

Study on New High Performance Single Component Construction of Outer Wall Putty for Confection and Performance

【作者】 丁绪光

【导师】 陈明凤;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 外墙腻子作为外墙涂料涂饰不可或缺的配套材料,长期以来,腻子仅仅被当作基层找平和填补的配套材料,腻子开发往往只注重其施涂性和找平性,而忽略了其柔韧性、保水性、耐水性、抗裂性等性能指标对涂装效果和长期耐久性的重要影响。因此,开发柔性较高、抗开裂性优异、耐水性较强、易于施工、性价比较高的外墙腻子势在必行。本文以水泥为主要粘结基料,选用石英砂、重钙、滑石粉等为填料配制外墙粉体腻子,通过掺入可再分散乳胶粉、纤维素醚、木质纤维等功能助剂,研究其综合性能,最终研制出一种施工性好、开裂性优良、粘结强度高的高性能环保型粉体腻子。首先,对基料和填料之间的配比进行初步研究,分析组成原料对腻子抗裂性能的影响,通过正交试验的结果分析,确定最优配合比。其次,通过掺入可再分散乳胶粉、纤维素醚、木质纤维对腻子的粘结强度、抗开裂性及吸水量、保水性、耐水性、耐碱性等性能进行综合分析研究,确定高性能建筑外墙粉体腻子的最终配方。综合性能测试分析表明,本文研制的粉体腻子施工性好,粘结强度高,尤其是冻融循环后粘接强度提高较大,抗开裂性优异。最后,借助电子扫描电镜(SEM)和能谱分析(EDXA)等现代化检测仪器,观察了腻子层的微观结构和元素变化,分析了可再分散乳胶粉、纤维素醚、木质纤维等功能助剂对腻子的抗裂性、粘结性等的改善机理,探讨了腻子宏观性能改善的结构原因。

【Abstract】 Outer wall putty, which is looking upon as an indispensable supporting material of outer wall coating, a long period of time, only be used as supplementary material of grass-roots leveling and filling, putty often focus only on its development of workability and leveling, and neglect its flexibility, water-holding capacity, water-resistance, anti-cracking and so on which has material effect on the coating durability and long-term significant. So, research and development outer wall putty which has high flexibility, excellent anti-cracking, stronger water resistance, easily construction and high cost performance is imperativing.The article with cement as the main bonding materials, select quartz sand, calcium carbonate and pulvis talci as stuffing confect outer wall putty, by the instruction of auxiliary agent, such as redispersible emulsion powder, HPMC, cellulose fiber and so on, research its combination property, finally developed a kind of high performance environment-friendly putty which has high construction, excellent anti-cracking, high bond strength.First, study the mixture ratio of bonding materials and auxiliary agent, analysis the influence of raw materials filler putty performance, by the result analysis of orthogonal experimental design, determine the optimal mix.Secondly, by the instruction of redispersible emulsion powder, HPMC, cellulose fiber, analysis approach its combination property, such as bonding strength, anti-cracki- ng and water quantity, water-holding capacity, water resistance, alkali resistance, defini- ted the final formulation of high performance outer wall putty. Combinbination property test analysis showed that the putty of the article developed have high construction, high bond strength, especially the bond strength which under freeze-thaw cycles, excellent anti-cracking.Finally, by dint of SEM and EDXA and other modern detection equipment, observe the microstructure and element change of putty, analysis auxiliary agent, such as redisp- ersible emulsion powder, HPMC, cellulose fiber filler anti-cracking, bond strength and other mechanisms of putty, discuss the structure performance which has led to macroec- conomic performance improvement of putty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期

