

Analysis of Yan Guaiyu’s Journalist Writings

【作者】 严一梅

【导师】 吴康;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新闻事业的发展,报刊成为近代散文、杂文的重要载体,并出现了一个特殊的作家群体——报人作家,严怪愚先生是其中优秀的一位。本文即是围绕严怪愚先生和他的散文展开研究和论述的。全文分为三个部分:第一章:长沙社会历史的秘书—严怪愚解放前的创作活动及作品思想性研究。具体作品包括一场为捍卫鲁迅与反动文人的论战和一组三十年代长沙社会相等,严怪愚的早期作品深受“五四”新文化和鲁迅的影响,关注国家民族命运和百姓生活,表现出无比的勇气和强烈的爱国情结,文风辛辣讽刺。第二章:反思与回顾—严怪愚解放后的创作活动及作品思想性研究。严怪愚晚年作品以回忆录为主。表现出韧性的战斗精神和人格力量。第三章:灵活多样的体裁,特色鲜明的文采:严怪愚散文作品类型及特点研究,分为:体裁的多样化、新闻散文化、纪实性、草根性、血性与韧性相济、地方语言鲜明、诙谐幽默六个部分进行论述。严怪愚作为湖南著名的报人,为湖南的新闻报刊发展作出了重要的贡献;同时,作为一个作家,他创作了约三百万字的文学作品,给我们展示了我国特别是长沙几十年变迁的历史画卷和两个时代的历史风云,表现了一个正直文人的铮铮傲骨和浩然正风,然而目前对他的研究仅仅停留在个人生平的回忆上。本文拟在为湖南现代文学史研究填补一项空白,对作为报人的严怪愚的文学作品作初步探讨和研究,并试图探讨其在文学史上的意义。

【Abstract】 Newspaper has become a critical medium for contemporary prose and essays with the development of journalism.A special group of writers emerged during modern times,known as newspaper writers,among whom Mr.Yan Guaiyu was one of the most outstanding representatives. This paper researches on Mr.Yan Guaiyu’s life and his works which elaborates from the following three parts:Part 1:It focuses on Mr.Yan Quaiyu’s social activities and ideological content in his writings before 1949.His early works were greatly influenced by the new culture initiated by the May Fourth Movement.He showed great concern for the destiny of the nation and its people,passionate love for his country and dauntless courage when facing his enemies.His harsh and ironic style could be found in his works in this period,e.g.a fierce debate against the reactionary hack writers to defend Lu Xun and a series of articles painting a social picture in 1930’s Changsha.Part 2:It focuses on Mr.Yan Guaiyu’s social activities and ideological content in his writings after 1949.In this period,his works were mostly recollections and reminiscences in his late years from which we can see amazing endurance and human dignity.Part 3:This part explores Mr.Yan Guaiyu’s flexible and unique writing styles and flavors from six distinctive features:diversified forms, prose-style news reports,actual and authentic records,grass-rooted courage and uprightness in writings,humorous and lively language, unique writing style with local dialects.As a well-known newspaper writer in Hunan Province,Mr.Yan Guaiyu made great contributions to the development of Journalism enterprise.His works of more than 3 million words has unfolded in front of us a history scroll of our country,especially the changes in Changsha over several decades.We see through his works unyielding spirit and awe-inspiring righteousness.However,researches on Mr.Yan Guaiyu have only surfaced on recollections of his life.Thereby the purpose of this paper is to make a tentative research and discussion about his literary works and try to explore and identify his position in the history of literature.


