

Effect of Partial Root-Zone Drying on the Growth of Grapevine and the Regulation of Water Statue

【作者】 梁鹏

【导师】 王世平;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 蔬菜学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 部分根域干燥(PRD)是一种节水新技术,可显著提高作物水分利用效率,改善作物产品品质,降低营养生长量的同时减少田间工作量。为了广泛的推广和应用,应针对部分根域干燥下作物的根系生长、分布及树体生长势的特点,对不同作物品种和栽培条件下的适宜土壤水分调控方法进行研究。为了制定部分根域干燥栽培条件下适宜的灌水量和灌水下限的数量化指标,为PRD技术的定量化精确化灌溉施肥和推广应用提供依据,本试验以‘藤稔’(vitis vinifera L )葡萄为试验材料,研究了避雨栽培条件下部分根域干燥对葡萄生长过程中营养生长的生理指标、产量、果实品质、水分利用效率的影响,以及该条件下最适根域湿润容积,干湿区域灌水下限,根系生长及树体营养元素含量的变化。主要研究结果表明:1)部分根域干燥技术显著抑制了葡萄的营养生长:PRD处理植株新梢长度、新梢基部直径和单位新梢叶面积都与常规双侧灌溉有显著差异;PRD处理植株的果实品质显著提高:可溶性固形物含量增加,果酸含量降低;PRD处理的水分利用效率是常规双侧灌溉2倍,节约用水约50%。2)根域湿润容积对葡萄树体生长与根域土壤水分状况的影响表明:平均每1新梢(约0.6-0.7平米叶面积)拥有约25升的根域湿润容积处理,其灌溉水量是常规灌溉的一半,但湿区土壤水势、果实产量、品质与常规灌溉没有显著差异,可见约每平米叶面积拥有约40升的根域湿润容积能够满足部分根域干燥栽培葡萄生长发育的需要。3)果实成熟期,与常规灌溉相比,PRD处理湿区灌溉下限为-30kpa时,葡萄果实体积、产量下降均不显著,果实品质显著提高;当土壤灌水下限阈值为-15kpa时,在交替过程中,其干区土壤水势值变化较大,甚至达到了-80kpa的极度干旱状况。在综合考虑节水、不降低产量和提高水分利用效率等多种因素的基础上,部分根域干燥条件下,成熟期设施葡萄灌水下限应该控制在-30kpa左右为宜,即土壤饱和持水量的70%左右。4)部分根域干燥促进了吸收根系的生长;在部分根域干燥条件下,根系对NO3-吸收亲和力高于NH4+,对总氮的吸收量显著降低;根系与叶片当中的K+含量均显著提高,有助于提高植株的抗逆性,也有助于果实品质的改善。

【Abstract】 As a new water-saving technology,PRD can improve the water use efficiency ,the taste and color and other fruit quality. By reducing the vegetative growth, it can also reduce the workload. In order to widely use ,there should be researches on the regulation methods for different crop and different cultivation conditions,such as wetting volume, irrigation low limit, alternate cycle,the best beginning and ending and optimal design of these above factors. In order to provide suitable irrigation water low limit and wetting volume for precision irrigation and fertilization under partial root-zone drying,in our research ,We studied the effect of partial root-zone drying to the vegetative growth,yield and quality of the fruits and water use efficiency. We also did some research on the most suitable water wetting volume,the low water limit of irrigation for the wet area and dry area and the roots growth and nutrient contents change.Our results showed: 1)Compared to the conventional irrigation,partial root-zone drying reduced the vegetative growth of the grape significantly:the shoot length and total leaf area are smaller than that of conventional irrigation. The fruit quality of PRD also changed abviously :the content of soluble solid and ratio of solid-acid ratio increased. The fruit matured ahead of time. The water use efficiency was significantly increased and the water amount decreased by about 50% compared to conventional irrigation.2)The research of the effect of the wetting volume under partial root-zone drying to the vine growth and development and water status of root zone showed that,the treatment with 27L wetting volume for every one shoot(per 0.7m2 leaf areas ) has no difference with double irrigation treatment which had the same wetting volume on water potential of wet zone, fruit yield and quality,but increased the water use efficiency. The results suggest that 27L wetting volume per shoot or 40Lwetting volume per square meter leaf areas can meet the requirement of the growth and development of ’vitis vinifera L ’grapevine under partial root-zone drying.3)In the mature stage,the fruit bulk and quality had no different with the conventional irrigation when the irrigation low limit was -15kpa and -30kpa in the wet area,while the limti was -15kpa,the soil water potential became lower ,even down to -80kpa. Considered of water-saving,yield maintaining and improving water use efficiency and other factors, the water irrigation low limit should be set at about -30kpa, that is 70% of soil saturated water content.4)The partial root-zone drying has strongly changed the structure of the root system and promoted the growth of the roots. The absorbtion of NO3-is higher than that of NH4+in the roots,while the absorbtion of tota nitrogen decrease. The content of K+both in roots and leaves are higher than CK,which will help to improve plant resistance, also contribute to the improvement of fruit quality.


