

【作者】 张庆曼

【导师】 汤逸佩;

【作者基本信息】 上海戏剧学院 , 广播电视艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 一直以来,塔可夫斯基的电影被视为让人视觉震撼的神殿,带有神秘深邃的宗教气息。本文从俄罗斯民族的宗教和文化底蕴入手分析,试图探索塔可夫斯基电影的神秘所在,也希冀对本土电影艺术的深化有所裨益。文章首先从索菲亚情结说起,俄罗斯多神教传统中女性崇拜与基督教中的圣母崇拜相遇,从而形成了东正教传统中的圣母崇拜,这也正是索菲亚情结的来源。东正教思想的核心是末世和救赎,这也正是贯穿塔可夫斯基电影的主题。几个世纪以来俄罗斯人极度敬重有牺牲精神和忍受苦难的圣徒,他们对宗教的虔诚一直以圣徒所体现的最高道德行为理想作为动力,在塔可夫斯基的电影中,民间圣徒的形象清晰可见。塔可夫斯基如梦幻诗化的影像、对生命沉郁严肃的体悟、对人性冷锋的自省与剖析、对大自然致敬式的呼唤,每每触动共鸣者的灵魂。诚如英格玛·伯格曼所说:“我认为塔可夫斯基是最伟大的,他创造了一种崭新的电影语言,捕捉生命一如倒映,一如梦境。”

【Abstract】 Andrei Tarkovsky’s films have always been regarded as a temple which thrills people’s heart with vision and lingers with profound religious mystery. This article analyzes the Russian religion and culture as the background, and attempts to explore the mystery of Tarkovsky’films, and also is hoped to be of benefit to the local film art.The article starts from the Sophia complex, which is from the Virgin Maria worship of the Orthodox Church formed after women worship in Russia’s traditional polytheism encountered the Virgin Maria worship from the Christian. The Orthodox core idea is the doomsday and the salvation, and this is precisely the subject throughout the Tarkovsky’s films. For centuries the Russian people have great respect for the saints who sacrifice and endure the sufferings, and their religious piety has been motivated by the highest ideals of ethical behaviors of the saints. In films, images of saints in the common people are clearly visible.The poetic vision, the serious understanding of life, the sharp analysis of human beings and the respectful recall of nature by Tarkovsky always touch the soul of sympathy. Ingmar Bergman was quoted as saying“Tarkovsky for me is the greatest, the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as a reflection, life as a dream”.


