

Creation and Application of Aesthetic Feeling in Vision Plastic Art of Residential Landscape Design

【作者】 牟夏

【导师】 杨豪中; 董芦笛;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 风景园林, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 经济的飞速发展,人们的生活水平日益提高,对居住环境的要求也在不断提高,人对居住环境的要求上升到了既能满足基本功能又能达到视觉上的美感。本文研究的内容就是居住区景观的视觉造型如何营造出美感来。艺术语言都是相通的,景观设计也不例外,造型艺术的原理同样也能应用到景观设计中,有一定规律可循。本文通过对居住区景观设计中视觉造型艺术的基本概念的辨析,界定了研究的范围,明确了研究的对象。文章首先对居住区和景观设计的相关概念进行介绍,还对视觉设计和造型艺术的相关概念进行介绍,通过对居住区景观设计中的视觉造型要素,线、形、色彩、质感进行研究,研究各视觉要素在居住区景观中的具体应用,把线、形、色彩、质感的视觉要素组织化,使之具有美的形态,分析如何营造出具有视觉美感的景观设计。居住区景观设计中的造型艺术是研究形体的塑造和设计师情感表达的一种艺术形式,本文在广泛收集资料、实际勘察、理论研究的基础上,对居住区景观设计的造型通过基本视觉要素从视觉的角度研究景观造型,并且研究如何运用形式美法则营造出具有视觉美感的景观设计,将居住区景观设计中的公共设施、水景、植物、铺装、小品等多种景观构成元素运用艺术语言构筑一个具有视觉美感的空间环境。

【Abstract】 With rapid economic development,people’s living standards are increasing with greater demands for better living environment,which requires not only meeting its basic functions but also achieving visual aesthetic feeling.This paper is focusing on how to create and utilize aesthetic feeling in vision plastic art of residential landscape design.There are empathies among arts,and the landscape design is no exception.The basic principles of vision plastic arts can also be applied to landscape design following certain rules.By differentiating and analyzing the basic concepts of vision plastic arts in residential landscape design,the scope and object of this study are defined.Some related concepts in residential district and landscape design are first introduced.A brief description is also given about vision design and plastic arts.By studying the application of the key elements of line,shape,color and texture in residential landscape design,those elements are well organized in vision modeling so that beauty and aesthetic feeling are created.How to create visual beauty in landscape design is also studied.Vision plastic art in residential landscape design is an art of plastic and an emotional expression of the designer.Based on a wide range of data collection,on-site investigation and theoretical study,the vision landscape modeling in residential landscape design is studied from a perspective of vision focusing on the key elements of line,shape,color and texture.How to create a visual aesthetic landscape design with law of beauty in form is also studied,which will construct a beautiful environment with artistic expression using public facilities,water features,plants,paving,and other small-scale landscape composition in residential landscape design.

  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253

