

Study on Microbial Community Structure in Ginseng Soil

【作者】 宋晓霞

【导师】 张亚玉;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 药用植物资源学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在人参产业发展过程中,农田栽参产量低、病害重,林下护育山参存苗率低、形体少有纯野山参的形体特征以及人参红皮病、连作障碍等问题一直是困扰人参产业持续发展的关键。土壤环境的改变是上述问题产生的主要因素,土壤微生物对所生存的土壤坏境十分敏感,能对土壤生态机制变化和环境胁迫做出反应,导致群落结构的改变。所以,土壤微生物群落被认为是土壤生态系统变化的预警及敏感指标,指示土壤质量变化,决定着土壤的生态功能。前人关于人参栽培对于土壤的理化性状影响的研究较多,对土壤微生物学特性的研究较少,而对土壤微生物代谢功能多样性、遗传基因多样性及群落结构多样性的研究尚属空白。本文采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)法测定了两份纯野山参根区土样、不同年生的护育山参根区土样、不同年生伐林栽参根区土样、不同年生农田栽参根区土样的微生物群落结构的变化情况。以期从微生物群落结构出发揭示不同环境下人参生长对土壤微生物的影响,为人参产业的持续健康发展提供理论指导。通过对实验数据进行相关分析、方差分析、主成分分析,得出以下主要结论:1.不同年生野山参土壤微生物群落结构变化:1号野山参(12年左右)土壤和其对照土壤微生物群落结构多样性显著不同于2号野山参(25年左右)土壤和其对照土壤。2号野山参土壤微生物群落结构多样性大于其对照土壤,而1号野山参土壤微生物群落结构多样性却小于其对照土壤。与相应对照土壤相比,真菌/细菌值在1号野山参土壤中较大,在2号野山参土壤中较低,而G+/G-值在1号野山参土壤中变化不大,在2号野山参土壤中较大。群落结构的不同主要是微生物总生物量和细菌量的不同。2.不同年生伐林栽参土壤微生物群落结构变化:2年生~4年生土壤微生物群落结构多样性呈逐渐降低趋势,其中2年生土壤微生物群落结构显著大于3年生和4年生土壤。真菌/细菌值在3年生、4年生土壤中较大,而G+/G-值在3年生土壤中较大。群落结构的不同主要是微生物总生物量的不同。3.不同年生农田栽参土壤微生物群落结构变化:1年生~4年生土壤微生物群落结构多样性呈“V”型趋势变化,2年生为最低点,不同年生之间无显著差异。真菌/细菌值在2年生土壤中较大,而G+/G-值在1年生、4年生土壤中较大。群落结构的不同主要是微生物总生物量和细菌量的不同。4.不同年生林下护育山参土壤微生物群落结构变化:2年生、3年生、4年生、5年生、10年生、15年生土壤微生物群落结构多样性呈“И”型趋势变化,4年生和10年生为转折点。其中,2年生、3年生、4年生、10年生土壤的微生物群落结构与5年生、15年生土壤差异显著。真菌/细菌值在5年生、15年生土壤中较大,而G+/G-值在2年生、3年生、4年生、15年生土壤中较大。群落结构的不同主要是微生物总生物量和细菌量的不同。5.相同年生不同人参土壤微生物群落结构变化:4年生林下护育山参土壤微生物群落结构多样性显著大于同年生伐林栽参土壤和农田栽参土壤,而伐林栽参土壤与农田栽参土壤的微生物群落结构多样性差异较小。1号野山参土壤与10年生林下护育山参土壤的微生物群落结构多样性差异较小。不同人参土壤的主导群落都为真菌,其中伐林栽参土壤中的真菌/细菌值最大。G+/G-值在4年生伐林栽参土壤中较大,10年生林下护育山参土壤的值大于1号野山参土壤的。群落结构的不同主要是微生物总生物量和细菌量的不同。

