

Environmental Emergencies in Our Country the Ruie of Law Study of the Emergency Response Mechanism

【作者】 鄂英杰

【导师】 周玉华;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上突发环境事件发生最为严重的少数国家之一,我国的突发环境事件呈现出多样性,高频性,广泛性和极易扩散性的特点。尤其在当今我国正处于多种矛盾凸显的转型时期,各类突发环境事件层出不穷,给我国公民的生命财产安全带来了重大的损失,同时也影响了和谐社会的构建。党中央、国务院自2003年的“非典”以后,便高度重视我国突发环境事件应急机制的建设。已经相继颁布了一系列的应急预案。2007年8月出台的《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》已经正式施行。可以看出,我国突发环境事件应急机制的建设已经取得了很大的成就。但在法治上,针对突发环境事件应急机制问题的研究在我国尚处于起步阶段,尤其是2008年1月的冰雪灾害,5月12日“汶川地震”的发生,充分暴露出了我国在应急机制的建设和管理层面上还存在的许多漏洞和不足。而很多发达国家已经形成了完备的法律法规体系和快速有效应急机制。因此,我们必须在借鉴国外的先进经验的基础上,加快建设和完善我国的突发环境应急机制。本文首先从突发环境事件的概念界定入手,探讨了突发环境事件的特性、影响危害、突发环境事件应急机制的内涵及建立的必要性。其次,本文论述了我国突发环境事件应急机制的现状及存在的问题,在借鉴了美国、日本、俄罗斯三个发达国家突发环境事件应急机制的基础上,初步提出了进一步完善我国突发环境事件应急机制的法治构想。所以,在本文的第五部分,主要从立法、原则以及制度三个层面提出了完善的具体建议。

【Abstract】 China is the most serious one of the few countries that the world’s sudden environmental incidents. That shows the diversity of environmental events, high-frequency, scope and vulnerable to the spread of sexual characteristics. Especially China is highlighted in a number of contradictions in the transition period today, many types of environmental emergencies, to our lives and property of citizens has brought great loss, but also affected the construction of a harmonious society.Central Committee and State Council since 2003, the "SARS", they would attach great importance to environmental emergencies in our country the construction of response mechanism. Has successively promulgated a series of contingency plans. Introduced in August 2007 the "People’s Republic of China law to deal with unexpected events" has been implemented. We can see that China’s environmental emergencies contingency mechanism has achieved a great deal. However, the rule of law, the emergency response to environmental emergencies study the mechanism in our country is still in its infancy, especially in the January 2008 ice disaster, May 12 "Wenchuan Earthquake" the occurrence of fully exposed in the contingency of our mechanism for the construction and management level there are still many loopholes and shortcomings. Many developed countries have formed a complete system of laws and regulations and the rapid and effective emergency response mechanism. Therefore, we must learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries on the basis of speeding up the construction and improvement of China’s sudden environmental emergency response mechanism.In this paper, first the concept of environmental emergencies defined start of the characteristics of environmental emergencies, the impact of hazards, environmental emergencies and emergency response mechanism to establish the meaning of the need. Secondly, this article discusses China’s environmental emergencies response mechanism of the current situation and problems in drawing the United States, Japan, Russia, the three developed countries, environmental emergencies response mechanism on the basis of the initial proposed to further improve the environment of China’s sudden incident response mechanism of the rule of law concept. Therefore, in Part V of this article, the main legislation, the principle of the system of three levels, as well as a well-specific recommendations.


