

Studies on the Effects of Organic Soil Cultivation Way on Yield, Quality of Tomato in Solar Greenhouse

【作者】 舒海波

【导师】 贺超兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 蔬菜学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以普通土壤为对照,研究了有机土限根和非限根两种不同栽培方式对日光温室番茄中杂105生长和产量品质的影响,限根栽培是指在栽培槽底铺设旧棚膜而对根域进行限制,非限根栽培则直接将有机土铺设于栽培沟内的栽培方式。通过温室小区试验及实验室分析研究了不同处理间在基质物理性质、化学性质、酶含量的差异,通过对番茄生长发育、生理代谢、产量及品质等方面影响的研究,得出如下研究结果:1.有机土限根处理(T1)与有机土非限根处理(T2)容重相差不大,T2大小孔隙比及pH更适宜番茄栽培,营养物质如全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质含量T1显著高于T2,土壤酶如磷酸酶(酸性磷酸酶、中性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶)、纤维素酶、蛋白酶、脲酶含量T2高于T1,转化酶含量T1高于T2。2.定植后30天内T1促进番茄的缓苗、生长发育,无论株高还是茎粗,都是T1>T2。限根栽培处理能够促进植株由营养生长向生殖生长的过渡,提前进入开花坐果期。3.无论是秋冬茬栽培还是冬春茬栽培,根系活力、叶绿素含量、光合速率都是T1大于T2与CK,各处理根系活力一直增大,叶绿素含量、光合速率后期有减小趋势。4.限根栽培能显著提高番茄品质和前期产量,降低硝酸盐含量。秋冬茬栽培T1前期产量为1.20kg/株,比T2提高25%;冬春茬栽培T1前期产量为2.84 kg/株,比T2提高16.39%。秋冬茬栽培T1硝酸盐含量为92.8mg/kg,比T2降低22.8%;冬春茬栽培T1硝酸盐含量79.9 mg/kg,比T2降低6.38 mg/kg。秋冬茬栽培总产量T1为4.53 kg/株,比T2提高21.7%,冬春茬栽培总产量T1为7.11kg/株,比T2提高4.71%。

【Abstract】 The experiment was carried out on tomato (zhongza 105) cultivation using organic soil cultivation with root restriction cultivation (T1) and root non-restriction cultivation (T2), ordinary soil cultivation as a control (CK). Root restriction cultivation means to use waste plastic film under cultivation bed to separate organic soil mixture with bottom soil; root non-restriction cultivation is directly lay organic soil mixture in the ditch without seperation. From plot experiment and laboratory analysis, physical, chemical and enzyme content properties of cultivation substrate in different treatments were measured;the plant growth and physiological properties, yield and nutrient quality of tomato were anlysised. The results obtained as follows:1. Bulk density of root restriction culture of organic soil (T1) and root non-restriction culture of organic soil have no different. Large/small porosity, pH of T2 more suit cultivation than T1. The chemical nature of organic soil such as total N, total P, total K, available N, available P, available K, organic matter content in T1 higher than T2, the soil enzyme content such as phosphatase (acid phosphatase, neutral phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase), cellulose, protease, urease content in T2 higher than T1, the enzyme content such as invertase content in T1 higher than T2.2. Plant length or stem diameter of tomato in T1 can grow better than which in T2 within 30 days after tramsplanting, and root restriction can promote the transition from vegetable growth to reproductive growth, so the flowering and fruit harvest stage were shorten.3. Activity of root system, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate of T1 higher than T2 and CK during autumn-winter season cultivation and winter-spring season cultivation, activity of root system of T1, T2 and CK continuance accretion, and chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate becoming lower from the middle of harvest time.4. Root restriction treatement might significantly enhance tomato yield in early stage, improve nutrient quality and decrease Nitrate content in tomato. The prophase yield of T1 was 1.20kg/plant during autumn-winter season cultivation, improved 25% compare to T2, the prophase yield of T1 was 2.84 kg/plant during winter-spring season cultivation, improved 16.39% compare to T2, the Nitrate content of T1 was 92.8mg/kg during autumn-winter season cultivation, decreased 22.8% compare to T2, the Nitrate content of T1 was 79.9 mg/kg during winter-spring season cultivation,decreased 31.3% compare to T2, The total yield of T1 was 4.54kg/plant during autumn-winter season cultivation, improved 21.7% compare to T2, The total yield of T2 was 7.11kg/plant during autumn-winter season cultivation, improved 4.71% compare to T2.

  • 【分类号】S641.2;S626
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】229
  • 攻读期成果

