

Study on Railway Signal Design Integrating System

【作者】 刘实秋

【导师】 王俊峰;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 信号设计是铁路勘测设计的重要组成部分。我国铁路建设已进入跨越式发展的新阶段,信号设计任务随之迅猛增长,现有设计能力不足与设计需求之间的矛盾也日益凸显出来,迫切需要提高生产效率。在此背景下本论文提出铁路信号设计一体化系统设想,改变信号工程传统设计模式,为实现信号专业智能设计自动成图提供了研究方式。论文介绍了信号设计业务内容及已有的辅助设计软件,在深入分析了铁路信号设计一体化系统功能需求的基础上,结合信号设计规范及现有设计模式,制订了系统设计原则。在此原则指导下,论文提出了系统整体结构设计方案:采用模块化设计方法,将信号设计分为多个环节,每个环节独立开发新模块或是利用已有软件,各个环节相互联系、有机结合,同时采用人工核查与系统核查相结合的多级反馈机制保证各环节间数据传递准确性。针对系统中车站信号平面布置图设计模块这一关键环节,论文给出了详细设计方案。该模块设计车站信号平面布置图(即信号平面图)时,先由设计人员根据其他专业提供的资料用图块绘制出车站图形,软件即可自动生成图纸。此模块的核心点是图块,论文制订了图块设计细则,规定每个图块包含多个存储设备信息的属性,利用这些属性即可建立设备间联系。此模块还生成各设备编码供系统其他模块使用,设备编码采用固定编码与逻辑编码相结合的设计方式。论文设计了双线轨道电路布置图设计模块。该模块提取信号平面图中图块属性,构建链接整个车站所有设备的网络结构图,用于软件实现轨道电路极性交叉并调取双线图块绘制出双线轨道电路布置图(即双线图)。按照系统设计原则,信号平面图块与双线图块分属不同图库,两者由关系表连接,软件调取所需双线图块绘图时先查询关系表中对应的信号平面图块。论文最后选用祝桥站为例,测试了系统中两个新模块的功能,结果表明,两个模块能够较好地完成该车站信号平面图、双线图以及其他模块需求数据的自动设计工作,较之现行设计模式效率提高较大。论文分析了各模块测试中反应出的不足并给出了改进措施,对系统可靠性、设计效率以及应用前景作了定性与定量分析,验证了系统的优越性。

【Abstract】 Signal design is an important part of railway survey and design.Chinese railway construction has entered a new stage of development by leaps and bounds, where after,the contradiction between existing insufficient design ability and rapid growth of signal design tasks increasingly come out.There is urgent need to improve production efficiency.On this background,this paper presents railway signal design integrating system to change traditional design patterns of signal works,and provides research mode of realization of intelligent design and automatically drawing for professional signal.This paper introduces the contents of signal design and the existing aided design software.Based on in-depth analysis requirements of railway signal integrating design system,combined with the signal design specifications and the existing design patterns, paper develops the principles of system design.At guidance of these principles,paper presented design scheme for whole system structure:with modular design approach,it divides signal design into a number of aspects.Each aspect is a independent module which was new development or an existing software,and all aspects are combined organically.To ensure the accuracy of data in transmitting between aspects,It uses multi-level feedback mechanism that combined artificial verification and system verification.Aiming at layout of station signal design module which is the key aspect of system, paper presented a detailed design scheme.According to information provided by other department,designer draws out shape of station by drawing blocks,then software can generates the layout of station signal automatically.Drawing block,the core of this module,was formulated design rules by paper.It contains multiple attributes which storage information of device.With these attributes,the module establishes relationship between devices.The module encodes devices for the use of other modules,and a encoding method that combined fixed encoding and logic encoding is used in this process.paper presented a detailed design scheme for layout of track circuit design module。This module extracts attributes of drawing blocks in layout of station signal to builds network structure diagram to links all signal devices of station.This diagram used by software to crossing polarity of track circuit for drawing layout of track circuit.In accordance with the principles of system design,drawing blocks of layout of station signal and drawing blocks of layout of track circuit are belong to different block library, and connected by the relation table.When software needs drawing block of layout of track circuit,it firstly query corresponding drawing block of layout of station signal in relation table.Finally,this paper take ZhuQiao station as an example tested two new modules of railway signal integrating design system.The result showed that these two modules can automatically design layout of station signal,layout of track circuit,and data other modules demand.Compared with the current design patterns,its production efficiency improves greatly.After analyzing the lack of modules appeared in test,this paper proposed improvement of measures.The qualitative and quantitative analysis of system’s reliability,efficiency,and application verified its superiority.


