

Classical Insisting in Modernistic Posture

【作者】 吴丹

【导师】 杨经建;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 苏童的大部分作品在叙事方式上采用了许多尖锐的探索方式,呈现出鲜明的现代性,或者说先锋性。与其他先锋作家及作品比较,苏童的写作,在很大程度上,却是先锋写作中的“另类”:他在形式技巧探索的背后坚守着古典而唯美的诗意建构,这种诗意建构与晚唐诗风有着必然的美学价值关联。在艺术思维方面,苏童大胆地运用想象。与晚唐细腻含蓄的浪漫玄想不同,苏童的想象天马行空,诡秘瑰丽。他想象的特质在于把对于存在超越线性时空的宇宙整体观、轮回宿命的开放性理解,以及对人的“性命”进行勘探理解的结果放于文学创作中,从而呈现出磅礴大气,激越奇特的美学风范。在叙事策略方面,苏童小说大量地使用、创造意象。首先,在意象的选择上不再拘泥于物象,出现了动作意象、色彩意象、人物意象等等,扩大了文学表象范围;其次,出现的意象不再是残破不全的事物,完整事物的被毁灭,美好人物的悲惨命运等更能营造出感伤、哀婉的情感。苏童式意象构成小说丰厚的内在精神的载体和较大的隐喻性空间,使意象超越了他小说中形象的表现强度,具有对存在世界和生命深层次的审美观照。在叙事风格上,苏童小说表现出浓厚的颓唐风格。晚唐诗歌着重表现颓靡感伤,苏童小说则一方面描写颓败,一方面又体现对这种颓败的痴迷,因为,在他的笔下,南方是一种腐败而充满魅力的存在。对女性的描写方面,也存在很大的不同,两者都有秾艳繁缛的形象描写,但苏童小说更多的是表现女性生存状态的颓靡,命运结局的凄婉,发散出韵味无穷、寓言深重的美学风气。在叙事语言上,苏童小说语言感伤而唯美。江南文人的怀旧传统和纤细感伤的文化心理造就了苏童感伤唯美的语言风格。值得注意的是,苏童的想象性语言使整个叙述产生一种魔力,唤醒人们与自身过去知觉经验的某种联系,扩展了文学表达的边界。另外,苏童小说语言的“陌生化”,使叙述语言在表达上得到审美意义上的提升,获得真正意义上的持久的诗意。

【Abstract】 Most of SuTong’s novels were used modern narration ways,taking on obvious modernity.Comparing other modernism,the fictions written by SuTong were provided with picturesque characteristic among the modernism in large extent.Although he used some skills in form,he insisted on constructing his works with esthetics simultaneously,which associated with poetic style in terminal of TangChao in aesthetic value.At the thread of art,SuTong boldly applied imagination to his novels. SuTong imagined magnificently and mystically in his dummy world, which was different from poetry in terminal of TangChao.The particularity of SuTong’s imagination was that he applied his distinctive comprehension about universe,fatalism and life to his literature creation, which made his works taking on sublime style in aesthetic appreciation.At the strategy in narration,SuTong largely used and created imagoes.Firstly,the imagoes he chose no longer limited things,motion, color and figure appeared in his imagoes,which extended the are of literature token.Secondly,imagoes which appeared in novels no longer deformity,ideal things and sweet characters were destroyed could create sad atmosphere much more.The imagoes created by SuTong filled his novels with full of emotions and metaphors,exceeding the intensity represented by characters,possessed deep aesthetic comprehension about world and life.At the narrative style,SuTong’s novels represented dense decadent. As we knew,the poetry in terminal of TangChao represented decadence and sadness emphatically,but SuTong’s novels described decadence one side,on the other side,it embodied his fancy about decadence.Bcause,in his works,the south was a existence both decadence and charm.There were different between SuTong’s novels and poetry in terminal of TangChao in women characterization.Both described showy appearance, but SuTong’s novels represented women’s decadent survival mood and miserable destiny,which made his novels lasting appeal and allegoric.At the style of narrative language,SuTong’s novels was sentimental and aesthetic.The nostalgic tradition and sentimental psychology of south literator generated SuTong’s language style.Attentively,SuTong’s imaginative language made its unitary narrative exhaled glamour, awaking us to associate former experience,which extended literary expression.Otherwise,SuTong used strange narrative language, promoting aesthetic significance,making his novels lasting poetry in genuine purport.

【关键词】 苏童小说想象意象颓唐诗性
【Key words】 SuTong’s novelsimagineimagodecadentpoetic

