

Research on Changes of China’s Radio Broadcasting Management: 1978~2008

【作者】 付三军

【导师】 屠忠俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究属于新闻史范畴,是对我国广播传媒1978年至2008年间经营管理的历程进行探究。书写上,本文采用了史记体例。文献研究法和个案研究法是本研究的主要方法。本文结构分布及各部分主要内容为:绪论部分主要阐述了研究的背景意义、文献综述等,认为以史为鉴,可知兴衰,改革开放的30年是我国广播传媒发生惊人改变的30年。对此间广播传媒经营管理的得失进行研究是非常必要的。第一章通过对30年来我国广播传媒经营管理政策演变的爬梳和解析,认为我国广播传媒的政策法规总体上是逐步的尽可能的解除束缚广播媒体产业化进程的各种制度框架,以利其做强做大。但具体到对广告经营、节目制作、多种经营、资本运营和技术改造等的规制时,又有明显的不同。第二章是对广播传媒经营管理实践的进一步研究、记述和解读。包括节目制作、广告经营、多种经营、资本运营和技术改造等。第三章选取了广东人民广播电台和北京人民广播电台作为个案进行分析。两者在广告经营、节目制作和多种经营等方面都值得称道。第四章记述了广播传媒改革的风云人物:汪良。重点记载了他的改革贡献和成功之道。第五章是对1978年到2008年广播传媒经营管理的经验教训的总结。笔者认为,三十年来我国广播传媒经营管理改革的经验主要是:首先,树立以受众为中心,强调为受众服务的观念;其次,抓住广播传媒的核心竞争力,进行品牌经营。教训主要是经营模式单一和产业链不健全。而其原因是多方面的,广播行业步入了衰退期、广播业矛盾的双重身份、广播传媒的属地性造成全国广播网难以形成、法制不健全和集团化带来的消极影响等。

【Abstract】 The study, belonging to the category of media history, explores the history of radio broadcasting management in China from 1978 to 2008. style of History is adopted in writing and literature study and case study are the two main study methods in this paper.The paper consists of several parts:The introduction part exposes the background and significance of the study, and literature review.China’s radio broadcasting has changed a lot in 30 years reform and opening-up. So, it is necessary to study the gains and losses of broadcasting management in this process.The first chapter combs and analyzes the changes of China’s broadcasting management policies in these 30 years and presents that the broadcasting management policies are designed to remove all sorts of institutional chains for broadcasting industrialization in general. Specifically, there are different policies for advertisement management, programming, diversifying management, capital working, and technical reform.The second chapter is the further study, description and decipherment on the practical broadcasting management including advertisement management, programming, diversifying management, capital working, and technical reform.The third chapter makes the case study on the broadcasting management in Guangdong People’s radio station and Beijing People’s radio station. Both radio stations did well in advertisement management, programming and diversifying management.The fourth chapter introduces an influential figure for the broadcasting reform: Wangliang. His contribution to the reform and his way to success are emphasized in this part.The fifth chapter generalizes the experience and lessons broadcasting management in China from 1978 to 2008. The author holds that the main experience for the broadcasting management reform includes: first, forming a notion of audience-orientation and serving audience; second, making use of the core competitiveness of radio broadcasting to make brand management, and the main lessons include that the management model is monotonous and the industrial chain is incomplete. There are many causes leading to them. Broadcasting industry entering the declining phase, its paradox double identity, and its localization cause the unachievable national broadcasting network, the incomplete legal system, and the negative influence brought by collectivization.


