

Field Test and Theoretical Analysis on Tunnel Ventilation Heat Exchange Efficiency of Shisanling Hydropo Wer Station

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 李安桂;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 寻求节能、环保、可持续发展的空调方式来降低建筑能耗,是目前节约能源一个急需解决的问题。深层土壤或者地下隧洞有巨大的蓄冷或蓄热能力,是天然、环保的可再生能源。如何利用水电站地下交通洞及专用送风洞的天然冷热源,实现水电站内环境的温度调控得到了水电站暖通空调设计人员的广泛重视。本文对十三陵水电站厂房采用交通洞送风的方式进行了实测及理论分析,利用实测数据,探讨了水电站交通洞内空气温度及相对湿度的变化规律,查明了地下交通洞对空气温度及湿度的调节作用,并计算空气经过交通洞后能量的变化,分析了交通洞的节能潜力。通过建立水电站地下交通洞换热的理论模型,得出了水电站地下交通洞换热的计算公式,并引入交通洞有效换热长度和最佳换热长度的概念,给出计算交通洞有效换热长度和最佳换热长度的方程式;十三陵水电站交通洞的实测数据表明,该换热公式具有较高的精度,误差小于5%。实测分析表明,十三陵水电站交通洞壁面温度为22.3℃,深埋地下交通洞壁面温度基本保持恒定;空气流经水电站交通洞、专用送风洞存在显著的温降或温升,末端出口温度与壁面温度较为接近,误差为±1℃。地下交通洞送风可以为厂房提供良好的工作环境,满足水电站厂房的通风空调设计要求。此外,通过对洞内空气湿度的分析表明,交通洞对空气相对湿度的调节与温度变化趋势相反,有较强的规律性。十三陵水电站交通洞(埋深250m)现场测试表明,深埋地下洞室的换热呈常壁温换热状态,论文计算理论公式与实测数据吻合良好。

【Abstract】 At present,it is urgent to find a development-sustainable air-conditioning mode to reduce building energy consumption.This air-conditioning mode should save energy and protect environment.Deep soil and underground tunnel has remarkable energy storage ability, which is also a natural and environment protecting renewable resource.Thus,widely attention of hydro power station air conditioning designer is drawn by underground tunnel and air supply tunnel.For the designers,the key is to find the methodology of utilizing the energy storage ability of underground tunnel and air supply tunnel,in order to actualize suitable air conditioning design of hydro power station indoor environment.In this paper,a field test and theoretical analysis is done on the tunnel ventilation pattern of Shisanling Hydropower Station.Based on the field test data,indoor temperature and relative humidity change regulation of hydro power station is discussed,while the indoor temperature and relative humidity modulation capability of the tunnel is worked out. Moreover,the energy change when air goes through the tunnel is calculated,in order to analyze tunnel energy saving potential.By building up the heat exchange model of hydro power station tunnel,the heat exchange theoretical function is figured out.Then,the notion and function of tunnel efficient and optimize heat exchange length is introduced respectively. The field test data indicate that these functions have high precisions.Erro is below 5%.By analyzing,wall temperature of Shisanling hydro power station tunnel is roughly remain at about 22.3℃.The inlet air can have a significant temperature change,when it goes through hydro power station tunnel or air supply tunnel.After that,the outlet air temperature is close to wall temperature.Erro is±1℃.Thus,tunnel air supply could provide the plant with favorable indoor environment,which meet the need of air conditioning requirement.It is also indicated that the influence of tunnel regulation ability on relative humidity is opposite to that on temperature.The field test of Shisanling hydro power station tunnel(deapth 250m),shows that the tunnel heat exchange is in the condition of constant wall temperature,which is proved by the accordance of theoretical function and field test data.

  • 【分类号】TV731.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】101

