

Cognitive Analysis on the Semantic Structures of Double-Function Terms

【作者】 肖艳梅

【导师】 张再红;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 多义词现象一直是语言学家研究的重要课题。双功能形容词是一类同时具有物质意义和心理意义的形容词,它属于的多义词的范畴。但对于该类多义词的研究非常少,因此本研究具有一定的创新意义。本研究在综述国内外原型语义学理论,多义词意义关系理论,隐喻和转喻的文献的基础上提出了对双功能形容词的定义,分类。本研究还以三类日常生活中常用的双功能形容词为主要研究对象,并以其中7个为例,综合词典对该词的语义描述,基于对英国国家语料库(British National Corpus)中该词的搭配调查,分析了双功能形容词的语义结构特点,语义拓展的主要方向,及影响双功能形容词的语义结构和语义拓展的认知因素,并探讨了认知模式对双功能形容词语义结构及语义拓展影响的共通性。通过大量的语料分析得出以下结论:双功能形容词的物质语义具有原型语义范畴的特征:一个双功能形容词的多个语义都可清晰的回溯到其物质语义;其语义结构多呈链条型与辐射型相结构的模式;双功能形容词相邻语义之间存在认知不对称性,即对于衍生意义的理解都受助于对其衍生来源的语义的理解;双功能形容词的语义拓展方向存在一些共性:其一向引起可能产生该物质意义的行为拓展,其二向类似该物质意义的情感意义发展,其三向处于该物质意义的状态发展;在该类形容词从原型语义(即物质语义)向心理语义拓展时,隐喻式的认知模式影响更为显著,并且不同类型的双功能形容词在隐喻式语义拓展的过程中显现出一些共性:都存在由物质域向情感域,性格域,人际关系域拓展的现象;当其心理语义已经形成并成为新的语义拓展的起点时,转喻式的认知模式作用更为突出,而在这个阶段中,部分代替整体这一类型的转喻占主导地位。该结论有助于英语学习者的词汇学习与记忆:一个单词的各项语义之间并非互相孤立,而是潜藏着某种联系,这种联系将使英语学习者理解和记忆单词的语义更加清晰有序。

【Abstract】 Double-function terms are adjectives that possess both physical and psychological meanings and belong to polysemy phenomenon. Although polysemy has been one important research focus in linguistic field, the researches on this group of polysemes are comparatively fewer both at home and abroad, so this research is of pioneering significance.This research initiates with a review of literatures concerned with prototype semantic theory, polysemous sense models, metaphor and metonymy, followed by the definition and classification of double-function terms. Three high-frequently used types of them are the subjects in this research, seven of which are elaborated on based on the synthesis of semantic description in three dictionaries and examination of their collocations in British National Corpus. Through detailed analysis on the semantic structures, the main directions of their semantic extensions, and the cognitive influence on their semantic extension, this research attempts to probe into what similarities there are in their semantic structures and their semantic extensions and what functions metaphor and metonymy have on their semantic extensions.Through detailed analysis on the semantic structures of them and the cognitive influence on their semantic extension, it is found that most semantic structures of double-function terms present combinational sense relation models, which is consistent with the research results of many other polysemes; most semantic networks of double-function terms also comply to the properties of prototype semantic categories: the multiple meanings of a double-function terms can be traced back to one same prototype meaning, namely, the physical meaning, and in the semantic structures, there are some typical meanings which have apparent connections with the physical one and atypical meanings which seem to have little connections with the physical meaning; there also exist some similarities in the semantic extension process: despite of their different physical meanings, many of them are extended to the behavior or action that arouses people of the feelings similar with the physical one, or the conditions when keeping that physical one. During the process of semantic extension from the prototypical meanings, namely the physical meanings, to its psychological meanings, metaphorical influence is more greatly found; and there exist some similarities in the metaphorical extensions, that is, we can find examples in most double-function terms the extensions from physical domains to emotion domain, character domain and inter-personal domain; when the psychological meanings become the sub-prototypes from which more psychological meanings are created, metonymical function is more obvious, and at this stage, the PART FOR WHOLE type of metonymy dominates the main position.This result may be helpful for English learners in that the meaning entries of a word are no more random as they appear, but mutually-related potentially. Recognizing this relationship, English learners can better understand and memorize the word meanings.

  • 【分类号】H313
  • 【下载频次】176

