

Research on DRM Core Technology for Mobile TV

【作者】 李飞

【导师】 周玉洁;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电路与系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生活水平的不断提高,人们的精神文化需求不断提升;科学技术的不断发展,尤其是电视技术的不断进步,使得精神文化产品以更生动、更逼真、更贴近生活的方式呈现给人们成为可能。随着音视频编解码与压缩技术、无线通信技术不断发展,尤其3G技术的不断成熟与推广,手机电视因其给人们带来无所不在、无时不在的视听享受而受到人们的喜爱,手机电视产业面临的巨大的发展机遇。内容提供商、网络运营商、设备提供商纷纷加入手机电视行业中,推动了手机电视产业的不断发展。与此同时,手机电视产业也面临着不少问题,其中一个就是手机电视节目较少,制作成本较高;而目前人们版权保护意识较弱,盗版侵权严重,损害内容提供商的合法权益。为了避免重蹈互联网领域因缺乏有效的监管措施和手段而造成的黄、赌、毒泛滥的覆辙,必须研究手机电视的版权保护方法。因手机电视节目内容、传输网络、终端设备的特殊性,传统的版权保护手段如CA(Condition Acess,条件访问)等机制已经不能满足手机电视数字版权保护的需求。在这种背景下,DRM(Digital Rights Management,数字版权管理)技术应运而生。目前,关于DRM技术的研究多集中于技术规范方面,其中比较著名的是OMA(Open Mobile Alliance,开放移动联盟)推出的OMA DRM技术规范。参照OMA DRM的设计思想,针对手机电视传输网络、节目内容、终端设备的特殊性,设计适合手机电视业务的数字版权管理系统,研究手机电视业务DRM中关键技术,主要包括以下几个方面:节目内容加密方面,主要研究保持语义兼容的H.264视频加密算法与3GP文件加密方法;密钥管理方面,主要研究密钥管理系统与密钥的三级发布机制;DRM终端代理方面,主要研究DRM Agent系统,实现客户身份认证、授权请求与播放控制,并结合可信计算思想对DRM Agent的安全性进行探讨。本文所提出的手机电视DRM系统结构、保持语义兼容的H.264视频加密算法、密钥的三级发布机制以及基于可信计算思想的DRM Agent对实现手机电视数字版权管理、乃至DRM其他应用的实现与部署具有重大的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With standard of living improved, demand of people for cultural product is more enhighlighted than before. With the development of science and technology, especially that of television technology, cultural product is pre-sented to people in more lively method. In recent years with the progress of audio and video coding and compression technology, and the evolution of wireless telecommunication, mobile TV is possible and available. As 3G technology becomes more and more mature and the 3G network has been de-ployed, mobile TV, which can be accessed anytime and anywhere, become more and more people’s favorite. Mobile TV is faced with great opportunity. Content provider, network operator and device provider participate in the mo-bile TV industry to get a market share.On the other hand, mobile TV is faced with some challenges, such as lack of TV program, the high cost of making program, and so on. Besides, the low intellectual property sense of people has worsened the situation and inva-lid pirate has corrupted the valid righrts of content provider. It’s necessary to research on technology to protect the rights of digital content to avoid making the same error as internet, which is spreaded with piratical and obscene video for lack of reliable supervision method. Typical rights protection technology, such as CA, short for Condition Acess, can’t be applied to mobile TV for the special content format, special transportation network and special terminal device in mobile TV. Under such background, DRM, short for Digital Rights Management, emerges as the times requires. At present research on DRM mainly focuses on DRM architecture and its specification. The most known specification is OMA DRM, which is proposed by Open Mobile Alliance. With reference to OMA DRM specification, taking the speciality of con-tent, network, and device of mobile TV into consideration, core technology of DRM for mobile TV is researched, including such fields as format-compliant H.264 video and 3GP file encryption methods, key management and triple level distribution system, DRM Agent for identity verification, content de-cryption, and play control. Trusted computing has also been taken into con-sideration for DRM Agent for security reason. DRM architecture, for-mat-compliant H.264 video and 3GP file encryption method, the triple level distribution systm for content encryption key, and DRM Agent basing on trusted computing are of great value to research, implementation and deploy-ment of DRM for mobile TV, even DRM system for other applications.


