

The Investigation of High Power LED Multiple Thermal Functional Interface Materials

【作者】 钟道远

【导师】 吴建生; 龙荷荪;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 材料工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类照明技术的发展,以及环境保护意识的提高,越来越多以高效、节能、环保、长寿命为标志的新技术,新发明在照明领域产生并逐渐推广使用;以高亮度、高发光效率、冷光、体积微小、快速响应、被动高功率因子、全色彩光、高显色性、固体光源、长寿命为显著特点的现代大功率高亮度发光二极管简称HPLED(High Power Light Emitting Diode)的逐渐广泛应用为其标志之一.随着HPLED照明领域从装饰性照明扩展到普通照明,一方面对其单位功率发光亮度要求的不断提高(每瓦流明数);另一方面通过单位面积上聚集的功率的不断上升,以提高总的流明数,例如单颗HPLED封装体积不变,但功率却从1W、3W到5W,处于实验室级别的产品功率更高.这就要求如何更加有效将HPLED发光芯片上的热取出,以最快最低热阻的方式传导给其散热装置,避免由于热蓄积引起的温升而对HPLED芯片造成致命负面影响.而HPLED的典型应用装置即HPLED灯,隐蔽微小是其不同于传统照明的一个突出方面,正因为如此,通常HPLED灯的散热装置均采用被动方式即自然方式:传导、自然对流、辐射.前两种是其散热的主要方式.从HPLED灯的发光芯片到灯体外表面或其散热装置,无可避免的要经过一处,或两处乃至三处的实体之间的界面,根据目前实用灯具的情况看两次以上的界面是最普通的应用方式.而如何将这些界面的热阻降至最低,使得热流能最大限度的通过,将是避免HPLED芯片PN结温度过高的一个行之有效的方面.本文的研究对象是具有相变特点的功能复合界面材料,因其具有相变:固-液相变的特点,能实现实体界面之间的无缝连接,再由于其中添加了有机硅等为主要成分的填料,在正常使用条件下不会因为固-液相变导致材料层析、偏聚、缺失等情况,并由于有机硅本身相对较高的热传导系数,极弱的导电性,及低廉的价格,非常适合在HPLED的实体界面之间的应用.本文根据具有相变特点的导热界面功能复合材料的传热特点,采用有限元分析理论,通过专用的热分析计算机技术,以特定的HPLED投光灯模型为例,建立相应的实体模型,并结合相应的实验建立了在特定功率下,不同温度,不同厚度,不同操作工艺,不同掺杂成分下,非金属基导热界面功能复合材料对HPLED投光灯的散热影响,通过其升降温曲线,特定温度测点温度变化情况分析,以期对HPLED灯的实际使用可以比较正确的指导.

【Abstract】 With the development of human lighting technology & the improvement of the consciousness of human being to environment, more and more new technology and new invention what are as the sign of high-efficiency,saving-energy,environment-protection,long-life appeared in lighting field ,then gradually apply much.One of these signs is what has the characteristic of high luminaire,high light-efficiency,cold light-ray,tiny volume,quick reaction,high power efficiency,full color light,high displaying true color,solid light source,long-life etc,belongs to high power light emitting diode (HPLED in brief named).By the application of HPLED expands from decorative lighting to general lighting ,as the result new requirements are naturally born, the first requirement is that light luminance per power continuous improves higher,the second requirement is by gathering power in certain area to reach the goal of improving total light luminance .for example HPLED encapsulation volume per unit does not changes but its power improves from 1W, 3W to 5W.which has located in experimental grade will has more high power. All of above requiring how to conduct thermal from HPLED light emitter core to lightshell or its thermal conductivity instrument in prestissimo and low thermal resistance ways,avoiding the fatal effection of thermal deposition resulting in temperature increasing brings to HPLED light emitter core.The classic application equipment of HPLED is HPLED lamp. The tiny or small is its outstanding merit that differs from traditional lighting.Therefore the thermal conductivity equipment of HPLED are always in passive methods such as: thermal conductivity, natural thermal convection,thermal radiation.The two forward methods are primary.From HPLED light emitter core to lightshell or its thermal conductor equipment unavoidable through one or two or three solid interface. At present according to the true application ,much more two solid interfaces are common,then how to reduce these solid interfaces thermal resistance lowestly,so thermal current may pass through that in utmost degree will be the best way to avoid the PN junction temperature of HPLED light emitter core reach too high.The research object in this article is a certain functional multiple thermal interface material what has characteristic of phase-change : solid-liquid phase-change can connect between solid interface surface with no gap.Which also includes organic silicone element etc, which insures no chromatography ,no local-gathering,non-lost,etc.Moreover silicone has the characteristic of relative high thermal conductivity factor,weak electric conductivity,low cost so that very exactly fits to the application of HPLED solid interface.According to the thermal conductivity characteristic of phase-change functional multiple materials we have adopt limited particle therory analysis in this article ,by special computer thermal anaylsis technology,aim at certain HPLED flood lighting model,established computer model .and combined a series of non-metal thermal interface materials experiments,which established in certain power,different thickness,different temperature,different trasaction,different composition, to acknowledge thermal conductivity effection of the material to HPLED flood lighting by its ascend and descend temperature curve,and certain measuring spots temperature changing,conclude what should be refer in HPLED lighting application


