

Research on Change Management Project of Company A

【作者】 徐确奉

【导师】 黄国祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以最早进入中国轮胎市场的A公司为研究对象,考察了A公司的整个变革管理项目的实施过程。第一部分讨论了A公司所处的行业状况及实施变革管理的背景,A公司在中国市场获得了巨大的发展,但是也面临很多跨国企业在中国发展过程中的共同问题。如竞争环境越来越激烈,企业获得利润越来越难,在内部管理过程中,面临着员工的意识不强,内部管理制度不完善等问题,以及跨国企业文化如何在中国扎根的问题等,这些都构成了实施企业变革管理项目的决策背景。第二部分集中分析了A公司在实施变革管理项目前,对企业内外部环境进行分析诊断的过程,形成了九个方面的问题。并以此作为变革管理项目的主要内容。第三部分,“变色龙”项目的主要进行方向:组织绩效管理体系、员工个人绩效管理体系、领导力开发项目、员工职业生涯管理体系、组织沟通改善项目等领域等方面进行的变革。涵盖了各项变革措施的具体内容和推进过程。最后,经过对变革管理项目实施的成果的阶段性评估,并形成了A公司变革管理的长期课题,跨国公司本土化的问题。

【Abstract】 The thesis chooses the company A as object of study to analyze the course of change management, which is the earliest tire maker from the foreign country. The thesis wants to discuss the course of the transformation and localization of multiple-national company (MNC).The first, the thesis has analyzed the relative position in an industry and the background of change management. Company A has achieved great successes in China market, and faced the common issues that many multiple-national company (MNC) come up against. The issues have constituted the decision-making of background of company A’s change management project.The second, the thesis has analyzed the internal operating environment of A company, reached some conclusions about the company A’s operation. These conclusions form the major issue of change management project. The third, the company A change management project has implemented the five key modules included Corporate Performance Management(CPM), Individual Performance Management(IPM), Leadership Development Programs(LDP), Employee Development Programs(EDP), Organization Communication. This part includes the specific measures of the project.The last, after evaluating the project, the thesis have formed the long-term issues about the localization of multiple-national company (MNC).


