

Civilians Awareness of Elite

【作者】 杨英伟

【导师】 王攸欣;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 老舍之所以成其为老舍,不仅是因为他具备现代文坛大师们在文化转型期间的共性,更重要的是他具备其他大师所没有的特质。这种特质不仅是我们理解其小说文本的钥匙,更是我们研究其文学心理的密码。平民化的精英意识,正是老舍不同于其他大师的生存特质与文学密码。笔者试从这一角度出发,对老舍的精神历程及其理想人物展开论述,以期对老舍研究作出补充。全文共分三章:第一章,主要从精神历程出发,指出老舍平民意识与精英意识的双重定位,以及这种精神炼狱在理想人物上的投影。与生俱来的贫民身份,平民化的教育历程,平民化的人格理想和审美观念决定了老舍平民化的心理定位,这种平民定位决定了他平民化的文学思维和表达方式;偶然的机缘,在文学上的勤奋和天赋却使他步入文化精英阶层,具有了被现实社会认定的精英定位。老舍小说的理想人物其实是其人生经历的折射和精神炼狱的投影,寄寓了老舍平民化的精英意识。第二章,主要剖析其小说文本中的理想人物,梳理平民化的精英意识随老舍的生存境遇产生的流变。第一阶段以“英伦三篇”为例,寄寓在“二李”身上的实干意识,与老舍独处英伦,渴慕西方文化的境遇有关;第二阶段,主要以《猫城记》与《离婚》为例,小蝎与大鹰,老李与丁二爷等矛盾体形象隐含了老舍三十年代对现实境遇的失望和愤怒;第三阶段以《四世同堂》与《鼓书艺人》为例,瑞宣和钱默吟经过精神裂变成长为民族精英,说明经过民族战争的洗礼,老舍的文化意识与国家观念得到了释放和升华。孟良的形象则寄寓了老舍对民主意识的渴求。第三章,用一分为二的观点,辨证地讨论其理想人物形象的成功与不足之处。平民化的精英意识赋予人物形象二重性或多重性的价值观照,使其人物形象展示出丰富的人性内涵。并采用了独特的创作手法:一、注重心理铺叙,长于思辨;二、悲剧意识与传奇色彩并存。但平民化的精英意识既给了老舍观照文化的独特视角,也造成了其文化思想与艺术成就上的某些偏颇与不足。笔者以学潮与政治为例,讨论了老舍被误读的深层原由。

【Abstract】 The reason why Lao She became a famous writer, not only because of his cultural similarities to modern literary masters in the cultural transition period and, more importantly, he has his speacil characteristics. The characteristics is not only the key for us to understand his novel texts, and it is also the password to study his psychological literature. The author, trying to begin with this point of view, discusses Lao She’s spiritual experience and his ideal people, with a hope to make development and supplement to Lao She’s study.The full text is divided into three chapters:Chapter One: The paper begins with the study of Lao She’s spiritual experience, pointing out the double position of Lao She’s civilians awareness and elite consciousness, and this spirit figures on purgatory in the ideal projection. Born with poor status, education in the civilian population course , civilian character of ideal personality and aesthetic concept decided Lao She’s civilians psychological targeting. The targeting of civilians decides his civilian thinking and literary expression. In an accidental opportunity, with his hard working in the literature and talent, he entered into the cultural elite class, earned his elite position in the real society. Although he earned the position in the elite class, full of elite consciousness, he failed to integrate into the elite class where he was in. His psychological identity and perspective are always concerned about civilians, this is the spirit purgatory in the whole life of Lao She. The ideal figures in Lao She’s novel are the refraction of his life experiences and spiritual purgatory of the projection, placing Lao She’s civilian awareness of the elite.Chapter Two: The paper mainly analyzes the ideal figures in Lao She’s novel, carding the rheological change in civilian awareness of the elite with the difference of Lao She’s survival situation. In the first phase, the author chooses "three of England," for example, the solid work awareness, which is placed on the "Two Lees", has a close relationship with Lao She’s situation of alone in England, longing for Western culture. In the second phase, the author mainly chooses "Cats Cities" and "Divorce" as examples, the contradictional images of Xiao Xie and Da Ying, Lao Lee and Mr Ding, implies Lao She’s disappointment and anger to the real situation in thirties. In the third phase, the author chooses "four generations" and "drum book artist," for example, Rui Xuan and Qian Molin, through the fission of spirit, they grew into national elites. It proved that after the baptism of national war, Lao She’s cultural awareness and sense of national identity has been released and sublimated. The image of Meng Liang is placed with Lao She’s longing for democracy.Chapter Three: With the dialectical perspective, the author discusses the successes and shortcomings of Lao She’s ideal images. Civilians awareness of elite gave the images duality or multiplicity of values. It makes the novel images showed rich human nature. Lao She used a unique creative approach: First, paying attention to psychological elaborate, be good at speculating; Second, tragedy consciousness and legendary co-exist. However, civilian awareness of the elite gives the unique cultural perspective to Lao She, it also caused some bias and shortcomings in cultural ideas and artistic achievements. The author chooses student protest and political as example, discusses the deep reasons of misunderstanding of Lao She’s novels.


