

Research on Expert in Anhui Province Consulting System

【作者】 戴景源

【导师】 倪志伟;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 行政管理与电子政务, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 专家决策咨询制度是指各级政府制定的关于依靠专家群体进行行政决策的咨询、论证活动,以提高政府决策质量,保障决策科学化、民主化的规则体系。随着社会的不断发展,民众对公共决策的科学化、民主化要求也越来越高。建立专家决策咨询制度,促进决策科学化与民主化,减少公共政策对地区发展的负效应,是摆在各级党政机关面前的重大课题和艰巨任务。对于安徽省来说,决策机制是决策系统的内在工作方式,是作为一个动态运行过程的决策的结构、流程和方式及其制度化组合。决策机制优化的实质,就是通过对决策系统的各结构、过程、方式的最优组合,达到决策的最大效益,减少决策费用,降低决策成本,为管理问题寻找解决的最佳路径。虽然决策机制不同于决策制度,但合理的制度即约束决策的规则体系,是决策机制优化的制度保证。安徽省提出并实践了一系列改革和完善决策机制的具体的制度建设任务,主要有“社情民意反映制度”、“与群众利益密切相关的重大事项社会公示制度和社会听证制度”、“决策的论证制和责任制”等等,意在构建一个“群众参与、专家咨询和集体决策相结合的决策机制”,“完善深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力的决策机制,推进决策科学化民主化”,从制度上保障决策的民主化和科学化。本文在总结借鉴国内外成功经验和做法的基础上,以多个城市案例比较决策专家咨询制度,系统分析研究了咨询机构及其专家在决策咨询等方面的意义、作用、途径以及存在问题等,为安徽省公共决策构建专家咨询制度,在转变观念,推动行政决策专家咨询制度化、法制化,构建多元、互动、规范、高效的行政决策专家咨询运行机制,完善行政决策专家咨询的制度保障,促进政府决策的科学化、民主化,推动经济社会协调发展等方面提出了对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Government decision-making mechanism is inherent in decision-making systems work,is running as a dynamic process of decision-making structures,processes and methods and their combinations institutionalized.Optimization of the Government of the substance of the decision-making mechanism,that is,decision-making system of government through the various structures,processes,methods of the optimal combination to achieve the maximum effectiveness of government decision-making,decision-making to reduce costs,reduce the decision-making costs and management issues for the government to find a solution the best path.Although the decision-making mechanism is different from the decision-making system, but a reasonable system that is bound by the rules of decision-making system is the government decision-making mechanisms to ensure optimized system.China’s government and the practice of a series of reforms and improve government decision-making mechanism for the specific task of building the system,there are "system reflects the social conditions and popular sentiments," "with the interests of the masses of the major issues are closely related to social public hearing system and social system","expert Advisory System","decision-making and accountability argument,"and so on,is intended to build a" mass participation,expert consultation and collective decision-making of the decision-making mechanism to combine,"" perfect-depth understanding of the people,to fully reflect public opinion,a broad pool their wisdom,effective decision-making mechanism of the financial resources of the people to cherish and promote scientific and democratic decision-making,"to protect the Government from the system of democratic and scientific decision-making

  • 【分类号】D625
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】280

