

The Research on Aid System for Unemployment in Urban Areas

【作者】 皮本良

【导师】 陈成文;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , MPA, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 失业治理是我国现代化建设中要长期面对的一个突出难题。通过分析我国现行就业援助制度的缺限,探寻就业援助的基本思路和方法,完善相关制度,促进就业援助制度化、规范化,有利于政府失业治理,维护失业人员的基本权益。本文立足于社会公正理论视角,着眼于和谐社会建设,从城市就业援助的主要内容切入,从就业岗位援助、政策援助、法律援助、服务援助和社会保障援助五个方面,阐述了援助的具体内容,并解析现行就业法规政策的缺陷和制度性原因,从而从宏观上和具体政策上构建有效的制度体系,为党和政府进一步完善就业援助制度提供政策建议。本文对完善城市就业援助进行了一些探讨:一是充分发挥政府的宏观调控职能,实施有利于创业和再就业的财税政策,重点扶持中小企业发展;二是坚持发展经济与扩大就业并举,突出就业的优先地位;三是完善城市失业人员就业援助的服务体系;四是推进城市失业人员就业援助的配套改革,充分发挥社会保障政策促再就业功能。

【Abstract】 The unemloyment management is an outstanding and arduous problem in the process of our nation’s modernization. Through the analysis of the shortcomings of the our nation’s current employment aid system, the research on the basic train of thought and methods of the employment aid , the development of the related system, and the enhancing of the systematization, standardization of the employment aid , it will be conducive to the employment management, and protect the basic rights for the unemployment.The thesis is based on the angel of the the theory of social justices , and the construction of the social harmony. From the perspective of the employment aid in the urban areas, the thesis sets forth the concrete content , analyses the policy drawbacks and systematic reasons for the current Employment policy and Law in terms of the employment post aid, policy aid , law aid , service aid, and social security aid, and builds an effecive system for the concrete policies in a macroscopic way , so as to provide policy suggestions for further perfection of the employment aid for our party and government.The thesis probes into the perfection of employment in the urban areas, firstly, to play the role of governmental function of the macroscopic regulation completely, carrys out tax and finance policies beneficial to starting an enterprise and re-employment , and focuses on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises . Secondly, insists on developing economy and expanding employment at the same time, giving priority to employment ; thirdly, consummates the service system of the employment aid for people who lost their jobs; forthly, enhances the related reform of the employment aid for those who lost their jobs in the urban areas, and plays the fully role of the policy of social security as to enhance employment.


