

Study on Optimization of the Structure and Layout of Urban and Rural Construction Land in Zixing City

【作者】 黄星

【导师】 谢炳庚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是不可再生的有限资源,是经济社会发展最基本的生产要素。随着经济社会的发展、城镇化水平的迅速提高,对土地的需求将会越来越大。土地利用总体规划是优化土地利用结构与布局、实现土地合理利用的行动计划,其是否科学合理,关系到土地管理水平的高低,也关系到未来社会、经济的发展方向正确与否。为了统筹城乡建设用地的使用,切实发挥土地利用总体规划的龙头作用,使其真正成为城乡建设的纲领性文件,必须深入研究如何统筹安排城乡建设用地结构与布局。优化城乡建设用地结构与布局既是缓解用地矛盾、提高土地综合利用效率的战略性选择,又是促进节约集约用地的重要途径,也是统筹城乡发展的基本落脚点。本文以湖南省资兴市为例,对城乡建设用地结构与布局优化进行研究。文章首先提出城乡建设用地结构与布局优化的目标、原则与特征,并通过对资兴市城乡建设用地利用现状进行详细分析,指出资兴市城乡建设用地结构与布局中存在的问题。在此基础上,本文根据资兴市1997~2007年土地利用数据和土地变更数据,结合实际,采用最优线性规划法等方法,对资兴市城乡建设用地结构及布局进行了深入分析、研究,研究结果表明:(1)资兴市城镇用地数量不足,规划薄弱,难以满足城镇化与工业化的建设用地需求,而农村居民点分布较为零散,布局不合理,存在较大的整理空间。(2)资兴市经济发展水平相对较低,各项工作以经济建设为中心,在各种效益评价中,经济指标仍是首选指标,因此以经济效益最大化为目标的单目标最优线性规划法可以较好地对其城乡建设用地结构进行优化。(3)在选取优化模型时应对研究区实际情况予以充分考虑,做到因地制宜。不同的现实情况需要有不同的理论与模型来指导实践,在实际情况较为复杂的地区选取较为简单的模型会忽视优化结果的科学性,而在实际情况较为单一的区域选择较为复杂的模型与方法往往会增大实现难度和工作量。因此,选取模型与方法时应同时兼顾现实需求与科学性。

【Abstract】 Land is a limited and non-renewable resource. And it is the most fundamental factor in the development of economy and society. With the development of economy and urbanization more and more land will be needed. Land-use planning is an action plan which can optimize the structure and layout of land and realize rational land use. It is important to land management and the development of economy and society whether the land-use planning is scientific, especially the structure and layout of construction land. Optimizing the structure and layout of construction land in urban and rural is the focus point in the construction of urban and rural. And it also is the important way to alleviate land use contradiction, improve the efficiency of land use, and promote to economize and gather contract land.With the support of the basic theories and methods, the thesis takes Zixing City as a Practical testing. Firstly, the thesis puts forward five features as well as the goals and the principles of optimizing structure and layout of urban and rural construction land. Then, the thesis analyzes the present situation of Zixing’s construction land in detail, and points out the problems of its structure and layout. According to the analysis above, the thesis optimizes the land use structure and layout of Zixing city with linear planning mode cellular automata mode and GIS technology with the land use data in 1997~2007. Main conclusions are put forward as follows:(1)Zixing city is lack of urban land and the planning of the urban land can not meet the needs of urbanization and industrialization in future. The distribution of rural land is not rational and the potential of land consolidation is very large.(2)Because of the underdevelopment of Zixing’s economy progress, economy-development becomes the major principle in every area of society. Economic indicators always are the most important ones in various efficiency evaluations. So single-object linear planning mode which aims to maximize the economic benefits could be used to optimize the structure and layout of the urban and rural land in Zixing City.(3)When the model for optimizing is selected, the local conditions should be fully taken into account. The theories and models will vary when they facing different conditions. If the simple models are applied to the region with complicated conditions, the optimizing result will be not scientific. On the contrary, if the complex models are selected at the region with simple condition, there will be a lot of insignificant work which must be done. Therefore realistic demand and propriety should be given enough consideration, when the decision is made.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】472

