

Study on Landslide Geological Hazards Monitoring and Warning System in the Loess Region

【作者】 王东

【导师】 许兆义;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国西北黄土地区滑坡地质灾害频繁发生。西气东输工程中区段跨越我国大地形地貌单元第二阶梯东段的黄土高原,滑坡对管道带来十分严重影响。论文选取黄土地区西气东输重点地段为研究区域,着眼于滑坡区域、单体预报预警模型和基于地理信息系统的滑坡监测预警系统开发研究,对如何建立一个功能相对完善的黄土地区滑坡地质灾害监测预警系统进行了初步探讨。论文主要研究“西气东输滑坡地质灾害监测预警系统”的开发设计,以丰富的地质调查资料为基础,将研究区的基础空间数据、地质灾害专题数据、管线数据、监测数据等信息利用GIS平台整合到地质灾害监测预警系统中,结合地质灾害预警模型的研究,进行研究区地质灾害的区域和单体预报预警。论文的主要研究内容包括:①研究区环境地质条件和滑坡发育特征总结。②区域滑坡监测预警方法和模型研究,主要包括:研究区地质灾害危险性区划、降雨量临界值、地质-气象耦合模型等方面内容。③研究区滑坡的单体监测预警方法和模型研究,主要包括:单体滑坡监测、尖点突变模型及滑坡预警专家系统等方面内容。④基于GIS的西气东输研究区滑坡地质灾害预警系统开发,包括:系统总体设计、数据库建设、系统的功能实现等方面内容。

【Abstract】 The landslide geological hazard frequently occur in the loess region in Northwest China. Middle segment of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project passes through the Loess Plateau,enduring landslide infringement.Taking a key locality of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project in loess region as study area,this paper focuses on the development and research of regional and monomer landslide forecasting and warning models and the landslide monitoring and warning system based on GIS,in order to study on how to establish a landslide geological hazard monitoring and warning system in the loess region with comparatively perfect functions.The core content of this paper is the designing and development of the landslide geological hazard monitoring and warning system in study area of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project.Relying on prolific geological surveying materials,the basic spatial data,geological hazard thematic data,pipe data and monitoring data of study area can be added to the landslide geological hazard monitoring and warning system with GIS. After that regional and monomer landslide forecasting and warning can be carried out combining with the study on warning models.The research of this paper includes the following content:①The summary of the geological environment condition and loess landslide development characteristics in study area.②The research on regional landslide forecasting and warning models,including: the hazard zoning of landslide in study area,geology-meteorology coupling model,the critical value of rainfall, etc.③The research on monomer landslide forecasting and warningmodels,including: monomer landslide monitoring,cusp catastrophe model,the landslide warning Expert System,etc.④The designing and development of the landslide geological hazard monitoring and warning system in study area of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project based on GIS,including:system overall design,database construction,system functionrealization, etc.

  • 【分类号】P642.22
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1330

