

The Research and Design for Steel Rolling Observation Based on Virtual Instrument

【作者】 王月

【导师】 孙林; 江进国;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 轧机状态监测系统在保障轧机安全运行、预防事故发生以及实现设备科学维护等方面起到了关键性的作用,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。目前,国内外用于轧机状态监测的系统类型很多,随着计算机软硬件技术进步和用户需求的提高,对轧机监测系统在可靠性、兼容性、扩展性以及软件开发周期等方面都提出了更高的要求。本文以武钢引进的日本三菱-日立公司的PL-TCM酸洗冷连轧机为主要研究对象,结合轧机状态监测的研究现状和发展趋势,按照软件工程学的观点,利用LabVIEW开发了一套监测系统,可实现对轧机轧制力、电动机驱动电流、电压、转速、振动等相关参数进行实时数据采集、处理、显示与存储,并可对存储的数据进行历史数据回放,时域、频域、时频域分析等功能,并对该系统在局域网环境下的应用做了深入研究。该软件具有操作简单、界面友好、通用化程度高等优点。论文分五个部分。第一部分是绪论,介绍了轧机状态监测系统对钢铁行业的意义和传统的轧机监测手段的缺点与不足;概括性的介绍了国内外轧机监测系统的发展历程和发展趋势;引出虚拟仪器设计的概念与虚拟仪器的开发平台LabVIEW,并介绍了基于虚拟仪器的轧机监测系统相对于其它监测系统的优势。最后,介绍了本文需要做的工作。论文第二部分介绍了系统总体硬件设计方案,采用网络化、分布式结构;介绍测量各状态信号所要用到传感器及其相应的信号调理模块;实验室用于采集振动信号的数据采集卡USB-6009。第三部分与第四部分是论文的重点,第三部分是软件功能模块的介绍以及实现方法的理论研究,第四部分是在LabVIEW环境下实现软件设计的方法。第三部分与第四部分相辅相成,主要完成以下五个部分的研究与设计:(1)数据采集:文章第三部分介绍了数据连续数据采集的方案,实时数据的存储方式、数据预处理的办法,与之相对应的在第四部分介绍了实现以上方案的软件设计程序。(2)抗干扰部分:文章的第三部分介绍了硬件抗干扰的措施,着重提出了两个软件抗干扰的方案,数字滤波以及小波降噪;介绍了常用的五种数字ⅡR滤波器的特点以及小波降噪的理论方法。在文章的第四部分介绍了在LabVIEW环境下数字滤波器的设计方法以及它们各自的滤波效果;介绍了用LabVIEW与MATLAB混合编程实现小波降噪的程序设计方法。(3)信号分析理论与信号采集与分析的实现,在文章的第三部分介绍了信号时域、频域、时频域分析的概念以及数学公式;在文章的第四部分介绍了以上分析在LabVIEW中的程序设计方法;以声音信号为采集对象,介绍了采集站与分析站软件的实现效果。在采集软件中,介绍了数据采集软件的界面和它的各部分功能,并附上了实时数据存储与数据库数据存储等功能的效果图;在分析软件中,介绍了数据分析站的界面,完成动态回放、静态回放、时域统计、自相关、互相关、幅值谱、相位谱、自功率谱、互功率谱、倒频谱、细化谱、短时傅里叶变换、小波奇异性分析等功能的效果图。(4)LabVIEW中的数据库访问技术。在文章的第三部分介绍了LabVIEW访问数据库的几种方法,确定使用LabSQL工具包为本系统访问数据库的方法;介绍了LabSQL工具包的组成和功能。在文章的第四部分介绍了利用LabSQL开发的步骤、本设计用LabSQL实现的数据库存储实例以及利用LabVIEW调用动态链接库技术完成删除表程序。(5)局域网环境下的状态监测系统。在文章的第三部分介绍了轧钢现场使用分布式网络化监测系统的必要性,引出本系统所要用到的DataSocket技术,对它的特点进行了介绍,并介绍了LabVIEW平台上远程面板访问的方法。在文章的第四部分介绍了基于DataSocket技术完成的分布式振动监测仪的程序实现方法以及功能效果。论文第五部分介绍了系统在实验室环境下验证和在现场运用的情况。实验室验证部分介绍了本设计所用到的硬件各项性能指标以及它们之间的连接方式,如:传感器、测振仪、数据采集卡等。调速电机在不同速度时产生的振动信号的采集、逐点分析以及局域网实时数据发布情况;介绍在电机产生激振信号时加入干扰源后,数据接收以及小波降噪的效果。现场运用情况简单介绍了轧机仪表的分布;利用系统分析软件找出钢带厚度波动异常的原因,这部分介绍了运用软件进行厚度与其它各个状态进行互相关分析,找出与厚度波动相关性最强的几个因素,然后逐个排查,运用功率谱、动态回放、时域统计等方法分析此信号是否在厚度波动异常的情况下发生了异常;综合各方面的结果得出结论,找出了导致厚度异常的原因。从实验室验证与现场运用情况分析,系统达到了设计要求,且完成效果良好。论文最后一章对基于虚拟仪器的轧机监测系统设计做了总结,提出了一些不足和建议。