【Abstract】 In the course of ginseng development, there were many plagued issues. Cultivate ginseng in farmland was low-yield and heavy disease. Wild ginseng soil under forest was low seeding survival and few physical characteristics of pure wild mountain ginseng. There were erythroderma, contionuous cropping obstacle and other issues.The main facter of above-mentioned problems was changes of soil environment.Its microorganisms could be sensitive to its changes, respond to changes of soil ecological mechanisms and environmental stress, and lead to changes in community structure.So soil microbial community was considered an early warning and sensitive indicators of soil ecosystem changes.It could instruct soil quality changes and determine soil ecosystem. There were many studies on the impact of physical and chemical properties by ginseng cultivation, few studies on soil microbial characteristics, and blank on soil microbial metabolic function, genetic and community structure diversity. In this paper, we used phospholipid fatty acid analysis to investigate the microbial community structural characteristics of ginseng root zone soil, including two pure wild mountain ginseng soil, different cropping year’s conversion of forest to cultivate ginseng soil, cultivate ginseng soil in farmland and wild ginseng soil under forest. In order to reveal the impact of soil microbie by ginseng growth in different circumstances, and provide supported theories for ginseng industry. Experimental data was analysed with the correlation analysis, variance analysis and principal component analysis.Main original conclusions were shown as follows.1.Different cropping year’s wild mountain ginseng soil had the different microbial community structural characteristics. No.1(about 12-year-old )and its contrast soil’s microbial community structures were greatly different from No.2(about 25-year-old) and its contrast soil’s. No.2 soil’s microbial community structure was better than its contrast soil’s,but No.1 soil’s was worse than its contrast soil’s.Compared with theirs contrasts ,the contents of fungi/bacteria were higher in No.1 soil and lower in No.2 soil ,or the contents of G+/G- were higher in No.2 soil and similar with No.1 soil.The main differences of microbial community structures were the differences of the biomass of total microbe and fungi.2.Different cropping year’s conversion of forest to cultivate ginseng soil had the different microbial community structural characteristics.2-year-old to 4-year-old soil’s microbial community structures were gradually decreased and 2-year-old soil’s was greatly better than 3-year-old and 4-year-old soil’s. The content of fungi/bacteria was higher in 3-year-old and 4-year-old soil, or the content of G+/G- was higher in 3-year-old soil.The main differences of microbial community structures were the difference of the total microbial biomass .3. Different cropping year’s cultivate ginseng soil in farmland had the different microbial community structural characteristics. 1-year-old to 4-year-old soil’s microbial community structures had a gradually "V"-shaped change and the lest point was 2-year-old soil’s. There were not greatly changes among different cropping year’s soil. The content of fungi/bacteria were higher in 2-year-old soil,or the content of G+/G- were higher in 1-year-old and 4-year-old soil.The main differences of microbial community structures were the differences of the biomass of total microbe and fungi.4. Different cropping year’s wild ginseng soil under forest had the different microbial community structural characteristics.2-year-old、3-year-old、4-year-old、5-year-old、10-year-old and 15-year-old soil’s microbial community structures had a gradually "И"-shaped change and the turning point was 4-year-old and 10-year-old soil’s. 2-year-old、3-year-old、4-year-old、10-year-old soil’s microbial community structures were greatly different form 5-year-old and 15-year-old soil’s. The content of fungi/bacteria were higher in 5-year-old and 15-year-old soil,or the content of G+/G- were higher in 2-year-old、3-year-old、4-year-old and 15-year-old soil.The main differences of microbial community structures were the differences of the biomass of total microbe and fungi.5. Different type but the same cropping year’s ginseng soil had the different microbial community structural characteristics.4-year-old wild ginseng soil under forest’s microbial community structure was greatly better than 4-year-old conversion of forest to cultivate ginseng soil’s and 4-year-old cultivate ginseng soil in farmland’s.But 4-year-old conversion of forest to cultivate ginseng soil’s microbial community structure was the same with 4-year-old cultivate ginseng soil in farmland’s.No.1 wild mountain ginseng soil’s was the same with 10-year-old wild ginseng soil under forest’s.The ginseng soil’s main structure all was fungi .The contents of fungi/bacteria and G+/G- were higher in 4-year-old conversion of forest to cultivate ginseng soil and 10-year-old wild ginseng soil under forest’s content of G+/G- was higher than No.1 wild mountain ginseng soil’s.The main differences of microbial community structure were the differences of the biomass of total microbe and fungi.


