

The Chinese Personal Pronoun in the Use of Commercial Advertisement Language

【作者】 何禾

【导师】 程邦雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文对近几年来人称代词的研究成果进行了综合考察和评价,发现研究人称代词的不少,但是研究人称代词在商业广告中的运用的不多。而且大多数学者只限于部分理论的研究,不仅涉及面狭窄,学术性也不强。因此本文从多角度运用语法、语用等语言学理论知识对现代汉语三身代词在商业广告文案中的运用作了一个全面、细致地考察。首先大致介绍了广告文案和现代汉语人称代词的概要,划定全文的研究范围;再分析了现代汉语人称代词在广告文案中做的句子成份,主要做主语、宾语和定语;在人称代词的指称对象上,不仅划分为商家、商品和消费者,还对其进行更深入地细致归类,本章还创造性的研究了多个人称代词混合使用的广告文案;在商业广告中恰当选择人称代词单数形式或复数形式不仅是语义、语法范畴,还运用了修辞学里张炼强提出的“扩大式”和“缩小式”理论;最后还对第一人称代词和证言式广告;第二人称代词和礼貌原则;第三人称代词与逆反心理做了进一步的分析。其中对第二人称代词突显礼貌原则上,开创性的提出了礼貌层级性。本文为人称代词的研究增添了一个新的领域,提供了一个新的角度,可供广告主、广告代理商在广告的策划、实施中进行参考。

【Abstract】 The thesis has carried out comprehensive survey and valuation on the personal pronoun about the research result about personal pronoun and the personal pronoun used in the commercial advertisement language ,in these years. I discover great majority scholars research the personal pronoun used in the advertisement Language only use a little theoretical about grammar , rhetoric , Pragmatics . It is narrow and academic nature is not strong. Therefore ,this thesis use linguistics theory, grammar and pragmatics to have done a all-round examination with modern Chinese personal pronoun used in the commercial advertisement language. The content about this inspecting is included: The modern Chinese personal pronoun be the component parts in the sentences which used in the advertisement;What the modern Chinese personal pronoun be referred to;The choice about the modern Chinese personal pronoun used as the singular number or complex number; The first person pronoun and testify style advertisement; The second person pronoun and principle about courtesy; The third person pronoun and antagonistic psychology of consumer ;and so on. This thesis has increase a new field, provided a new angle,for the research about the modern personal pronoun. The advertisement host , ad-agent mat be can put The research result into effect in the advertisement planning.


