

Research on Mechanical Properties of the Q460 High-strength Angle Struts Eccentricity at Both Ends

【作者】 薛振农

【导师】 郝际平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国经济的发展,电力工业高速发展,输电线路向高电压、大容量、多回路和紧凑型发展。为了使输电塔的设计经济合理,使用高强度钢材成为合理的选择。本文主要结合两端偏心试验,验证了有限元分析的有效性,进行了参数分析。为研究Q460高强角钢力学性能,进行了48根Q460高强角钢两端偏心压杆试验,并对试验结果进行了分析。为了更好地了解Q460高强角钢的力学性能,本文利用大型通用有限元程序ANSYS对两端偏心压杆进行了分析研究。根据分析结果,进行了参数分析。在分析中考虑了几何非线性、材料非线性和状态非线性。有限元分析考虑了角钢长细比、角钢宽厚比、连接板长度、连接板厚度、螺栓直径、螺栓数量、螺栓预拉力对极限承载力的影响,并分析了初始几何缺陷和实际尺寸对极限承载力的影响。研究表明:当压杆为小长细比时,其破坏形式为局部屈曲;当压杆为大长细比时,其破坏形式为伴随有轻微扭转的整体屈曲,压杆的整体变形为绕平行于连接肢的x轴的弯曲变形。宽厚比的变化对压杆的极限承载力有显著影响,对于肢宽相同的角钢,不论其长细比是否变化,随着宽厚比降低,其极限承载力有显著增加。连接板厚度的变化对压杆的极限承载力有一定影响,在小长细比时,影响较小,在大长细比时,影响较大。压杆的实际尺寸对其极限承载力也有一定影响;其他因素对压杆的极限承载力的影响可以忽略不计。

【Abstract】 In recent years,along with our country economy development,electric power industry keep high speed development,transmission line to high voltage, large capacity,multi-loop and compact development.In order to enable the design of power transmission tower economic rationality,to use the high strength steel has became a reasonable choice.This paper main union the test on struts eccentricity at both ends,has confirmed the validity of finite element analysis,has carded out the parametric analysis.For the study of angle Q460 high-strength mechanical properties,so the 48 Q460 high-strength angle struts eccentricity at both ends have been tested,and test results are analyzed.For the better understanding the mechanical properties of Q460 high-strength angle,this article make use of large-scale general-purpose finite element program ANSYS to struts eccentricity at both ends analyzed.The results of the analysis carried out finite element analysis of variable parameters. In the analysis took into account the geometric nonlinearity,material nonlinearity and state nonlinearity.Finite element analysis taking into account the slenderness ratio of angle,width-to-thickness ratio of angle,connecting plate length,connecting plate thickness,bolt diameter,the number of bolts,pretension force of bolt’s the impact on the ultimate bearing capacity,and have analyzed initial out-of-straightness the actual size and initial out-of-straightness’s the impact on the ultimate beating capacity.Study shows that:when the struts for the small slenderness ratio,the destruction of the form of local buckling;when the struts for the large slenderness ratio,the destruction of the form of the overall buckling with mild rotation,the overall deformation of struts for around limbs parallel to the x-axis connecting the bending deformation.The changes of width-to-thickness ratio in the ultimate bearing capacity of the struts has a significant influence,for the same wide angle limb,regardless of whether the change in slenderness ratio, with the width-to-thickness ratio lower than its ultimate bearing capacity has increased significantly.Changes thickness of connecting plate to the ultimate bearing capacity of the struts have a certain influence,slenderness ratio in the small term,the impact is small,in the large slenderness ratio,the impact is greater.The actual size of struts to its ultimate bearing capacity also have a certain influence;other factors on the struts the impact of the ultimate bearing capacity can be neglected.


