至80d;对照与GA3处理效果相近,但需要较长培养时间和最佳培养温度。3.小鳞茎移栽后发现,同样生理年龄的小鳞茎,大部分只形成基生叶,只有极少数抽生地上茎。不同基质试验中,萌发率高的处理,小鳞茎淀粉含量较低,说明小鳞茎的萌发要消耗鳞茎内大量淀粉以供叶的生长。4.百合鳞片扦插繁殖过程中,母鳞片淀粉和总可溶性糖大量消耗。随着小鳞茎的形成和发育,母鳞片中淀粉,总可溶性糖含量不断降低,且以鳞片中部最为迅速。随着淀粉的降解,SP(淀粉磷酸化酶)活性逐渐上升,说明其在百合鳞片扦插繁殖过程中主要起分解淀粉的作用。5.百合母鳞片中蔗糖含量不断降低,还原糖的含量相对较低,在整个培养期内呈升高趋势,在母鳞片培养后期所占比率较大,说明在百合鳞片繁殖过程中,小鳞茎生长发育需要大量还原糖。6.在培养前期,母鳞片SS(蔗糖合成酶)和SPS(蔗糖磷酸合成酶)活性较高,随后下降,说明母鳞片淀粉分解为还原糖,还原糖在SS和SPS作用下合成蔗糖,供小鳞茎和根生长发育。7.小鳞茎中淀粉逐渐积累,总可溶性糖和蔗糖含量很低,SP、SS和SPS活性均低于母鳞片,说明小鳞茎中还原糖不断合成淀粉,供其膨大发育。8.母鳞片中总可溶性蛋白含量在培养前期基本不变,后期大幅下降,说明母鳞片内碳水化合物含量很低时,蛋白质开始分解供小鳞茎继续生长,小鳞茎形成后膨大发育过程蛋白质不断和成。9.植物生长调节剂促进母鳞片贮藏物质的尽早动员,淀粉、总可溶性糖、蔗糖和总可溶性蛋白含量IBA处理下降幅度最大,母鳞片中SP,SS活性IBA处理较高,SPS活性GA3处理最高,说明植物生长调节剂使淀粉—蔗糖代谢酶活性升高,有利于淀粉等贮藏物质的代谢和小鳞茎的形态建成,这是植物生长调节剂处理形成小鳞茎数量较多或个体较大的原因。10.母鳞片中部比较饱满,营养物质充足,碳水化合物含量变化幅度大于上部和基部。鳞片基部的淀粉和总可溶性蛋白质含量、SS、SPS和SP的活性高于上、中部,说明先利用上部和中部的营养物质,鳞片基部是物质代谢中心,在鳞片扦插繁殖中起着重要作用,母鳞片为小鳞茎生长发育提供了物质基础。11.百合鳞片扦插繁殖过程中,SP促使母鳞片淀粉降解为还原糖,还原糖在SS和SPS作用下合成蔗糖,供小鳞茎和根生长发育,培养后期,碳水化合物大量消耗,蛋白质开始分解供小鳞茎继续生长。小鳞茎形成后,蛋白质不断合成,体内还原糖合成淀粉,使小鳞茎体积增大。

【Abstract】 Lily scale cutting propagation is essential to the process of lily bulb commercial production.In spite of scholars have done a great deal of research,the propagation technology is still not perfect,in particular on the substance metabolism during lily scale cutting propagation.With Lilium cv.’Elite’ as material,the research studied the effects of exogenous GA3,IBA,as well as sawdust,peat on scale cutting propagation via different culture methods and ’starch—sucrose’ metabolism and its relationship with bulblet formation during scale cutting propagation.The purposes of these experiments are to provide theoretic basic for in-depth metabolism research and improve the lily bulb propagation system,and then accelerating lily bulb production in China.The main results are as follow.1.The result showed that medium and culture method affected the scale propagation significantly.Scales cutting embedded in sawdust had the highest scale propagation coefficient and produced the most roots number,while scale cutting planted in sawdust produced larger bulblet and had more sprouted bulblets.2.Effects of exogenous GA3 and IBA on scale cutting propagation were investigated.The specie,treatment duration and the concentration in order affected the scale propagation.IBA notably promoted the forming of bulblets and roots,and both of the organs developed simultaneously with IBA treatment.GA3 favored the larger,well-formed bulblet development,however,the amount of bulblets and roots were less than that treated with IBA,and the roots initiated one week later after bulblets occurred.In addition,GA3 significantly promoted the sprouting of bulblets at 18℃.The consumption process of storage substances in mother scales varied in different treatments.Scales of IBA treatment appeared rot on the bulblets after 60 d at 20℃,which suggested the scales should be transplanted timely to prevent from rotting,while GA3 treatment could keep the scales healthy up to 80 d.Control also could achieve similar bulblets with GA3 treatment,but longer culture time at the optimum temperature were needed.3.After transplanted,majority of bulblets come into leaf and only few generated stem.Starch content of bulblets was less in treatment which bulblet sprouting rate was high.Starch in bulblet was consumed for leaf growth.4.With the bulblets developing,starch and total soluble sugar in mother scales were consumed seriously and decreased most quickly in the middle part.At early stage of cultivation,the activity of SP(starch phosphorylase) ascended with the degradation of starch.SP decomposed starch during scale cutting propagation.5.In mother scales,sucrose content declined and reducing sugar content was lower than sucrose but increased and accounted for a large proportion in total soluble sugar at late stage.Growth and development of bulblets needed plenty of reducing sugar.6.At early stage of cultivation,the activities of SS(sucrose synthase) and SPS(sucrose phosphate synthase) in mother scales were high and then descended.These illustrated reducing sugar produced by starch degradation were used to synthesize sucrose under the action of SS and SPS. 7.In bulblets,starch accumulated gradually;total soluble sugar and sucrose content changed little and has been maintained at a low level.Reducing sugars were exploited to synthesize starch for bulblets enlargement.The activities of SP,SS and SPS were lower than in mother scales.8.At late stage of cultivation,carbohydrates in mother scale were less and soluble protein decomposed for bulblets development.Protein continuously synthesized in bulblets enlargement process after formation.9.Growth regulators promoted the storage substance break down earlier in mother scales.Contents of starch,total soluble sugar,sucrose and total soluble protein in mother scales of IBA treatment decimated fastest and activities of SIC,and SS were highest.The activity of SPS in GA3 treatment was highest.Growth regulators improved activities of related enzymes to accelerate the reserve substance metabolism.These caused more or bigger bulblets were formed.10.The middle part of mother scale had more nutrition and carbohydrate content changed greater than other parts.In base of mother scale,contents of starch and total soluble protein content,the activities of SS, SPS and SP were higher.These conjectured substances in top and middle parts of mother scale were utilized early.The base part was metabolic center and the mother scale provided a material basis for bulblets development.11.In mother scales during scale cutting propagation,SP activity ascending impelled starch decomposed to reducing sugars.They synthesized sucrose under the actions of SS and SPS for the growth of bulblets and roots.At late stage,carbohydrates were short and protein decomposed for bulblets further development.In bulblets,protein was synthesized and reducing sugars were exploited to synthesize starch for bulblets enlargement.