【Abstract】 Steel rolling observation system has played a key role in safe operation, accident prevention as well as maintenance of equipment; and has achieved remarkable economic and social benefits. At present ,there are many types of monitoring system for Steel rolling at home and abroad, with the development of computer hardware and software technology, the User demand the higher level of reliability, compatibility, scalability and software cycle for it.This article has studied the domestic and foreign rolling mill condition observation system’s trend of development, designed a monitoring system combined with the Virtual Instrument technology and computer network technology, has the function of real-time acquisition, storage, playback, time-domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain analysis, and has done the deep research to this system’s application under local area network environment.This paper contains five major parts.The first part is the outline, introduced the steel rolling observation system’s significance to the steel and iron industry, and the shortcomings and insufficiency of traditional rolling mill monitor method. Concise introduced domestic and foreign rolling mill observation system’s development process and trend of development, educed the concept of virtual instrument design and the development platform for virtual instrument LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench), and introduced the advantage of monitoring system based on virtual instrument; introduced this article need to be done.The second part introduced the overall hardware design plan, uses network, the distributed architecture, using one computer to the data acquisition, the other computer to complete the storage and analysis the condition data, and using the network to connect the two types of computer, introduced the sensors, signal conditioning module, and introduced the Data Acquisition Card usb-6009 to acquire vibration data.The third part and the fourth part is the paper’s key point, the third part is the introduction of software as well as the implementation of the theoretical research; Part IV introduced the software design method in LabVIEW environment. Part III and Part IV supplement each other, completed following five research and design.(1)Data acquisition: The third part of article introduced the data continuous acquisition plan, real-time data storage, data pre-processing methods, with the corresponding part in fourth to achieve the above software design procedure.(2)Anti-jamming parts: the third part of the article describes the hardware anti-jamming measures, proposed two software anti jamming plan emphatically, the digital filtering as well as the wavelet noise reduction; Introduced the five kind of commonly used digital IIR filter’s characters as well as the wavelet noise reduction theory; In the fourth part of article, introduced the digital filter’s design method as well as their respective filter effect in the LabVIEW environment; introduced the Wavelet De-noising method with LabVIEW and the MATLAB mix programming.(3)Signal analysis theory and the realization of signal acquisition and analysis. The third part of the article introduced the concept and formula for the signal analysis in time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain. In the fourth part, introduced the program realization of corresponding analysis in LabVIEW. Take the sound signal as the gathering object, introduced the result of data acquisition part and data analysis part. In the acquisition part, introduced the data acquisition software interface and its real-time data and database data storage charts and so on; In the analysis software, introduced a data analysis station interface, the completion of Dynamic playback, playback of static, time-domain statistics, the result chart of auto-correlation, cross correlation, the amplitude spectrum, phase spectrum, auto power spectrum, cross-power spectrum, cepstrum, detailed spectrum, short-time Fourier transform and Wavelet Singularity analysis.(4)The database access technology in LabVIEW. In the third part of the article, introduced several ways to access the database in LabVIEW and determined using the LabSQL toolkit to access the database in this design. Introduced the composition and function of LabSQL toolkit. In the fourth section, described the steps of LabSQL using, the database storage example using LabSQL as well as the use of LabVIEW DLL technology to complete the table deletion.(5)Observation system in local area network environment. In the third part of article, introduced the necessity of using distributional network observation system in steel rolling field, draws out the DataSocket technology; introduced its character simply, and introduced the method of remote panel visit in LabVIEW. In the fourth section, introduced a design of distributed vibration instrument based on DataSocket as well as its functional results.The fifth part of article introduced the design’s confirmation in laboratory and the utilization in rolling mill.In the section of laboratory confirmation, introduced the performance index and the connection mode of the hardware used in this design, such as: sensor, vibration meter, data acquisition and so on. The acquisition, point by point analysis and real-time data issue in local network of vibration signal which produced by speed motor, when adding interference, the result of data reception as well as the effect of wavelet de-noising.In the application section, introduced the measuring instruments briefly, using in the rolling mill scene, used the analysis software to discover the reason of steel belt’s thick fluctuation, this part described the cross-correlation analysis between thickness and other carious factors respectively, found out the factors which have the most of pertinence with thickness, then using the methods such as power spectrum, dynamic play backing, time domain statistics analyzed to find out the factors which lead to the thickness fluctuation.From the application in laboratory and rolling mill, this system has achieved the design requirement.The last chapter made a summary of this article, and put forward a number of shortcoming and recommendations.


