

Study on Poison Gas Leakage and Emergency Evacuation in Urban Industry Disaster Areas

【作者】 杨晓璐

【导师】 赵江平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,城市人口密度迅速增大。很多以前处于人烟稀少郊区的危险化学品生产企业如今都坐落在人口稠密的城市内部。随着现代化生产的发展,其规模日趋扩大,且设备逐渐老化,因此,极易发生如重大火灾、毒物泄漏、爆炸等事故。在事故发生后,合理确定易燃易爆(有毒)物质泄漏扩散的浓度范围,将处于危险区域内的人群从危险区域疏散到安全地点是一项十分复杂的工作。城市工业区应急疏散管理的主要工作是对整个疏散路线进行合理设计,使其发挥最大效率,把危险区域内的人群迅速及时地转移到安全地点。围绕这个目标,本论文从氯气泄漏伤害范围的确定、厂内人员应急疏散心理及行为调查分析及采用车辆进行疏散时的最佳疏散路径的确定等三个方面,对城市工业区域应急疏散问题进行了研究,主要研究内容如下:1.运用FLUENT流体仿真模拟软件进行氯气泄漏模拟,观察氯气泄漏过程的特点,结合人员中毒阈限值,并确定危险区域,将危险区域划分为致死区、重伤区和致伤区,进而为人员疏散范围的确定提供了依据;2.通过问卷调查研究的方式,利用SPSS统计分析软件,对西安西化热电化工公司员工进行了应急疏散心理及行为方面的问卷调查。调查主要涉及三方面内容:个人信息、对毒气泄漏有关问题的了解和获悉泄漏信息后行为反应情况,共计22个问题,分析了不同个人因素与毒气泄漏行为及心理反应之间的相关程度;3.根据毒气泄漏伤害范围,充分考虑城市交通系统中疏散道路的车流密度,以及交通通行限制等交通系统的复杂性,以安德伍德(R.T.underwood)模仿流体力学导出的车速——密度模型为基础,采用路段信息表描述城市道路信息,建立城市道路交通数据库。根据Floyd(佛洛伊德)算法构造时间矩阵,提出通过车辆疏散时的一种确定最佳疏散路线的方法,为区域及大规模人群疏散路线的选择提供依据。最后利用MATLAB运行Floyd算法,计算了西安西化热电化工公司发生氯气泄漏后通过车辆进行疏散时的最佳疏散路线。通过对以上三个方面的研究发现,高浓度区的扩散速度比外围低浓度区的扩散速度慢,这有利于周边人群及早发现异常情况,尽早开始疏散。当风速增大时氯气云团的浓度被明显稀释,伤害区域范围缩小。问卷调查分析表明:员工闻到异常毒气气味时的第一行为反应与工作岗位相关,而与年龄、性别等因素没有很大关系。员工得知事故信息时第一行为反应的影响因素从大到小排序为:是否经历过毒气泄漏事故、工作环境、工作岗位。对最佳疏散路线的计算结果表明,在考虑了交通系统的复杂性之后,通过车辆疏散时不同时间段的最佳疏散路线是不同的,这一结果为疏散行动的实施提供可行,有效的依据。本研究结果清楚的展现了氯气泄漏的过程及特点,为泄漏后的事故处理提供有效依据;发现了员工应急疏散心理和行为的特点,以及影响心理和行为的因素,为员工的日常安全教育及应急疏散培训指引了方向;不同时间段的疏散路线为疏散行动的实施提供了可行,有效的依据。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of our country’s economy and the fast speed of the urbanized progress,urban population density is quickly enlarged.Many dangerous enterprises such as chemical factories are located in the city now.With the fast development of modernization its scale enlarged gradually and the equipments are gradually aging.So accidents are easy to happen such as serious fire,toxic gas leaking, explosion etc.When the accident happened,it is very complex to make sure the leaking diffusion concentration of the inflammable,explosive and toxic goods and evacuate the people in the dangerous areas to a safety areas.The main task of disaster evacuation management is to plan the whole evacuate system rationally,to maximize its efficiency and transfer the affected population who are in the city’s industry regions to a safe place.For this goal,there aspects were studied.They are identifying the hazards of chlorine leaking, investigation analysis of stuffs’ evacuate psychology and behavior,the optimal rescue rote via vehiche.The chief contents are as follows:1.CFD-FLUENT fluid simulation software is used to simulate chlorine leaking and identify risk areas which are divided into death areas,seriously injured areas and normal injured areas,to apply the basic for evacuation ares.2.Research the peoples’ psychology and behavior of Xi’an Chemical Company by means of the questionnaire and the SPSS software.Survey covered three areas mainly, they are personal information,acknowlege of toxic gas leaking-related issues and behavioral responses after knowing the leaking information form 22 questions in all.Then the relationship werw analysed between various personal characteristics and behaviors when toxic gas leaking.3.Based on the toxic gas leaking areas,considering traffic density of the evacuate road in the urban transportation system,and the traffic restrictions in the complexity of the transport system,traffic database of the city is construct based on the R.T. Underwood’ speed- consistency model.Floyd arithmetic is used to determine an optimal rescue route to apply the foundation of city evacuate route when toxic gas leaking.Finally,Floyd arithmetic is used to calculate the evacuate route as the chlorine leaking in Xi’an chemical companies via MATLAB.From the three aspacts of research we found that the speed of high concentration’s diffusion is slower than the lower,it is conducive to find abnormal circs early and evacuate as soon as possible to surrounding crowd.Whenthe wind speed increases the concentration of chlorine gas cloud was diluted significantly and the hurt region is reduced.From the analysis of the questionnaire,we can see that the first reaction acts of staff when they felt abnormal smell is related to the work-related,but not related to age, gender and other factors.The relationship degree with the staffs’ first reaction acts when they were informed the accident is the people’s experiences of gas leakage,working environment and jobs.The calculation results of the best evacuation routes show that,in different times the best evacuation routes are different when consider the complexity of the transport system,the results provide practical and effective basis for evacuation.The results demonstrated the process and the characteristics of the chlorine gas leakaging clearly and provide effective basis for the leaking accident;found the staff psychological and behavioral characteristics of evacuation and the factors that impact psychology and behavior,giving the direction for the staff daily education and training; different times of the evacuation routes provide feasibility and effective basis for evacuation action.


