

The Vicissitude of Modern Desire

【作者】 柳径

【导师】 谭桂林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 在20世纪30年代,施蛰存的小说创作为中国现代文学开辟了一个新的领域,提供了一次有益探索,施蛰存无疑是一位可敬的拓荒者。但是施蛰存的存在意义并不仅仅是揭露了人类被文明与社会规范压抑了数千年的真实欲望,更为值得我们关注的应该是他在小说范式上关于传统性与现代性的融合,以及他在纯艺术追求上的可贵坚持。本文试图从叙事学角度来探讨施蛰存在欲望描写过程中的阶段性转变及其所暗合的社会文化背景,认为施蛰存小说创作经历了从裂变到成熟再至复归的一条曲折道路,还探讨了三个不同时期与当时社会文化之间必不可分的因果关系。全文分为四章:引言部分首先指出了20世纪30年代施蛰存的纯艺术追求与小说创作在获得肯定之后,遭到了带有时代烙印的诟病。接着概述了80年代“施蛰存热”兴起后研究评论界的典型声音。然后对90年代的施蛰存研究进行了分类,指出这些研究在欲望叙事的整体关照上的不足。最后对“欲望”进行了概括性定义,并指出了施蛰存欲望叙事的整体特征和文学史地位。第一章从现代中国欲望对传统伦理的冲撞开始讲述欲望叙事的社会文化背景,并简要介绍了弗洛伊德精神分析学说的主要理论。接着主要探讨了施蛰存对弗洛伊德精神分析学说的接受过程以及施蛰存心理分析小说与其他作家创作的相异之处。第二章从叙事学角度分析了施蛰存早期小说中为传统伦理寻找合理解释而设置的叙事者、叙事干预等方面的特征,重点分析了线性时间叙事结构背后的欲望萌发态势,揭示了施蛰存创作初期在技巧上向心理分析小说的靠近。第三章对施蛰存欲望叙事的成熟性特征进行了着重挖掘,在“陌生化”人物、人物视角、内聚焦、内心独白等方面进行了详细剖析,并通过对此时期线性意识结构的探讨,指出施蛰存在书写本我欲望上的不遗余力。第四章从当时社会背景对施蛰存的影响入手,通过对此时期小说人物的社会典型化和传统叙事手段回归的分析,指出了他小说创作向现实主义的妥协与转变。并着重分析了他的收山之作《黄心大师》,指出其在欲望叙事上的念念不忘与最后的呼喊。结语部分重在对施蛰存欲望叙事小说创作的文学史意义的挖掘,从而指出他在中国传统文学与西方现代文学融合上做出的有益尝试,是中国现代文学史上难能可贵的突破与创新。

【Abstract】 During 1930s, Shi Zhecun’s novel creation opened up a new field for Chinese modern literature, which was also regarded as a rewarding exploration. Undoubtedly, Shi Zhecun himself was a worthy explorer. However, the existential sense of Shi Zhecun was not only limited in revelation of the real desire, which had been suppressed by human civilization and social norms. More importantly, we should concentrate on the integration of his novels between tradition and modernity, and his untiring pursuit of pure art. Cutting from the perspective of narration, this paper attempts to explore the phased transformation during the process of describing desire, and to discuss the social and cultural background behind this phased transformation. Shi’s novels experienced a tortuous process, which developed from fission to mature, and finally regression. This paper also discussed the inherent causality between these three different periods and their corresponding social and cultural background.The paper was divided into four chapters:First of all, the introduction pointed out that during 1930s, after obtained affirmation, Shi Zhecun’s pursuit of pure art sustained denouncement, which was impressed with the time brand. Then the introduction summarized the typical literary critics after the emergence of the 1980’s "The Fever of Shi Zhecun". Afterward, the introduction classified the study of Shi Zhecun during 1990’s, pointed out the overall lack of care on desire narration. Finally, the introduction generally defined "desire", and pointed out the general feature of Shi Zhecun’s desire narration and its status in the literary history.The first chapter began with the collision between modern Chinese desire and the traditional ethical desire, explored the narrative of social and cultural background, and briefly introduced Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Then Chapter I mainly discussed Shi Zhecun’s acceptance of Freud’s psychoanalysis theory through his own experience, and discussed the difference between Shi Zhecun’s psychoanalytical novels and others writers creation.ChapterⅡanalyzed his early fictions’ feature, which was setting up narrators in purpose of finding reasonable explanation and narration intervention. ChapterⅡespecially analyzed the posture of desire germination behind the linear narrative structure of time, revealed the fact that Shi Zhecun’s early novels gradually resembled psychoanalytic fictions.ChapterⅢexcavated the mature characteristics of Shi Zhecun’s narrative, analyzed in detail the "strangization" characters, the figural point of view, internal focalization and internal monologue. Then ChapterⅢthrough the discussion of the linear structure of conscience, pointed out Shi Zhecun’s effort on describing the id desire.ChapterⅣstarted with the impact of the social background on Shi Zhecun, pointed out his compromise and change toward realism through the analyzes of characters’ social typification and the regression of traditional narrative means during this period. Especially focused on his last fictional creation -- "Yellow Heart Master", pointed out his obsession on desire narration and the final appeals.Conclusion focused on digging the sense of Shi Zhecun’s desire narration creation in the literary history, then displayed his valuable attempt on the integration of Chinese traditional literature and Western modern literature. It was a rare breakthrough and innovation in the history of Chinese modern literature.


