

Study on Soil Quality Field Evaluation System of Nuisanceless Argo-Food Area Based on PDA

【作者】 张燕

【导师】 龙怀玉; 丁保华;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 土壤学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 农产品是人类赖以生存的物质基础和保障。国内外此起彼伏的农产品污染和农产品污染引起的中毒事件,使消费者更加关注农产品的安全问题。无公害农产品是为从根本上解决农产品质量安全和餐桌污染问题提出的概念。在影响农产品安全的诸多因素中,产地是农产品质量安全的源头,产地的安全管理显得尤为重要。然而,随着我国农业生产的迅速发展,化肥、农药大量使用,农业土壤环境污染日益明显,而土壤污染具有隐蔽性、潜伏性和长期性,最易被人们忽略,因此,获取足够的产地信息、尤其是产地土壤信息保障产地安全具有重要意义。本文从保障农产品安全的角度出发,提出了无公害农产品产地土壤质量评价描述性指标体系,并提出了标准化、数值化的方法,在此基础上,建立了以土壤质量现场评价信息为主体的无公害农产品产地信息采集与产地现场评价系统,旨在将先进的农业数字化技术引入无公害农产品认证中来,为保障产地安全提供一种高效的技术手段。该系统在重庆市、云南通海县进行了试用,主要研究结果如下:(1)从土壤耕性、土壤肥力、作物健康状况、土壤生物、污染源等六个方面筛选出土壤结构、土壤质地、耕层厚度、田间持水量、土壤水分入渗能力、有机质、盐碱化程度、土壤pH值、农田排水状况、地下水埋深、作物长势、作物颜色及缺素现象、根系形态、土壤动物、作物残茬、坡度、地形部位、植被覆盖度、土壤侵蚀、排水沟水颜色、土壤气味、土壤颜色、土壤触觉、土壤侵入体、产地与潜在污染源相对风向、受控污染源与产地间距离等27个便于进行土壤质量评价的描述性指标。(2)为了提高描述性指标数据的相对可比性,细化不同土壤质量间的差异,对描述性指标进行了标准化与数值化:根据对评价指标的不同描述,将其分为“好”、“中”、“差”三等,将三个等级设为满分10分,10~8分为“好”,7~4分为“中”,3~1分为“差”。现场评价时,先判断土壤各指标的等级,再根据等级内的差异判断指标得分。(3)根据无公害农产品产地现场检查的内容与重点,对产地信息的特征进行了分析,共建立字段469个,表28个;以特征分析为基础,采用实体关系(E-R)模型构建了无公害农产品产地信息数据模型,构建了无公害农产品产地信息数据库,目前库中共收录产地信息869条;以PDA为移动终端,建立无公害农产品产地土壤质量评价信息采集系统,系统功能包括GPS定位、数据操作、数据处理、查询、多用户登陆、数据传输,实现了数据的本地与远程查询、检查结果自动判定、产地信息实时传输等。(4)通过对通海县农户调查数据与PDA现场采集数据的对比分析,发现大部分描述性指标得分随着土壤肥力和土壤质量等级的升高而增大,其变化趋势与肥力高低变化、土壤质量等级高低变化基本一致,即本文所选取的土壤质量评价描述性指标具有较强的代表性,现场评价得分能够比较灵敏地、相对量化地反映土壤质量的状况。(5)云南通海县无公害农产品产地土壤质量现场评价的指标体系可以优化为:土壤结构、土壤质地、耕层厚度、田间持水量、土壤水分入渗能力、有机质、盐碱化程度、土壤pH值、农田排水状况、地下水埋深、作物长势、作物颜色及缺素现象、根系形态、土壤动物、作物残茬、坡度、地形部位、植被覆盖度、土壤气味、土壤触觉、土壤颜色、土壤侵入体、产地与潜在污染源相对风向、受控污染源与产地间距,共24个指标。

【Abstract】 Agricultural products are vital material for the survival of mankind. Their safeties are highlighten because of the frequentive agricultural pollution and poisoning. Nuisanceless argo-food (NAF) came into being in China with an aim to guarantee the fundamental quality and safety of agricultural product wich are originally impacted by the producing area. For managing effectively producing area safety, gaining enough information about producing area, especially soil information is especially important. This paper proposed a soil quality evaluation descriptive index system of the NAF producing area, and carried out standardization and quantitative method. Based on this, producing area field evaluation system was established in order to provide an efficient means for producing area safety management. The system was used in Chongqing and in Tonghai county of Yunan province. Some main conclusions are obtained as follows:(1) From the aspects of soil tillage, soil fertility, crop health, soil organism, pollution source, 27 soil quality evaluation descriptive indexes were selected in this paper, including: soil texture, arable layer thickness, field water-holding capacity, soil water infiltration capacity, organic matter, saline of alkaline degree, soil pH, drainage condition, groundwater depth, crop condition, crop color and nutrient deficiency symptom, root structure, soil animal, crop residues, slope, vegetation coverage, soil erosion, drain water color, smell, soil color, soil touch sensation, soil intrusions,wind direction between potential pollution sources and producing area, and the distance from controlled source to producing area.(2) In order to improving the comparability of descriptive index and refining the difference of various soil quality, the descriptive indexes were standardized and numerical. According to the different description, it could be divided into "good", "medium", or "poor", the highest scores in which is 10 points, 10~8 points to be "good", 7~4 points to be "medium", 3~1 points to be "poor". The soil index level is judged at first and then judged score according to the differences in rating when field evaluating the soil quality.(3) According to the content and focus of on-site examination of NAF producing area, 469 fields and 28 tables were established based on the analysis of producing area character. The NAF data model was built using E-R model based on character analysis, and then built NAF producing area information database. 869 agro-production producing area records were logged in the database. It was build that soil quality field evaluation information collection System, in which the PDA is mobile terminal. The system function includes: GPS position, data operating, data process, query, multi-user landing, and data transmission. Thus the system realized local and remote inquiry, and automatic judgment of inspection results, and the information real-time transmission.(4) Based on the analysis of investigation information and PDA collecting data in TongHai country, found: most index scores increase with the increasing of soil fertility and quality, the changing trend was the same as fertility, and quality grades, the field evaluation score can reflect soil quality condition sensitively and quantitatively.(5) The soil quality field evaluation system of the NAF producing area in Tonghai county of Yunnan province is optimized to 24 index: the soil structure, soil texture, arable layer thickness, field capacity, soil water infiltration capacity, organic matter, saline of alkaline degree, pH value, drainage condition, groundwater level, crop condition, crop color and deficiency, the structure of root, the soil animals, crop residues, slope terrain parts, vegetation coverage, soil smell, soil touch sensation, soil color, soil intrusions wind direction between potential pollution sources and producing area, and the distance from controlled source to producing area.


