

Study on Structures Technology in the Thermal Insulation of High-rise Residential

【作者】 董耀军

【导师】 武六元;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 外墙外保温技术具有热工性能好、能基本消除热桥影响、明显改善室内居住环境、保护主体结构、延长建筑物使用寿命、不占用房屋的使用面积以及更适合旧建筑节能改造等优点,是一种性能优越的节能构造方式。外墙外保温正在成为我国一项重要的建筑节能技术,是中国建筑节能的主要发展方向之一。然而,国内外对外墙外保温各项性能的研究呈两极分化,热工研究人员集中攻关于热工方面,施工技术人员则只进行施工技术研究。对于从施工及热工结合角度的系统性研究,国内尚无先例。本文结合国内应用最为广泛的外墙外保温形式——薄抹灰外墙外保温体系,对外墙外保温系统从施工和热工角度进行研究。主要研究内容及成果概括如下:1.通过研究国内外的外保温构造做法,提出在施工中容易出现的问题,分析其原因并提出解决办法。证明采用合适的施工方案、适合的构造方案外保温裂缝是可以避免的。2.以寒冷地区西安市为例,通过分析条文式节能设计和性能化节能设计区别,进行经济性分析,提出最经济的建筑节能设计方案,即通过加强外墙及屋顶保温层厚度,降低对外窗的隔热性能要求(即可降低投资),也同样可以达到西安市的65%节能标准。3.通过对西安市某些外墙外保温瓷砖饰面的工程做法、构造研究,分析其平行和垂直墙面方向的受力特征,最终提出适宜西安地区的瓷砖饰面外墙外保温系统。4.对一幢高层住宅进行外墙外保温实验研究,验证外墙外保温在剧烈变化的室外环境中对饰面层的特殊要求及采用外墙外保温技术对室内热环境的影响。5.通过研究锚栓的受力方式,分析其在不同外墙外保温系统中所起作用,提出不同的外墙外保温系统选择不同的锚栓。

【Abstract】 Exterior insulation technology has many advantages.Such as better thermal technology and basically eliminate the thermal bridge,and improve indoors living environment,and product the main structure of the building to extend its life,and non-occupied housing,as well as more suitable for old buliding to energy-saving.Itis a superior structures technology of energy-saving.In this paper,thermal insulation composite wall outside the study,in summarizing the research results have been analyzed on the basis of field research,to examples of problems to do a specific analysis,try to propose solutions.The main research contents and results summarized as follows:1.In detail both at home and abroad introduce the main structure of the exterior insulation and propose the construction of their problems easily.Introduction to Xi’an as an example the cold outside the area of economic analysis of energy-saving insulation,the highest in the region of Xi’an program cost-effective energy conservation.2.Take cold local Xi’an as the example,the most economical construction energy conservation design proposal has been proposed on the basis of energy ansysis,that is to achieve Xi’an’s 65%energy standard by the way of strengthening the outer wall and roof heat insulating layer thickness and reducing the foreign window the heat insulation performance requirement(that is to reduce investment).3.Exterior insulation system of ceramic tile suitable for Xi’an area has been proposed on the basis of the research on project procedure and structure of ceramic tile exterior insulation system and the ansysis of stress characteristic of ceramic tile on the level and vertical. 4.The experimental research about exterior insulation for a pair of high-level housing confirms that the request to exterior insulation in the fierce change environment and the influence to the room internal heat environment.5.Through studies fang bolt’s stress way and analyzes the effect of it to exterior insulation system,this paper proposed that different exterior insulation system should chouse different fang bolt.


