

Study on Law Institution of Deposit Insurance

【作者】 张凤

【导师】 胡光志;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 肇端于美国目前正席卷全球的金融危机不仅给存款保险法律制度带来了发展的大好机遇,也给存款保险法律制度的功效提出了严峻挑战。如何应对挑战、怎样把握机遇应当是目前存款保险法律制度研究中面临的一大难题。在大多数国家,银行是所有存款人和借款人的中介,是评估风险、执行货币政策和提供支付清算服务最重要的金融机构。然而,银行的资产结构又使它们在缺乏流动性和丧失偿债能力时极为脆弱,此外,银行是具有高度杠杆作用的部门,通常要保持流动资产以满足正常时期提款的需求。鉴于这种不稳定性和脆弱性,各国政府意识到若对个别银行的破产处理不当,很可能传染其他银行,从而造成负面影响外在化并引发银行体系中其他银行更加综合性的问题。因此,许多政府都为银行建立了安全网,其中包括建立存款保险法律制度。我国的金融监管体系并不完善,还没有建立存款保险法律制度,针对当前全球的经济和金融一体化以及世界金融法制的统一,我国有必要借鉴外国的经验和教训,并结合我国的实际,建立起我国的存款保险法律制度。本文遵循从金融制度到法律制度的研究思路,对存款保险法律制度进行一般分析,比较各国存款保险立法及国际合作,并对其经验教训进行总结,最后在分析我国现实情况的基础上,探讨我国存款保险法律制度的构建。除引言和结论外,全文约四万字,共四部分:第一部分是存款保险法律制度的概述。全面介绍存款保险法律制度的概念、特征及其产生和发展脉络,并在此基础上进行存款保险法律制度的正负效应分析,为下面的理论分析奠定基础。第二部分存款保险法律制度的理论分析。整体上分为两部分,一部分是经济学理论分析,从信息不对称性理论、银行挤兑与银行危机的传染性理论、中央银行局限性理论三个层次展开阐述。另一部分是法理学理论分析,旨在从法理学的角度对存款保险的正义价值和秩序价值进行分析,论证建立存款保险法律制度的应然性,探讨存款保险的价值取向对整个法治建设的重大意义。第三部分是存款保险法律制度的国际比较。首先列举了发达国家的几个典型代表的做法,以及发展中国家印度的做法。并通过差异性和共同性比较分析,试图从他们的做法中抽象出世界存款保险法律制度的几种类型。最后总结了各国存款保险法律法律制度对我国的启示与借鉴。第四部分重点研究了我国存款保险法律制度的构建。我国应在吸收各国先进经验和教训的基础上,结合我国的国情,合理设计存款保险法律制度的具体模式。我国存款保险法律制度的目标定位:最大限度地保护存款人特别是中小存款人的利益,维护金融体系的稳定。我国应坚持立法先行的原则,强制我国的存款性金融机构按照风险调整的费率缴纳保险费,对存款进行保险,并设定存款保险赔付的最高限额。最后也要注重相关配套法律法规的完善,保障我国存款保险法律制度的有效运行。总之,我国存款保险法律制度的建立必须立足于我国金融市场的现状,以我国的基本国情为出发点,注意吸收国外先进经验为我所用。同时,金融市场的发展变化日新月异,存款保险法律制度也要与时俱进,不断修正与优化。

【Abstract】 The current wide-spread financial crisis which originates from America, not only provides promising opportunities for the development of deposit insurance system, but also puts forward severe challenges for its effective enforcement. How to cope with the challenges and seize the opportunites has become a difficult subject in current researches on deposit insurance system.In most countries, banks perform as financial intermediation between depositors and borrowers. It is the most important financial institution that evaluates risks, carries out monetary policy and provides service of payment and settlement. But the structure of its assets makes bank extremely weak when facing problems of liquidity and solvency. In view of this instability and fragility, governments of different countries realize that improper disposal of bankruptcy will cause contagion among banks and arouse more complex problems in banking system. Therefore most governments establish safety network for banks, including deposit insurance system.Deposit insurance system is the system that requires qualified banks and other financial to pay insurance premium according to for the premium rate to insure their deposit. When the insured institutions can not pay withdrawal because of crisis or bankruptcy, deposit insurance institution will pay stated insurance amount for them.Financial regulation system in China is not prefect now, and deposit insurance system has not been established. With the trend of economic and financial integration as well as unification of financial legal system of the world, China needs to learn experience and lessons from other countries and establish deposit insurance system accounting for its actual situation. Following to the model of the deposit insurance system to the deposit insurance legal system, the thesis analyses the deposit insurance system and the deposit insurance legal system, then compares foreign legislation of deposit insurance system and international cooperation, concludes the experiences of foreign countries.At last the paper puts forward the construction of our country’s deposit insurance legal system based on the analysis of our situation.Besides preface and conclusion, there are about 40,000 words in the thesis, which is divided into 4 parts:The first part is the summary of deposit insurance system. In this part, the concept, beginning and development of deposit insurance system are generally introduced. Then through the analysis of its theoretic foundation, the property and characteristics of deposit insurance system are summarized, establishing a theoretic foundation for the analysis below.In the second part, the author carries out a theoretical analysis of deposit insurance system, based on current bank and epidemic bank crisis theory, the function of deposit insurance system, and the analysis of the negatives of deposit insurance system. From the perspective of philosophy of law, the author analyses the legal value of justice and order value of the deposit insurance system, and further demonstrates the necessity of establishing the deposit insurance law system.In the third part, the author carries out comparison of deposit insurance systems in different countries and areas. The author first enumerates the typical practice of the systems in developed countries as well as India and Taiwan; then abstracts them into several types through comparison and analysis. Finally, the author summarizes the implications of the deposit insurance systems in different countries for our country.In the fourth part, the author focuses on the construction of our deposit insurance legal system. In the course of construction, we should draw experiences from foreign countries for reference and base on our own situation. The aim of our deposit insurance legal system is to protect depositors’interests especially the small depositors’interests and maintain the stability of financial system to the biggest limit. We should enact the legislation of deposit insurance system. Then we should set up non-profitable deposit insurance company funded by government. The financial institutions which absorb deposit should be compulsory to pay the insurance premium according to risk-adjusted ratio. The object of deposit insurance is deposit, and the limit of compensation sum should be set. At last, supporting laws and regulations should be perfected to ensure the effective enforcement of deposit insurance system.In conclusion, We must set up our own deposit insurance system and absorb the advanced international experience instead of copying the practice adopted in other countries. Meanwhile, the financial market is under constant change and development, for which our deposit insurance system should keep pace with the times and be optimized unceasingly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期

