

Experimental Research on the Treatment of Organic Amine Wastewater

【作者】 王婉贞

【导师】 周元祥;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 有机胺废水总氨含量很高,且废水中还含有一些难生物降解和生物抑制性的物质,未经处理不能直接排入自然水体。目前国内外对该种废水的处理还没有很好的解决办法。本文对有机胺及其衍生产品生产过程中所产生的混和废水进行生化处理研究,在实验的基础上提出一套有效的组合工艺,即葡萄糖共代谢基质下两相厌氧处理—磷酸铵镁化学沉淀—SBR组合工艺,并对各个工艺各阶段的选择和特性做出了深入的分析。研究结果表明:添加葡萄糖作为共代谢基质的两相厌氧处理可以明显提高废水的可生化性,较佳反应工艺条件为:葡萄糖溶液(COD=2000 mg·L-1)与废水体积比为1:5时,水解酸化段的HRT为12h,厌氧段的HRT为24h,出水COD稳定在550 mg·L-1左右,氨氮浓度稳定在600 mg·L-1。厌氧处理后的出水经磷酸铵镁沉淀(pH=10,n(Mg2+):n(NH4+)=1.2,n(PO43-):n(NH4+)=1.1,t=10min)后满足了SBR反应器处理要求,整套工艺处理后出水COD稳定在230mg·L-1左右,氨氮稳定在15 mg·L-1以下。组合工艺系统总COD去除率可达89%左右,氨氮去除率可达79%左右,说明该组合工艺处理有机胺废水是可行的。紫外光谱扫描表明:有机胺废水中主要的显色物质为含氮杂环,两相厌氧预处理和SBR反应器中的缺氧环境破坏了废水中含氮杂环的发色基团,使得紫外吸收光谱最大吸收峰红移,吸收强度减弱。通过初步分析,认为在厌氧和缺氧条件下通过环上的羟基化过程使得含氮杂环的结构被打破,被分解为简单化合物。

【Abstract】 Total nitrogen content is high in organic amine wastewater which contains some difficult biodegrading and bio-inhibitory compounds. If this kind of wastewater was not treated effectively, it can not discharge into natural waters directly. At present, we have not proper method to solve the difficult problem at home and abroad. Wastewater which was discharged during the production of organic amine and its derivatives was studied by biochemical treatment in this paper. Based on the experiment, a new combined process of“a Co metabolism two-phase anaerobic—magnesium ammonium phosphate(MAP) chemical precipitation—SBR process”was applied to treat the organic amine wastewater. Also the technology and property of each process stage were analyzed deeply.The results of the experiment indicated that the addition of glucose in two-phase anaerobic process can improve the biodegradability of the wastewater evidently. It also suggested that COD removal rate and the transformation rate of ammonia nitrogen were both highest when the volume ratio between glucose solution (COD=2000 mg·L-1) and wastewater was 1:1.5, the acid pond HRT 12h and the anaerobic reactor HRT 24h. The outflow COD maintained 550 mg·L-1 and the outflow ammonium nitrogen was about 600 mg·L-1 when the inflow COD was around 2300mg·L-1 and the inflow ammonium nitrogen was about 70 mg·L-1. Then the effluent that had been treated by two-phase anaerobic was disposed by MAP chemical precipitation method. In actual operation, it is appropriate to control the operation conditions of pH=10, n(Mg2+):n(NH4+)=1.2, n(PO43-):n(NH4+)=1.1, t=10min. At last, the effluent was treated by SBR reactor. The outflow COD maintained 230mg·L-1 and ammonium nitrogen maintained below 15mg·L-1. The total COD and ammonium nitrogen removal rate of the combined process was 89% and 79% respectively. The results showed that the combined process is feasible to treat the organic amine wastewater.In this paper we try to explain the mechanism of organic compound by using UV spectrophotometer that scanning wavelength in and out water. The experiment also indicated that the main colourated substances were heterocyclic compounds. The results showed that the Coloring Structure Unit can be broke in anaerobic and anoxia condition. The most absorb wavelength excursed to long wave in UV light extent and the absorption strength reduced. It was considered that the structure of nitrogen heterocyclic compound was broken by hydroxylation. Then the intermediate product was degraded into simple compounds.


