

Study on Coordinative Development between Urbanization and Population Carrying Capacity in the Three Gorges Reservoir District (Chongqing Section)

【作者】 郑潇蓉

【导师】 段炼;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 三峡工程十几年来,累计搬迁移民125.5万人,淹没涉及的12座城市和114座集镇已完成整体搬迁,库区经济快速发展。今年库区百万移民搬迁安置任务将全面完成,促进移民安稳致富是三峡工程后续工作规划的重点之一。三峡工程淹没了库区大量肥沃的土地,安置移民和城镇重建又占用了大量耕地资源,这就加剧了原本已十分突出的人地矛盾。综合人口容量包括自然人口容量和经济人口容量,而自然人口容量主要研究的是“人地”关系。可知,三峡水库建成后库区周围的自然人口容量明显下降。与农村相比,城市对人口的承载力更高。但库区城镇化发展滞后,城镇化质量不高,仍属于西部落后地区。因此三峡库区的移民工作必须与加速城镇化进程相结合,只有提高库区的城镇化水平,才能真正提高库区人口容量。促进移民安稳致富归根到底是经济问题、发展问题,为实现目标,提高城镇化水平是关键环节。所以,加速库区城镇化进程,提高库区人口容量,可以在一定程度上实现移民安稳致富。同时城镇化和人口容量的研究不仅是当今学术研究的热点,而且是实现社会可持续发展的需要,建设良好人居环境的需要。探索它们之间的发生发展规律和演化机制,提供可行性对策,是推进城镇化可持续发展的重要保障。本文就是在这种背景下,对三峡库区(重庆段)城镇化与人口容量协调发展进行研究。文章通过三峡库区(重庆段)8个对口支援区县在1997—2007年城镇化和人口容量方面的相关统计数据,分别建立城镇化发展指标体系和人口容量评价模型,运用主成分分析法和相对资源承载力模型分别求出城镇化发展指数和相对综合人口容量,然后利用协调发展度模型求出各个区县在1997—2007年间城镇化和人口容量的协调发展度,并以此对各区县进行分组分类,探讨各类型调控分区发展对策。最后归纳总结调控机制,使本次研究在更大更广层面上发挥作用。本文共分为七章。第一章说明研究背景和意义,划定研究范围和时间,构建研究框架;第二章为理论综述部分,对相关概念进行界定,并对相关理论研究进行阐述;第三章对三峡库区的城镇化现状进行分析,结合已有研究方法确定本次研究的测定方法,建立指标体系,对所得的评价结果进行分析研究;第四章对三峡库区的人口容量进行分析,采用相对资源承载力法对人口容量进行研究,并对所得评价结果进行分析;第五章分析城镇化与人口容量的关系,利用协调发展度模型,分别对8区县的城镇化与人口容量协调发展度进行计算,进行调控分区,并对代表区县提出解决策略;第六章提炼归纳城镇化与人口容量协调调控机制——产业调控机制、规划调控机制、文化调控机制、政策调控机制,以提高城镇化与人口容量的协调发展度,提升人居环境水平。同时,使研究扩展运用到全国其他有相同特点的区域范围;第七章结论部分总结全文,指出由于论文的框架较大,数据来源有限以及某些研究方法的局限性,导致研究存在一些不足,并提出进一步研究的思考。

【Abstract】 It has been more than one decade since The Three Gorges Project was being built. 1.25 million immigrants have been relocated accumulatively. 12 cities and 114 towns have integrally moved, reservoir economy is developing rapidly. By the end of this year, million immigrant project is entirely completed. Promoting the prosperity and stability of immigrants is one of the most important tasks.After the completion of The Three Gorges Project, sharp human-land conflict is increasing day by day.Natural population carrying capacity refers to the relationship between human and land.So it is declining markedly. To some extent, it is necessary to raise reservoir population carrying capacity. Compared to countryside, city can carry more population. But reservoir urbanization and development lags behind. In order to raise reservoir population carrying capacity, urbanization level must be improved. The study on urbanization and population carrying capacity is not only current academic hot spot, but also the requests of social sustainable development. It is the key guarantee for the sustainable development of urbanization that explore the regular pattern and mechanism between urbanization and population carrying capacity. In this background, coordinative development between urbanization and population carrying capacity in The Three Gorges Reservoir District(Chongqing Section) was preliminarily studied in this thesis.On the basis of 8 Counterpart Aid Towns’data from 1997 to 2007, the thesis established evaluation index system of urbanization and population carrying capacity respectively, obtained urbanization development index and relative integrated population carrying capacity, got coordinative development degree between urbanization and population carrying capacity by model, and then grouped 8 towns according to discrimination standard. In the end, countermeasures were put forward by case study.There are 7 chapters. Study background, significance, scope and framework were presented in the first chapter. Chapter two was theoretical summary. Thirdly, the thesis analyzed present situation of urbanization, established evaluation index system, and then evaluated the result. Based on the method of relative carrying capacity, the fourth chapter calculated relative integrated population carrying capacity. In the fifth chapter, the relationship between urbanization and population carrying capacity was analyzed, their coordinative development degree was calculated and countermeasures of zone control and regulation were studied. Sixth chapter is the case study. In the part of conclusion, the study summarized the full text, and point out the deficiency of the research and the further research to be conducted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F299.2;C924.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】356
  • 攻读期成果

