

Stability Analysis of Arch-tower of Cable-stayed Bridge

【作者】 王亮

【导师】 于天来;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展和城市建设的需要,桥梁美观方面的要求变得越来越重要。因此城市中往往要修建一些比较优美的桥型,但是在结构方面就会比较复杂或者特殊。延吉拱塔斜拉桥就是这样一座桥梁,该桥桥塔比较独特,钢结构拱塔在横桥向为两个椭圆形拱,在纵桥向两个椭圆形拱分别向两侧倾斜20°角呈“V”型,且在纵桥向和横桥向均为变截面,桥塔在国内为第一次设计修建。该桥桥塔在施工阶段和成桥阶段的稳定性是非常重要的。本文施工阶段的稳定性计算时对桥塔模型进行了简化,运用逐次渐近法计算了拱塔的临界荷载,并运用卡罗波夫的方法对各施工阶段的屈曲特征值进行了分析。分析结果表明,拱塔在各施工阶段稳定性满足规范要求;随着施工阶段的进展,屈曲特征值逐渐减小。另外,分析了各施工阶段风荷载对屈曲特征值的影响,结果表明风荷载影响不大,影响随着施工阶段的进展逐渐减小,影响值0~2%之间。本文基于空间有限元原理运用Matlab程序编制了空间稳定的计算程序,并运用Midas和Ansys有限元程序对其进行了验证。运用该程序计算了成桥阶段各种可能的荷载或荷载组合的屈曲特征值,分析了风荷载、系统温度和活载的影响。分析结果表明,桥塔的屈曲主要以平面外侧倾失稳为主,各工况屈曲特征值均满足规范要求,风荷载和系统温度对成桥阶段桥塔的屈曲影响不大,活载对其有一定的影响,大约为5%左右。本文采用Midas有限元程序对桥塔进行了施工阶段和成桥阶段几何非线性屈曲分析,得出了各施工阶段和成桥阶段各荷载工况的荷载-位移曲线。分析结果表明,由于几何非线性的影响,桥塔的屈曲特征值减小了20%~30%左右,因此在进行拱塔的稳定分析时应计入几何非线性的影响。

【Abstract】 With the city’s economic development and the necessary construction, aesthetic requirements of bridges become more and more important. Some of the more beautiful bridges will be built in the cities, but they are always more complicated or special in the structure. Yanji arch-tower cable-stayed bridge is this kind of bridge.The bridge tower is quite unique that the tower is ellipse arch in the horizontal bridge approaches and is "V" type in the vertical bridge approaches because the two arch towers incline 20°angle to each side.This tower is the first construction in domestic.The stability of this tower is an important example in the construction stage and the operational stage.The model of the tower is simplified and the critical load is got by Successive approximation method in the construction stage analysis. The buckling eigenvalue of each construction stage is got by Calobove method. The analysis results indicate that the arch tower is safe at stability in the construction stage, and the buckling eigenvalue is smaller with the construction evolving. In addition, the effect of wind load to the buckling eigenvalue is analysised in each construction stage. The results show that the effect of wind is little, and it is smaller with the construction evolving, which is 0~2%.In this paper, the stability program is compiled by Matlab based on spatial finite element theory, and it is validated by the program Midas and Ansys. The buckling eigenvalue of each possible load and load combination is caculated by this program and the effect of wind load, the overall temperature and the moving load is analysised in the operational stage. The results reveal that the buckling style is the roll-plane instability primarily, the buckling eigenvalue of each load case meet the code, the effect of wind load and the overall temperature to the buckling eigenvalue is little, the effect of moving load is about 5%.The geometry non-linear buckling analysis of the tower is carried on in the construction stage by the program Midas. The load- displacement curve is obtained in the construction stage and the operational stage. The results indicate that the buckling eigenvalue reduces about 20%~30% because of the effect of the geometry non-linear. Therefore, it is necessary to reckon the effect of the geometry non-linear in when the buckling of the tower is analysis.


